A project involving children can find a place for you in or near the core team

OUR beloved astrologer Meg sadly passed away last year, but her column will be kept alive by her friend and protector Maggie Innes.

Read on to see what's written in the stars for you today.


March 21 to April 20

Venus and Pluto make an unlikely couple, but one that can shine a light on your true future.

You may have to make waves, but it's worth it.

If you're single, this may mean looking again, without judgment, at someone who seems the opposite of your “type.”

Stop bashing a cash gift and start using it.

Get the latest Aries horoscope news, including your weekly and monthly predictions


Your horoscope for Saturday

♉ Taurus

April 21 to May 21

With the moon's emotional pull working on what you truly value, you're ready to sort out your priorities.

If you neglect or put your own needs last, this can and should change.

Caring for others doesn't mean you can't take care of yourself.

During a day of shopping you can come across an extraordinary bargain.

Get the latest Taurus horoscope news, including your weekly and monthly predictions


May 22 to June 21

You are the zodiac sign best able to put difficult or unexpected feelings into words that can be immediately understood.

Try not to waste this temporary moon skill.

A project involving children can find a place for you in or near the core team.

This could be the work step you've been waiting for. Happiness wears blue.

Get the latest Gemini horoscope news, including your weekly and monthly predictions


June 22 to July 22

In a day full of dreams and deep desires, it is important to be clear in your own mind what you need before you try to tell others.

Take the time and space you need, for as long as you need.

A trip you may have thought you'd never take again could be your ticket to happiness while filling in emotional gaps.

Receive the latest news Cancer horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions


July 23 to August 23

Nowadays you are a gifted mediator and can help other people connect – but first make sure you really want to do that, as this can lead to an emotional crossroads later.

Drama around old friends may be easy to ignore, but dealing with it is the right approach for everyone.

New passion uses a very old telephone.

Receive the latest news Horoscope news about Leo including your weekly and monthly predictions


August 24 to September 22

Say hello to a day of setting goals and checking them off one by one.

As a long list gets shorter, you get a strong sense of your own destiny – and yes, that can be a surprise.

If you know you've always played a role in a relationship, it's time to take center stage as the real you, even if you feel like doing so may challenge one or more key people.

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September 23 to October 23

You can show you care in both small ways and big gestures, so keep doing what you're doing; a partner or family member is ready to respond very quickly.

The moon makes you an emotional adventurer, willing to explore unknown territory and show others the way.

This time a cash question has only one answer.

Receive the latest news Libra horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions

List of 12 zodiac signs

The traditional dates Mystic Meg uses for each board are below.


October 24 to November 22

Are you ready to really get to know yourself? If so, your chart is ready to show you.

Today you have more insight and knowledge than ever into what drives you, plus the Martian courage to stand up and fight for it, if necessary.

Yes, someone close to you may expect too much, but try to investigate why this is happening.

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November 23 to December 21

The harmony in your chart comes from the moon and is brilliantly balanced by the new, accessible attitude of Venus.

This gives you the most open heart, plus the opportunity to reveal more of yourself, even if it feels risky.

With practice you will become perfect.

In a one-time lucky link, a March date can be brought forward.

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December 22 to January 20

A fitness tip or video that you happen to come across may be completely intended because it fits your needs perfectly.

This is your chart that works well to improve your life and health.

Your job is to take yourself seriously and create a sensible schedule of achievable steps.

Love is a dip in happiness that leads you to “S”.

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Love is a dip in happiness that leads you to 'S'Credit: Getty


January 21 to February 18

After months of barely being able to talk about the future, you can talk about it today, free from fear or ready-made reasons to refuse.

Instead, you greet everything and everyone with the same warm smile and willingness to learn.

And the world can immediately start to look so different, so inviting.

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February 19 to March 20

The best and most lasting security grows within you – so if you're looking for outside approval or affection, look again today.

You are your own best friend and supporter, aided by the Moon and Venus.

Willpower may waver, especially around a special event, but can be back on track tonight.

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