Holiday well spent

Jeanne Strejlau, 58, legal assistant

“We are a big Italian family, so we have three Christmases. If we receive the whole family, 40 people will come. We spend a lot on food, wine and spirits. I’d say it’s up there, about $600 or $700. At Christmas we splurge.”

Nicole Strejlau, 27, pastry chef

“There are holiday parties and gift giving and things you want to do, but when January comes, what then? Can I really afford it? Should I just enjoy it now and deal with it later? This is something our generation is dealing with – not just for this time of year.”

Martin Block, 64, lawyer

“I’m spending like a devil this year. I am optimistic about the economy and about my situation. I haven’t spent much in recent years. I buy more gifts. I’m getting some expensive jewelry and we’re going on a cruise.’

Jennifer Maria, 37, executive assistant

‘I’m going to spend a lot of money – on candles, jewellery, mugs, scarves, whatever I can get my hands on. I think a lot of people gravitate toward retail therapy because of everything going on in the world. I think that’s why everyone’s here, just trying to get those images out of their heads.”

Melanie Romero, 31, financial aid counselor

“My dog, Sammy, gets a bed, boots, a coat and treats. I’m also going shopping for my mother and sister. That’s probably $300 to $400. I’m saving for this. I love the holidays. We are Puerto Rican, so our traditions are important. Christmas Eve we have a party at my mother’s house. We make music, dance, watch movies and eat a lot – pernil, rice, plátanos.”

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