Queen of Clean Lynsey Crombie warns of dishwasher hack on social media

The Queen of Clean has warned fans to avoid an online dishwasher hack that ultimately left her trainers in tatters.

On today’s episode of This Morning, Holly Willoughby said she saw a social media hack where someone put their dirty white trainers in the dishwasher and then showed them sparkling clean when they took them out.

Lynsey Crombie, from Peterborough, tested this and sadly paid the price as it ruined her trainers.

She said, “I saw (Holly’s) comment and I was like, ‘What is she talking about?’ So I had to try. One of my trainers had a bit of duck poop from walking the dog and I thought you know what, they’re there to put in.’

She then revealed the results, saying, “I don’t recommend these guys!”

Queen of Clean Lynsey Crombie put the dishwasher hack to the test and sadly paid the price as it wrecked her trainers

Video footage shows her putting her perfectly intact sneakers in the dishwasher.

But in the studio, Lynsey revealed her broken shoes, which were ripped to pieces.

The liner was sticking out, the sole and show cushioning were ruined, and the pink of the shoe stained the white laces.

Lynsey said, “I think because the dishwasher is hot – the minimum heat on mine is 45 degrees – and then you get the steam, and I think it’s the steam that created it.”

She then revealed that the shoes had left “leather flakes” in the bottom of her dishwasher, adding “they were just a big soggy mess.”

Holly then warned viewers, “Don’t put your shoes in the dishwasher, kids!”

Lynsey then had to clean her dishwasher after the shoes had been in it, saying, “It just felt disgusting, so I cleaned it really well.”

But it’s not all bad news, as she revealed that there are indeed items of clothing we can put in our dishwasher.

She revealed that running the dishwasher is also cheaper, about two pence an hour compared to 14 pence an hour for a washing machine, depending on the machines you have.

Vacationers might be happy to hear that Lynsey said you can put baseball caps in the dishwasher.

Lynsey also revealed that running a dishwasher is cheaper than using a washing machine and can be useful for some things

The liner was sticking out, the show sole and cushioning were ruined, and the pink of the shoe stained the white laces

She said, “Now I wouldn’t put this in your washing machine because running around there will break the spike, but I’ve done this a few times on my social media and this works.”

She also said that if you kneaded some aluminum foil and put it in the dishwasher along with your metal cutlery, it would regain their shine, but she admits she didn’t know the science behind it.

Lynsey said you should never put wooden cutlery like wooden spoons or chopping boards in the machine because the wood expands and bacteria can contract.

She also said it’s not recommended to put crushed garlic or graters in the dishwasher because bits of solidified food can clog the holes.

Lynsey says you should always check your pots and pans to see if they’re dishwasher safe.

But in terms of what else you can put in the dishwasher for a deep clean, the guru says Duplo-style Lego can be popped into a secure laundry bag and used for a cycle.

Rubber ducks, slippers, toothbrushes, toothbrush holders and brushes (as long as they are made of plastic) were also among the things you can put in the dishwasher.

She then revealed that the shoes left “leather chips” in the bottom of her dishwasher, adding “they were just a big soggy mess”

Lynsey said her flip flops washed “really nicely” in the dishwasher, but added that there’s one brand (which she couldn’t name) that you shouldn’t put in them or they would melt.

They then shared another bizarre video found online of someone unscrewing their toilet seat to put in the dishwasher, which left Lynsey just as baffled.

She said ‘I don’t think this is necessary at all I just think if you clean your toilet properly why on earth would you do that and who has the time to take their toilet seat off and put it in the dishwasher? fuses?

“And who puts down their plates after the toilet seat has been in them?”

She said she uses a handheld steam cleaner and a lemon to sterilize her toilet seat.

cleanCrombiedaily maildishwasherfemailhackHolly WilloughbyLynseymediaQueensocialThis morningwarns
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