The Swedish leader says he will meet Orbán in a bid to advance NATO bid

Bowing to a Hungarian demand for negotiations on NATO expansion, Sweden's prime minister agreed Thursday to hold talks with Hungary's leader, Viktor Orban, the latest obstacle blocking the Nordic nation's admission to the military alliance.

The decision by Sweden's leader, Ulf Kristersson, to accept Mr Orban's invitation to visit Budapest for talks reversed an earlier position that had threatened the future of the US-led alliance – a bloc whose 31 member states total population of almost a billion – was not something to be negotiated with Hungary, a military lightweight with only 10 million people.

However, a vote by the Turkish parliament on Tuesday to accept Sweden as a member of the alliance left Hungary as the only remaining supporter and strengthened Orbán's influence. It also reinforced accusations abroad that he was essentially holding Sweden's membership for ransom.

In a sign that Orbán intended to use his power, Laszlo Kover, a close ally of the Hungarian prime minister and speaker of parliament, indicated on Thursday that he was in no hurry to put the issue to a vote. Parliament is in recess and will not return until February 15.

“I don't feel like there's anything urgent for us; In fact, I don't think there is an extraordinary situation,” Mr Kover said an interview with a pro-government news portal, Index.

The portal, like many other Hungarian media outlets, was independent but became firmly aligned with the government after it was taken over by a businessman loyal to Mr Orban.

Mr Kover, a longtime member of the nationalist ruling party Fidesz, said he was personally against Sweden's NATO membership because “they refuse to show even the slightest respect” and had accused Hungary of democratic backsliding “simply because we want our countries to protect”. children are victims of LGBTQ brainwashing at any cost.”

In the past, Sweden, like most members of the European Union, accused Hungary of violating minority rights and undermining democracy, but last year elections brought to power a right-wing government that, backed by a far-right party that has many of the views shared Mr Orbán's views have retreated from criticism of Hungary's domestic policies.

After Turkey voted to admit Sweden, Mr Orbán said on Wednesday he would urge the Hungarian parliament to follow suit. However, he gave no timeline and repeated a long-standing assertion that lawmakers make their own decisions. That claim is despite the fact that Fidesz has a large majority of seats and invariably follows the prime minister's instructions.

Mr Kover said he could change his mind and vote to include Sweden in the alliance if the country showed more respect.

Admission of a new member to NATO requires the unanimous support of the alliance's members, and all but Hungary and Turkey approved more than a year ago. Finland's admission last April marked a strategic defeat for Putin. But the blow to Russia was softened when Hungary and Turkey foiled plans for Sweden and Finland to join 'hand in hand'.

That Hungary would blockade Sweden, which has a highly developed arms industry and a modern navy and air force, which are essential for the defense of the Baltic Sea, has caused widespread consternation and even led to calls in some quarters, especially in the Baltic countries for Hungarian support. expulsion from NATO.

Mr Kover dismissed criticism of Hungary's standalone position as the work of “bored politicians” who want to treat his country like a “cheap toy”.

Hungary has repeatedly promised that it would not be the last country to accept Sweden and has cited a wide range of different reasons for its foot-dragging. These include complaints about teaching materials in Swedish schools, complaints about years of comments made by Mr Kristersson and members of his cabinet, and planning problems.

Mr Kristersson has apparently decided that accepting Mr Orban's request to visit Budapest for negotiations is a small price to pay. His announcement Thursday came just a day after his Secretary of State, Tobias Billstrom, said he saw “no reason to negotiate” with Hungary.

“I agree with you that a more intensive political dialogue between our countries would be useful,” Mr Kristersson said in a letter to Mr Orban on Thursday, a copy of which was viewed by The Times.

Citing Hungary's use of Swedish-made fighter planes and their shared membership of the European Union, Mr. Kristersson expressed hope that the Hungarian parliament would ratify Sweden's NATO membership and “create a solid basis for progress in our bilateral relations and to strengthen mutual understanding. and trust.”

Christina Anderson contributed reporting from Stockholm.

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