Gut Health: 6 Morning Juices to Relieve Constipation and Beat Digestive Problems

Nowadays, digestive problems such as constipation are becoming increasingly common. While medications can provide short-term relief, long-term solutions often lie in natural remedies. In this article, we have listed some effective juices that can relieve constipation and improve digestion.

Gut Health: 6 Morning Juices to Relieve Constipation and Beat Digestive Problems

Constipation is the most related stomach problem. It’s something everyone has experienced and can make life quite uncomfortable. Numerous things that can cause constipation are less fiber intake, no physical exercise, less water intake and others. This can directly impact nutrient absorption, the digestive process, and ultimately disrupt your entire gut health. Although many people choose to use medications to treat constipation, few natural remedies can also provide relief. For the long term, natural solutions can be quite effective. That’s why in this article we’ve shared a list of effective juices to help treat constipation and improve overall gut health.


  1. Apple and ginger juice: Apples are rich in fiber, which helps with bowel regularity and relieves constipation. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and helps soothe the digestive system. Combining the two in a morning juice makes for a refreshing and effective way to stimulate digestion.
  2. Spinach and pineapple juice: Spinach is packed with fiber and nutrients that support digestion. Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that aids digestion and reduces inflammation. Blending these ingredients into a juice can help relieve constipation and improve overall digestive comfort.
  3. Lemon juice is one of the popular juices to get rid of the problem of constipation. It is acidic and packed with vitamin C and antioxidants, which help remove toxins from the digestive tract.
  4. Orange juice: Oranges contain a high fiber content that adds volume to the stool and stimulates bowel movements. This citrus fruit is also packed with a flavonol known as naringenin, which provides immediate relief from constipation and promotes intestinal health.
  5. Pear Juice: Pears are another effective option to get relief from constipation. This fruit is rich in vitamins, contains fiber and is highly recommended for children with digestive problems.
  6. Plum juices: Plums are rich in dietary fiber that bulks up the stool and aids in its passage out of the body. It is also a good source of vitamin C and iron. It also helps treat digestive problems and promote healthy intestines.

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