I Style the Homes of A-Listers in New York: These Are the Five Tricks to Make a Room Look More Expensive on a Budget

An interior design professional has revealed five things to consider as you refresh your space to make it feel more expensive.

Preston Konrad is a creative director based in New York, best known for his appearances on the Today show as well as Good Morning America, Rachel Ray and Access Hollywood.

He recommended layering rugs, removing “boob lights” and mixing textures to make a home look like it was put together by an interior designer.

The 39-year-old has designed retail spaces for luxury brands and said layered carpets were a must when he styled Ralph Lauren stores.

“It adds texture, it adds dimension, it makes your house look just a little bit neater,” he said online video.

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Interior designer Preston Konrad (pictured), from the US, has shared his top five styling tips to make your home look more expensive

Preston has designed retail spaces for luxury brands and said layered carpets were a must: ‘It adds texture and dimension and makes your home look smart.’

“I don’t like them super symmetrical, I like them a little uneven or slanted,” he added, saying they look better slightly “crooked.”

Preston said a “super easy” way to layer rugs is to use a sisal or jute rug as a base.

Secondly, the designer said that ‘boob lights’, a dome-shaped ceiling lamp, had to be given up [wall-mounted light] many now consider it outdated.

Providing a range of more modern options, Preston said those looking to replace the outdated bulb should opt for ‘recessed or semi-recessed lighting’.

“If you’re a renter, take out the chest, put on your light and replace it before you leave,” he said.

Preston’s third tip was to use Roman blinds instead of blinds or curtains.

The designer said he had to do away with ‘boob lights’, a domed ceiling sconce: ‘If you are a renter, take away the boob, put on your lamp and replace it before you leave’

Preston said Roman blinds (left) instead of blinds are perfect for rooms with shorter ceilings and that he recommends mixing textures such as wood, leather and concrete in living spaces

He installed Roman blinds in his own home after finding a “super affordable” set on Wayfair.

“It’s perfect for a room with a shorter ceiling or a window that isn’t super dramatic,” he said.

Another tip from Preston was to mix up textures and use a variety of fabrics and materials

“This is a designer favorite, so (use) vintage, leather, wood, concrete,” he explained.

Last but not least, Preston said he had to mix up photo frames instead of trying to match them all together.

‘These definitely shouldn’t match if you want that put-together designer look. Try combining vintage, wood and black gallery frames,” he said.

“I even like to throw objects into the mix so it feels really special.”

Living style enthusiasts were grateful for the useful advice with one saying: ‘I am now going to layer my living room carpet’.

‘I love these and you can do them all with different types or budgets. Great ideas for my clients selling their homes!’ wrote one real estate agent.

‘Thank you!! No more breast relief!!” replied another.

Many were not fans of the look of layered carpets and some pointed out that it could pose a tripping hazard.



Alistersbudgetdaily mailexpensiveFemaleHomesHousesNew YorkroomstyletricksYork
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