Russia issues chilling warning to the West, threatening to 'unleash its entire arsenal on London if it loses the war in Ukraine'

RUSSIA is issuing a chilling warning to the West, threatening to unleash 'its entire arsenal' if it loses the war in Ukraine.

The Kremlin threatened to fire nuclear missiles at London, Washington, Berlin and Kiev if it is forced to give up the parts of Ukraine it has invaded.


Putin's henchman left a threatening message to the West


Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev says Russia will unleash 'its entire arsenal'Credit: East2West


He lashed out at the British defense minister for opposing PutinCredit: AP

Dmitry Medvedev – a close ally of Putin who served as president from 2008 to 2012 – said Moscow would unleash Armageddon if a military defeat led to a return to the 1991 borders.

“Attempts to return Russia to its 1991 borders will only lead to one thing,” he said.

“Towards a global war with Western countries where we use the entire strategic arsenal of our state.

“In Kiev, Berlin, London, Washington.”

Hypersonic nuclear missiles would also hit “all the other beautiful historical places that have long been among the flight targets of our nuclear triad.”

“Will we have the courage to do this when the disappearance of a thousand-year-old country, our great motherland, is at stake, and the sacrifices made by the Russian people over the centuries will be in vain?

“The answer is obvious,” he added.

He suggested that Kiev and the West should give Putin the parts of Ukraine he considers Russia.

Otherwise, Russia would have to take matters into its own hands “with maximum losses for the enemy.”

'Just like in Avdiivka. Our warriors are heroes!' Putin's friend added.

Medvedev, deputy head of Russia's security council overseeing the war, lashed out at “snotty Anglo-American foster children” who opposed Putin.

He was triggered by the position of the head of the British Ministry of Defense, Grant Shapps, who said that “the world cannot afford a Russian victory”.

'Let's imagine for a moment that Russia lost and 'Ukraine with its allies' won.

“What would such a victory look like for our enemies – the neo-Nazis and their Western sponsors?

“Well, as has often been said, a return to the borders of 1991.”

He was referring to the year the Soviet Union fell, shrinking the borders of Russia's territory as former member states gained independence.

Medvedev then said that if the West had its way, there would be a “direct and irreversible collapse of today's Russia,” including the recently invaded territories.

He accused the West of unleashing a “violent civil war” within Russia's borders that would erase the country from the world maps.

“Tens of millions of victims. The death of our future. The collapse of everything in the world,” Medvedev wrote.

He asked: “Do these idiots really believe that the Russian people will accept such a division of their country?

“That we will all think something like: 'Well, unfortunately, this happened. They have won. Today's Russia has disappeared.

“It's a shame, of course, but we have to continue living in a collapsing, dying country, since a nuclear war is much more terrible for us than the death of our loved ones, our children, our Russia…'?”

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