The brainteaser Pancake Day challenges you to discover 13 differences in two pictures

WHETHER your favorite topping is lemon and sugar or Nutella and ice cream, within a few hours many of us will be tucking into delicious pancakes.

To get you in the mood for Pancake Day, VegasSlotsOnline.coman igaming platform, has put together a brainteaser that anyone can try out.


Can you find the 13 differences between these two images?Credit:


The two images were made in honor of February 13, Pancake DayCredit:

There are 13 differences between these two photos for you to discover, in honor of today, February 13th.

Have fun searching!

The colorful image shows a family of four preparing the tasty annual treat in their kitchen.

But while the challenge may seem simple at first, the puzzle is packed with different pancake toppings to take your mind off the smell.


How are you? Have you found all 13 differences yet?

If you're having trouble identifying them all, scroll down to see the answers circled in white.

For example, the plant pot on the top shelf has changed from terracotta to pink, a rainbow has appeared on the boy's apron and the egg on top of the pancakes has disappeared.

There's also an extra blueberry on the three-layer pancake stack, a fork has appeared on the side of the plate, and the boy's sleeve has changed to a block color instead of two gray stripes.


The answers can all be found circled in white aboveCredit:

Do you fancy someone else?

Well, with Valentine's Day just around the corner, a company is called Bountiihave released a very appropriate new wedding themed brainteaser.

Everyone knows the name of these chess pieces… but you need a high IQ to find the odd one out in the brainteaser within 5 seconds
Another brainteaser challenges puzzles to find the two hidden gold wedding rings

The challenging puzzle is filled with everything from champagne glasses, a camera, presents and flowers to lovebirds, all positioned in a giant wedding cake.

But it is the two gold wedding rings that have stunned the country.

Aren't you lucky either? Well, we'll give you a little clue.

Look at the right side of the cake.

Still no luck? Then scroll down to reveal the answer…

Circled in white you can see the well-hidden wedding rings hidden in the bottom half of the cake, and to the right of the white bird with yellow wings.

The answer lies on the right side of the wedding cake

If you got 2/2 right, why not try this third one?

You'll need a calm mind to find the three hidden hearts in this love-themed brainteaser.

They are disguised somewhere between the roses and the lover penguins.

But do you think you have what it takes to beat the 20-second record?

The Valentine's Day-themed image is trickier than it looks – all thanks to the busy background that camouflages the other shapes – including various pink, red and white roses and penguins in love.

Can you find the three hidden hearts in this Valentine's Day themed puzzle?

If you've done it right and are still none the wiser, you can breathe a sigh of relief because here are the answers.

The first heart is hidden in the top left corner and secretly replaces a rose petal.

The second can be found at the bottom center, drawn in a pink rose; and the third is similarly hidden in a rose, but a red one located at the top right of the image.

You will find the answers highlighted above

brainteaserchallengesDaydifferencesdiscoverOptical illusionPancakepicturesValentine's Dayweddings
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