Couple kills mother of Ukrainian refugee and kidnaps her daughter because they want a daughter for themselves

A couple have been arrested on suspicion of killing a Ukrainian refugee so they could steal her five-week-old baby girl.

Margarita R., 27, was found dead after her body was brutally dumped near a military base in Hockenheim, Germany.


Margarita R was found dead while her body was dumped by a military baseCredit: Newsflash


Margarita stands with a stroller in front of a restaurant in GermanyCredit: Newsflash


Mia is only five weeks oldCredit: Newsflash

Police allege that Ina O., 43, a mother of three, and her husband Marco O., 44, conspired to kill the young mother and steal her daughter.

Margarita had only just arrived Germany four months ago from Slovakia.

She had a little girl, Mia, who was reportedly found with Ina.

But Margarita’s mother Maryna Stetsenko, 51, is still missing in the crime that shocked Germany.

Neighbors claimed that shortly before Margarita’s body was discovered, Ina and Marco bragged about their “new baby girl.”

Armed police then broke up the couple’s home in Sandhausen and arrested Marco before later finding Ina and Mia.

According to PoliceMargarita died from “external violence”.

A neighbor tells BILD: “On Wednesday evening around 7 p.m., several cars with screeching tires stopped in front of the house and numerous masked men got out.

“When I went outside, my neighbor was sitting in front of the house with his hands tied. It wasn’t until I called the police that I found out it was a police operation.

“At first I feared it was a bad attack.”

Another neighbor told local media: “When the masked police stormed the house, only the man and a son were home.

“Nobody knows where the mother was with the baby and the other sons.”

They added: ‘What is certain is that the boys have also lost their mother and father, as it is unlikely that their parents will get out jail shortly. It is a tragedy for everyone involved.”

According to local media, Ina and Marco only moved into the semi-detached rental house three months ago with their two sons aged eight and eighteen and their three children. dogs.

They would be considered exemplary parents who lovingly care for their children.

A resident told local media that Marco O. had bragged shortly before Margarita’s body was found neighbors about having a new daughter.

He also allegedly claimed to colleagues that the newborn was still in intensive care.

A neighbor told BILD: “The couple have three sons, the man told me in December that they would have a girl in January.

“He proudly showed me a pink baby hat for the child.

“I was still surprised because his wife didn’t look pregnant at all. But I never expected that crime. The couple were always very polite and seemed nice.”

Another local resident said his wife scolded him for making the information public: “The woman was always very polite.

“But unlike her husband, very reserved. When her husband proudly told us about the new baby, she didn’t seem happy about it.

“She pulled him away from us and abruptly interrupted the conversation. We had no idea why she was so angry about her husband’s chatter. I felt sorry for the man because he was as angry as his wife.”

The neighbor, a woman who preferred to stay anonymouslysaid: “The suggestion that the two stole a child, murdered the baby’s biological mother and probably the grandmother as well, that makes everyone here sad and dismayed.”

Margarita’s mother Maryna S., 51, is still missing.

According to Ukrainian media, Margarita R., Maryna S. and the baby were last seen at a restaurant, reportedly accompanied by a woman from Walldorf, Baden-Wuerttemberg.

Police are still looking for her and have asked witnesses to come forward with any information.


Ina O is suspected of killing the mother so that she and her husband could steal her daughter


Marco O reportedly bragged to neighbors about having a ‘new daughter’


An undated photo shows Maryna Stetsenko, 51, who is still missingCredit: Newsflash
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