'Need A Wife': with billboards on e-rickshaw MP Man seeks bride for himself

Viral news: 29-year-old man in Madhya Pradesh's Damoh seeks bride through e-rickshaw hoarding. The billboard contained personal details of the man, such as height, date of birth and gotra.

'Need A Wife': with billboards on e-rickshaw MP Man seeks bride for himself

Damoh: A very popular saying in India is that it is easier to get married at any age, but it seems that this does not apply to a man from Damoh in Madhya Pradesh. 29-year-old Deependra Rathore has taken a unique approach to finding a bride for herself. He has attached a billboard on his e-rickshaw, displaying his marriage intention and personal details.

According to Deependra, he wants to get married but cannot find a perfect partner due to the 'shortage of women in society'. He added that religion and caste differences do not matter to him and any woman can approach him with a marriage proposal.

Rathore also joined a marriage group to look for a bride, but he could not find a woman from his town. Then he decided to put up the billboard with his details.

Deependra said that he is also ready to marry a woman outside his city.

The hoarding showed details about the 29-year-old man including his height, date and time of birth, blood group, educational qualifications, 'gotra', etc.

Deependra's parents also support his approach to finding a perfect life partner. “My parents are busy with adoration so they don't have time to find a girl for me and hence I have to do it,” said Rathore.

Rathore supports his family by driving his own e-rickshaw. He said that whoever becomes his better half will always remain happy.

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