I was so distraught after a mean comment about my weight on a night out that I booked a gastric band in Turkey the next day

A woman was so distraught when a man made a cruel joke about her weight that she booked a gastric bypass the next day in Turkey.

Tara Omidi, from Oldham, Manchester, started packing on the pounds and struggled with binge eating after her son was born in 2011, when she was 17 years old.

Despite trying everything from counseling to Slimming World, the singleton was stuck in a 'binge-restrict' cycle, indulging in extreme binges of fatty food, fizzy drinks and chocolate every Sunday.

But her breaking point came when a man her 'skinny' boyfriend had flirted with singled Tara out on a night out, telling her to 'go home and stuff her face with chicken nuggets'.

The 30-year-old, who weighed 14st at the time, booked stomach surgery the next day and in September 2022 underwent the procedure that has now helped her lose more than 5st and drop four dress sizes.

Tara Omidi, from Oldham, Manchester, was so distraught when a mean guy made a joke about her weight on a night out that she booked a stomach reduction in Turkey the next day

Tara, who shared her transformation on TikTok, was almost 14th at the time and paid £3,110, including return flights to Turkey, transfers and the operation.

Now weighing 10lbs, the mum-of-one is 'thriving' and can't believe the old photos of herself are her.

Despite trolls saying her weight loss makes her look 'haggard' and 'aging', she believes she looks younger and feels like she is 17 again.

Meanwhile, most social media users have praised her incredible weight loss journey with many saying she looks 17 again.

Tara said: 'Before the binges started I used to fluctuate between eight and eight and a half stone.

'When I had my son, I stacked four stones on top of it.

'I got bigger and bigger. I hated myself and had no self-confidence at all.

'The final icing on the cake was when I had a night out with two of my friends who are both thinner than me.

The 30-year-old booked the stomach surgery and in September 2022 she underwent the procedure

The gastric sleeve procedure has now helped her lose more than 5st and drop four dress sizes

Despite trying everything from counseling to Slimming World, the singleton was stuck in a 'binge-restrict' cycle, indulging in extreme binges of fatty food, fizzy drinks and chocolate every Sunday.

The TikToker was almost 14th at the time and paid £3,110, including the return flights to Turkey, transfers and the operation

“They met these guys. They were both flirting when one of these guys said to me, “Go home, you, and go stuff your face with a load of chicken nuggets.”

'I cried when I came in and thought: 'I can't do this anymore, I'm booking the operation'.

Tara felt like she was stuck in a “vicious” cycle of binge-and-restrict, running on the treadmill and eating only coconuts during the week, then bingeing all day every Sunday.

Tara said: 'I was so down, I was in a vicious circle and I thought, 'I can't do this anymore.'

'I was actually hibernating. If I were in a supermarket I would dodge the isles to avoid people. I thought: 'I can't live like this'.

'From the moment I opened my eyes to the moment I closed my eyes on a Sunday, I literally ate everything in sight.

Now weighing 10lbs, the mum-of-one is 'thriving' and can't believe the old photos of herself are actually hers

Despite trolls saying her weight loss makes her look 'haggard' and 'aging', she believes she looks younger and feels like she's 17 again

She now feels more confident than ever and wishes she had had the operation sooner

Tara felt like she was stuck in a “vicious” binge-and-restrict cycle, where she would walk on the treadmill and eat only coconuts during the week and then binge all day every Sunday

Tara looks back at old photos of herself and can hardly believe what she looked like

'I would go from one extreme to the other. It's embarrassing, but on those binge days it would amount to three takeaways a day.

'Now I feel younger in the way I look and feel now. My energy level is so much better.

'I feel just like I did when I was 17. I feel young again.

“I hear trolls saying, 'You look haggard now.' But I won't let it pass me by. I definitely look and feel younger, and at the end of the day, being healthy is all that matters.”

Since losing more than fifth place, Tara looks back and can hardly believe how she looked, but now feels more confident than ever and wishes she had had the operation sooner.

Tara said she feels younger in the way she looks and dresses now, while her energy levels are also so much better

Tara, with her new-found confidence, admitted she even did “a little flirting” and chatted with people

Tara explained that she is now excited to get up and start the day and put on a nice outfit

Meanwhile, most social media users have praised her incredible weight loss journey with many saying she looks 17 again

Tara said: 'I look at old photos and can't believe it's me. I knew I was going to gain weight, but I couldn't believe I would let myself get that bad.

'Together with my then partner, I had a bad feeling about myself. I thought, 'Why is he even with me?' I thought he was going to cheat on me because I was so big.

'Now I feel like getting up and starting the day and putting on a nice outfit.

'I used to feel worse after putting on makeup because I felt like I was trying too hard and felt like I was blending in. I couldn't win. But now I want to do my hair nice and put on makeup.

'I left a relationship where I wasn't happy. I felt so miserable and put up with it because I thought I would never meet anyone else again. Now I feel like I'm blossoming.

'I've been flirting a bit and chatting to people here and there, but it all comes with your self-love and confidence.'


Breakfast: A full English breakfast or cheese on toast

Lunch: McDonald's or a KFC

Dinner: Pizza delivery with fries and desert

Snacks: Carbonated drinks between each meal, chocolate and sweets after dinner


Breakfast: Low-calorie crustless toast and a cup of tea or an egg white mocha and a cereal bar with vitamin gummies

Lunch: Soup or a sandwich

Dinner: A small baked potato with low-fat cheese, beans and salad or a low-calorie pasta dish or two slices of homemade pizza

Snacks: A chocolate bar or popcorn after dinner

bandbookedcommentdaily mailDaydistraughtFemalegastricManchesternightTikTokTurkeyViralweight
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