People share hilarious passive-aggressive posts from people they’ve encountered

Petty for your thoughts? Passive aggressive messages take pedantry to a whole new level

It’s inevitable in life that people will annoy you, but why communicate what annoys you in an honest and mature way when you can write an old-fashioned passive-aggressive note?

From Nashville and Melbourne to London and Leeds, Yahoo! Finance has collected a gallery of hilarious messages from disgruntled people who really wanted to convey how annoyed they were, but didn’t want to let things escalate into a full-blown showdown.

A restaurant manager left customers a note saying that if they weren’t happy with the wait time at their establishment, they could apply for a job helping the understaffed team.

Elsewhere, a university lecturer sent an email to a chronically late student to “congratulate” them on breaking their own record for tardiness.

And another shared a very passive-aggressive message from the language app Duolingo, which is famous for the little reminders it sends to users who skip classes.

From Popeyes restaurants in the US to Leeds, Yahoo! Finance has collected a gallery of hilarious passive-aggressive messages from disaffected people. In London, someone left a note calling to pick up someone’s dog ‘free yoga’

A manager of the Louisiana restaurant chain Popeyes told customers that if they weren’t happy with the wait time at their establishment, they could apply for a job helping the understaffed team

After a car failed to park in the correct bay, an angry passerby drew new lines on either side of the parking lot

In Hawaii, a landlord “thanked” his tenants for using a planter in front of the house as an ashtray.

In Nashville, a disgruntled mother used “sad” cookies to guilt her children into visiting her more.

Meanwhile, several wives and husbands and even roommates exposed the passive aggressive texts they sent each other about housework and dishes.

Scroll down for more petty and passive-aggressive posts that will get you down!

A guitar shop in Leeds was so tired of hearing some people play the same songs over and over that they put up a sign prohibiting them from being played

The language learning app Duolingo leaves passive-aggressive reminders for users who skip their lessons

In the US, a driver wanted to say that they were better at obeying speed limits than others

One company even went so far as to include a passive-aggressive note in this security alert on a package

After seeing their neighbor smoking in the stairwell, someone took the trouble to pick them up to make a point

A disgruntled roommate has left a fed up note about the dishes after the people they live with don’t clean up after themselves

An insignificant husband in Alberta incorrectly filled the dishwasher to get back at their wife after they had a fight

A woman in Melbourne took a picture of a piece of egg her husband left on the floor after breakfast and sent it to him instead of cleaning it up

A mom used cookies as a passive-aggressive way to let her Nashville kids know she’d like them to visit more often

Could there be a not-so-hidden message in this manager who recommended a pointy book to his employee?

Elsewhere, a university teacher emailed a chronically late student to “congratulate” them on breaking their own record for tardiness

A landlord managed to get into his tenant’s skin by only responding with emojis after they asked for shelves

A friend bought this rug to let all visitors know what she thinks about her boyfriend’s lack of proposal

A landlord in Hawaii left a note in a planter to prevent people from putting cigarette ash in it and signed it “mahalo,” which means “thank you.”

daily mailencounteredfemailHawaiiHilariousLondonMelbourneNashville SCpassiveaggressivepeoplepostssharetheyve
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