Mother is shocked after toddler rubs on Sudocrem

Difficult situation! Mother is horrified by a toddler who smears himself in Sudocrem after being left alone for two minutes

A mother was horrified when she turned her back for a few minutes to discover that her toddler had self-applied Sudocrem.

Daisy Stokes, 34, from Birchington, Kent, had left her mischievous 16-month-old son Reggie with older sister River, six, while she went upstairs to get ready.

But when she returned a moment later, she found the oily white diaper rash cream smeared all over her carpets and couch – as well as Reggie.

She managed to get a hilarious picture of the little boy covered in cream from head to toe.

And despite days of trying to get the white goop out of her upholstery, the mother of two’s carpet is still stained.

Daisy Stokes, from Birchington, Kent, found the oily white nappy rash cream smeared all over her carpets and sofa – as did her 16-month-old son Reggie

Daisy explained, “It was one of those typically annoying times for a mother where I had to be somewhere.

“I’d been rushing all morning getting him and his big sister ready to go out.

“Give myself two minutes to run upstairs and put on my clothes and ask big sis to please watch her brother — then I’ll walk back in and see.”

She said: “I was in such shock and had to grab him as quickly as possible to prevent further damage.

“I’ve tried everything to get it out of the carpet, but because it’s oil-based, it’s not going anywhere.”

Daisy, who just started her own cake company Daisy Cakes, said she’ll definitely keep the Sudocrem on the top shelf next time.

She added, “Reggie is the classic second child, I always joke that if I had him first I probably never would have been brave enough to have another one.”

‘He’s always everywhere and fiery too because he has red hair.

Daisy, who just started her own cake company Daisy Cakes, said she’ll definitely keep the Sudocrem on the top shelf next time. In the photo: Daisy and Reggie

When Daisy returned from getting ready, all hell broke loose in her living room

Despite days of trying to get the white goop out of her upholstery, the mother of two’s carpet is still stained

She said Reggie is the “classic second child” and the naughty little boy often steals food

The mother had asked her oldest daughter to babysit the toddler when chaos ensued Pictured: Daisy with her two children, River, six, and Reggie

“He steals people’s food off their plates when they’re not looking.

He even points to the ceiling to make the person look away from his plate and then goes in for the grab. He is very funny.’

Recently, an anonymous mother was “shocked” after a couple made a mess of their toddler at a restaurant.

She posted on UK forum Mumsnet to ask others if she was being unreasonable and wondered if parenting has changed for the worse over the years.

The baby was screaming to get out of the high chair, banging cutlery on the table, spilling water everywhere and pulling soil out of a potted plant.

The divisive post angered some users, some claiming she should mind her own business, while others agree that parents are too relaxed.

daily mailfamilyfemailmotherrubsshockedSudocremtoddler
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