Putting pots and pans on your stovetop is a mistake pet owners should NEVER make – be careful or you will face deadly consequences

A DOG caused a kitchen fire by switching on an electric hob, prompting warnings from firefighters and pet owners.

The dog accidentally turned on the electric stove, which set fire to the items on it and filled the pan kitchen with smoke.


Essex Fire and Rescue Service is now warning others about the risk posed by petsCredit: Alamy

Fire brigade inside Corringhamnear Thurrock, Essexattended the incident and extinguished it using hose reels before ventilating the house.

Essex Fire and Rescue Service is now warning others of the risk from pets and objects left on the heat source.

Watch Manager Rob Fossett said: “We are urging residents to keep their hobs and ovens completely clear.

“This morning we were called to one kitchen fire which started after items were left on the stove. It was accidentally turned on by the family dog.

“If you have an electric hob, it is best to switch it off with the switch when you are not using it. This way it cannot be accidentally turned on by pets.

“Thanks to the quick action of the crew, the damage was limited to the kitchen.”

Be careful what you use on your dog

It comes after a dog was left behind”shout” in agony over a £28 shampoo, forcing the owner to fork out an eye-watering £1,500 in vet bills.

Devanshi Ruperal, 39, is now warning others dog owners should be wary of the OUAI Fur Bébé she used on him.

Devanshi used the luxurious shampoo for her dog in hopes of giving him a pampering experience.

However, when she started to rinse the product from his head, some of it got into his eye, causing her dog to scream in pain.

Veterinarian urgently warns about dog breeds: they snore, have bulging eyes and cost you a fortune

She claims she feared the dog would go blind and said it was unbearable to hear him suffer.

After taking him to the veterinary surgeon she was later told he needed surgery, which would cost Devanshi £1,500 in treatment.

She said: “This is a brand that is supposed to be chemical and paraben free. All I want is a change in labeling to say it can cause burns and is dangerous to the eyes.”

When Devanshi confronted the brand, she was told there was nothing they could do and offered her a £50 discount.

The Sun has asked OUAI for comment.

Become a dog whisperer

With spring just around the corner, dog owners are being urged to be on the lookout for changes in their pet’s behavior warm weather.

It comes after a study found that dogs are 11 per cent more likely to bite when the sun is shining and temperatures are high.

Caine behaviourist Debby Lucken, 42, has revealed how owners can best understand their dogs.

Firstly, Debby from Dorset recommends looking for signs that your dog is stressed.

These can range from lip-linking when there is no food nearby to shedding the body when it is not wet.

Debby said, “Generally speaking, these signals serve as initial ways of telling us how they are feeling and asking us to stop what we are doing.”

When humans fail to recognize these signals, dogs will turn to more blatant signals, such as growling and biting.

The dog expert added: “If your dog growls, don’t say so as he is only giving a warning.

“In fact, if we don’t listen to those warning signs or if we alert them, dogs will have little choice but to step up the conversation and may resort to biting.”


Here are 10 tips to keep your dog safe during the winter months

Battersea dog and cat home have revealed the best ways to care for your dog during winter.

When you go for a walk, it is important that your four-legged friends are wrapped warmly.

Put a dog coat over it when you go out, especially if you have a fine-coated dog like a Greyhound or Staffie.

  • Check if there is snow between the toes

This is especially important in long-haired dogs, as they are sensitive to snow compacting between their toes and turning into ice balls, which can be very painful.

If this goes well, you can trim the long hair between your dog’s toes to help prevent this.

  • Check for salt and grit between the toes

Clean their paws at the end of your walk, as salt and grit from roads and sidewalks can also get stuck between their toes.

Dry off wet and muddy dogs after a walk and make sure they have a cozy bed to return to, away from cold drafts.

Some dogs can be very reluctant to go out into the cold.

If this is the case, don’t force them to go outside, but make sure you give them plenty of toys to play with and keep them occupied while they are indoors.

  • Adjust their food if necessary

If you notice that your dog is less active during the winter months, make sure you adjust the amount of food you feed him accordingly to avoid weight gain.

  • Make sure they have a good memory

Cold weather often causes reduced visibility in foggy or snowy weather.

If you release him, make sure your dog has good memory to avoid getting lost, and as always, make sure his microchip details are up to date with your correct contact details.

If the nights start earlier and the sun rises later, you can attach a small light to your dog’s collar so he can be seen during walks when visibility is poor.

  • Never leave your dog unattended in the car

Just as cars can become deadly hot in the summer months, temperatures can drop very quickly in cold weather.

Always take your dog with you and do not leave him in the car for long periods of time.

  • Stay away from frozen lakes and rivers

Keep your dog away from areas of frozen water as it is impossible to tell how safe the surface is.

Keep them on a leash if you think they might be tempted to jump in.

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