Army chief Putin warns that the risk in World War II is increasing enormously as the conflict in Ukraine threatens to spread throughout Europe

Putin’s feared army chief has sent a chilling warning to the West, saying the risk of a third world war is “rising significantly” and closer to reality.

Colonel General Vladimir Zarudnitsky said this was devastating fighting in Ukraine could soon pass Europe and a terrifying light global conflict.


Russian army chief Vladimir Zarudnitsky warned that World War III is “moving significantly” closer to realityCredit: AP


U.S. forces train with joint NATO partners and share tactics and procedures as part of Operation Baltic Fist in Tapa, Estonia


Zarudnitsky is considered one of Putin’s closest friendsCredit: AP

The senior military official described the risk of such a drastic escalation as “significantly increasing” day by day. Russia struggles to combat a new ‘hybrid warfare’ Ukraine and their global allies.

The Putin Friend even dragged the US into the eerily possible conflict, claiming they were pursuing an anti-Russian policy to continue showing support for Ukraine.

Zarudnitsky, head of Russia’s Military Academy of the General Staff, spoke to Military Thought – a Defense Ministry publication – and made serious threats, according to state media outlet RIA.

The chance that our state will deliberately become involved in new military conflicts is significantly increasing

Vladimir ZarudnitskyArmy Chief

He said: “The possibility of an escalation of the conflict in Ukraine – from the expansion of participants in ‘proxy forces’ used for the military confrontation with Russia to a full-scale war in Europe – cannot be excluded.

“The main source of military threats to our state is the anti-Russian policy of the United States and its allies, who are waging a new kind of hybrid warfare to weaken Russia in every possible way, limit its sovereignty and destroy its territorial borders . integrity.

“The chance that our state will deliberately become involved in new military conflicts is significantly increasing.”

His dire warnings aren’t the first time he’s floated the idea of ​​one WW3Senior Russian officials have mentioned escalation in style as a possibility.

In January, a detailed military report was leaked The possible ‘road to conflict’ of Russia’s greatest tyrant Putin dominate much of Europe.

The ten-point plan started last month and if everything goes well of the Kremlin This could culminate in a full-scale global war as early as 2025.

The final move could see 500,000 Russian and NATO troops face off at the Suwalki Gap, bringing the world to the brink of World War III.

World War III with Russia has already begun – and there is only one way to stop Putin from marching west, warns former deputy prime minister of Ukraine

Like Wednesday, Russian citizens were told to “keep calm” before their TV channels were taken over sirens blared in a chilling test of doom.

Harrowing apocalyptic sounds rang through all Russian regions as Putin, 71, tried to instill fear in every citizen.

The grisly test of the nuclear weapons warning system comes amid growing fears of one total nuclear war.

Since Russia is bloody invasion of Ukraine two years ago, Putin and his band of henchmen have stepped up their threats of nuclear war against the West and NATO.

These contain a promise wipe Britain off the map for supporting Ukraine.

And last week Russia fired one nuclear rocket – which is thirty times more powerful than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945.

Yars missiles – known to NATO forces as SS-29s – can reach speeds of Mach 25, or almost 20,000 miles per hour.

They can carry nuclear warheads up to 500 kilotons.

It is estimated that Russia has more than 150 Yars missiles in service – and almost 6,000 nuclear warheads.

It arrived just 24 hours later Putin rattled his nuclear sabre in a chilling threat to the West during a two-and-a-half-hour State of the Nation address.

The deranged despot – who looked sickly and shaky – warned NATO not to intervene Ukraine or face the wrath of its nuclear weapon arsenal.

He also bragged about how his unstoppable nuclear missile Sarmat – known as Satan-2 – had been delivered to Russian troops.

The aging Russian ruler appeared to be referring to the French president Emmanuel Macronstatements that he could not rule out NATO troops sent to Ukraine – claims that other allies of the alliance were quickly rejected.

During his explosive remarks, Putin warned that Western countries “must realize that we also have weapons that can hit targets on their territory.”

“All this really threatens a conflict with the use of nuclear weapons and the destruction of civilization. Don’t they understand that?”

The deranged despot then insisted the consequences would be ‘tragic’ and brandished the threat of his Sarmat nuclear missile – known as Satan-2.

Putin also boasted about the fact that his “strategic nuclear weapons are in a state of full readiness for guaranteed use.”

Putin’s nuclear threats

BELOW is a timeline of some of the thinly veiled and even more murderous threats that Vladimir Putin has made against the West with his nuclear arsenal since he invaded Ukraine two years ago.

February 24, 2022 – Vladimir Putin: “No matter who tries to get in our way or create more threats to our country and our people, they should know that Russia will respond immediately, and the consequences will be as great as has ever been seen in your entire history.”

March 26, 2022 – Putin friend Dmitry Medvedev: “We have a special document on nuclear deterrence. This document clearly indicates on what grounds the Russian Federation has the right to use nuclear weapons. … This includes when an act of aggression is committed against Russia and its allies.”

April 20, 2022 – Vladimir Putin: “The new Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile, which can carry nuclear warheads, will force anyone who tries to threaten our country in the heat of frenzied, aggressive rhetoric to think twice.”

February 29, 2024 – Vladimir Putin: “They must understand that we also have weapons that can hit targets on their territory… All this really threatens a conflict with the use of nuclear weapons and the destruction of civilization. Don’t they understand that?”

His threats came as Putin is almost certain to secure a third term this month in a mock election which would see him rule Russia until at least 2030.

Also last week, leaked Russian military files suggested that trigger-happy cases were a bull’s-eye Putin is closer than ever to unleashing a nuclear attack.

The bombshell papers reveal what it would be needed for Putin to press the red button – including an invasion by China.

It followed the warning from US intelligence last month Russia plans to launch nuclear weapons into space into a ‘serious’ threat to world security.

Such a weapon could pose a major threat to Western satellites that transmit billions of bytes of data every hour.


Putin has already threatened to escalate the warCredit: Getty


Ukrainian howitzer fires at Russian positions in Donetsk, Friday, March 1, 2024


Ukrainian troops battle Putin’s henchmenCredit: Reuters
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