People always told me I looked ‘tired’; a $16 purchase fixes my dark circles

A BEAUTY fan has shared an eye cream that reduces her dark circles.

Even though she was skeptical at first, with a little patience she soon noticed dramatic anti-aging results.


Nimrah shared the $16 eye cream that improved her dark circlesCredit: TikTok everythingsnims


After just four months, she noticed dramatic resultsCredit: TikTok everythingsnims

Nimra (@allesnims) shared the skincare advice in a TikTok video.

She explained that she had struggled with dark circles her entire life.

“I always got comments, people were like, ‘Oh, why do you look so tired?’ and I thought, enough is enough,” she said.

“I did what any normal person would do, I went on TikTok and did my TikTok research and I found this.”

Nimrah revealed that the $16 Some of Mi Retinol Intense Eye Cream was the fruit of her beauty research.

“When I told you, I was shocked at how well this worked,” she said.

Although she initially started using the cream to improve skin tone under the eyes, she also noticed a reduction in her fine lines and wrinkles.

“I have a lot of expression in this part of my face, so I definitely get crow’s feet, but this helped 100%. This was the star,” she said.

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Although she didn’t notice anything for months, by month four she was sure the cream was working.

“From month seven to month nine, it was completely different under the eyes.”

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She added that the main ingredient in the eye cream, retinol, took time to work.

“These are my real results, pristine photos taken from the same angle, same window, same light,” she said.

“CONSISTENCY and PATIENCE are the key words with retinol.

“I never thought it would work, but I was so happy with my results.”


The eye cream also helped improve her wrinkles and crow’s feetCredit: TikTok everythingsnims

Anti-agingcirclesdarkfixeslookedpeoplepurchaseSection: Fantastic: Hair and Beautyskin caretiredtold
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