Moment Ukraine's New Top General 'The Leopard' Marches Through MOSCOW With AK-47 As He Takes Up Arms For Soviet Russia

DRAMATIC footage shows the moment Ukraine's new army chief “The Leopard” marches through Moscow as Russian troops hold an AK-47.

General Oleksandr Syrskyinow charged with leading Zelensky's forces to victory, was once a 21-year-old cadet in the Red Army of Soviet Russia.


General Syrskyi, the new chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, with President ZelenskyCredit: Alamy


Oleksandr Syrskyi (circled) marching in Moscow with the Soviet Army in 1986


Syrski is Ukraine's new commander-in-chief


Ukrainian troops fire on Russian positions on the front line near KhersonCredit: AP

The 58-year-old general was appointed Ukraine's new commander-in-chief a few days ago, after the extremely popular Valerii Zaluzhnyi was dismissed.

Now incredible clips show how the battle-hardened officer marched into shape as a young man with his fellow troops in 1986.

Crossing Red Square in a strict march, the cadets paraded with Soviet rifles in front of then-communist leader Mikhail Gorbachev.

The November march came five years before the collapse of the Soviet Union – at a point when tensions were running high between Gorbachev's empire and the West.

Now the Russian-born Syrski – whose parents still live there – has faced waves of cruel backlash from the country.

A top Russian lawmaker labeled him “Judas,” while former Kremlin President Dmitry Medvedev called him a “traitor.”

And his parents, who are in their eighties, have been subject to vilification.

His 84-year-old father, Stanislav Syrski, was a colonel in the Red Army during Soviet times and served in the USSR and East Germany.

Some of Putin's most vile henchmen have blamed elderly parents for raising a “treacherous Nazi son.”

In a sickening outburst, Kremlin puppet and security chief Medvedev said: “When you look at the biography of the new commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Syrsky, you experience a feeling of hatred, contempt and disgust.”

Medvedev called him “a man who was a Soviet Russian officer but became a Bandera traitor who broke his oath and served the Nazis and destroyed his loved ones…

'Let the earth burn under his feet!' he raged.

And Russian MP Aleksey Zhuravlyov said: “It is clear that Syrsky, who was born and studied in Russia, is Judas, who betrayed everything and everyone and served the cannibals and criminals who hate our country.”

But Syrski called on Putin's jackals to stop “punishing his elderly parents.”

“Taking revenge on older people certainly goes against the code of honor of a Russian soldier,” he said.

Amazingly, the new Ukrainian commander is said to speak to his mother daily – in Russia – despite his role as leader in defending Kiev against Putin's illegal invasion.

His brother Oleg Syrsky, 51, also lives in Russia and works as a security officer.

According to the Moscow media, Syrski's parents are “Russian patriots”.

Kremlin propaganda channel RT claimed: “The parents of the new [Ukrainian] Commander-in-chief Syrskiy, who lives in Russia, was ashamed to look people in the eye when they heard what he was doing in Ukraine.”

A source reportedly told the station that his parents “spoiled their children with their kindness,” and now they don't talk about their Nazi son at all, “as if he never existed.”

But the same report quoted a family friend as saying that the commander “calls his mother every day…

“If he doesn't call, he will definitely write a message.”

Syrski defied expectations when he led Ukraine's efforts in defense of Kiev, and in 2019 was appointed commander of Ukraine's Ground Forces.

Some sources say he is ruthless and lacks the popularity among the ranks of his predecessor Zaluzhnyi.

He has a reputation for taking the fight to the enemy, even at the cost of great losses in manpower and equipment.

This is according to an unnamed source Politics that he has a reputation as a Soviet-style leader, putting his men in harm's way if it means hitting military targets.

And he is described as obsessed with planning and regime, and possessing iron discipline.

His hardline techniques could be exactly what Ukraine needs as the third year of Putin's brutal invasion approaches.


Syrski's Russian parents, both in their eighties


Syrsky, then 21, (circled) marching through Moscow's Red Square as a Soviet cadet


Destruction caused by the war in Ukraine, which is about to enter its third yearCredit: AFP

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