'The Oldest Man in the World', Dubbed 'The Tax Man's Nightmare' Due to His Huge Pension, Is Celebrating a Milestone Birthday… and Has an ID to Prove It

A BRAZILIAN who claims to be the world's oldest man has just celebrated his incredible 123rd birthday.

Andrelino Vieira da Silva says he was born on February 3, 1901 – and even has ID to prove it.


The world's oldest man Andrelino Vieira da SilvaCredit: Andrelino Vieira da Silva/CEN


Photo of Andrelino's ID card with his full name and date of birthCredit: Andrelino Vieira da Silva/CEN


Andrelino in the pastCredit: Andrelino Vieira da Silva/CEN


Andrelino celebrates his 121st birthdayCredit: Andrelino Vieira da Silva/CEN

He has been called the “taxman's nightmare” because of his long life, which costs Brazil's pension service money every year.

A photo of his ID, probably registered by the government, shows his full name, his date of birth and his parents' names.

There even appears to be a thumbprint, possibly for biometric checks.

If we were to believe his identity card, he has now turned 123, making him the oldest man in the world.

However, Andrelino has not verified his age with the Guinness World recordsit is understood.

He lived through all the major world events of the 20th century, including two world wars, the rise of communism and the assassination of the American president. John F Kennedy.

Andrelino has experienced it too the Beatlessaw the tragic accident of Princess Diana – and even survived the COVID pandemic.

The retiree was married and had seven children, five of whom are still alive.

And he has thirteen grandchildren, sixteen great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild.

After claiming to be the oldest living person, Andrelino went viral social media – and has become known as INSS Terror.

The world's longest-living family – 861 years in total – enjoys the same lunch every day, and that includes drinks

At issue is a joke about his decades-long claim for his old-age pension from the INSS, Brazil's social security agency.

During his 2022 celebrations, he even received a birthday cake with “Terror of the INSS” written on it.

In response, the pension service sent Andrelino a special plaque that read: “You are not the terror of the INSS. You are a blessing to the INSS.

“We wish Mr. Andrelino many more years of life.”

During the festivities, the old man's granddaughter, Anaina Lemes de Souza, told local media: “He is doing well, everything is great. He's still doing well.

“It's a great satisfaction for him to be with us for another year like this, all together.”

She added that her grandfather became quite a local hero after he became famous social media – and people often recognize him on the street and ask him for a selfie.

Video footage taken the same year shows Andrelino to cook while talking to a family member, he prepares a meal in his kitchen.

In 2022, just after the Covid pandemiche was hospitalized for five days for treatment of Dengue, but recovered quickly.

Because Andrelino has never officially verified his age, the oldest certified living person in the world is Maria Branyas Morera, who celebrated her 116th birthday in 2023.

Mrs. Branyas Morera was born on March 4, 1907 and currently lives in a nursing home in Catalonia.

She was recognized by the University as the oldest living person in the world Guinness World Records on January 7, 2023.

The world's oldest people

Maria Branyas Morera – Born on March 4, 1907 in San Francisco, she is the oldest person in the world, as officially recognized by Guinness World Records. She is currently 116 years old.

Edie Ceccarelli – Born in California on February 5, 1908, he was the first of seven children of Italian immigrants Agostino and Maria Recagno. He is currently 116 years old.

Tomika Itooka – Born on May 23, 1908 in Osaka city, she is the oldest validated person living in Japan. she is currently 115 years old.

Inah Canabarro Lucas – Born on June 8, 1908, she is the oldest person currently living in Latin America. She became a nun in the 1920s, making her the oldest living person in this profession. She is currently 115 years old.

Juan Vicente Perez Mora – Born on May 27, 1909, he holds the coveted title of being the oldest living man in the world. He has held this title since January 18, 2022. He is currently 114 years old.

Elizabeth Franciscus – Born on July 25, 1909, he is the oldest known person in the state of Texas. Franciscus has three grandchildren, four great-grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. He is currently 114 years old.

Ethel Caterham – Born on August 21, 1909, she is the oldest person living in Britain and has lived in Surrey, England for the past 50 years. She is currently 114 years old.

Okagi Hayashi – Born on September 2, 1909, is the fourth oldest living person in Japan. Hayashi had 8 children, 22 grandchildren, 39 great-grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren. He is currently 114 years old.

Pearl Mountain – Pearl Berg, born October 1, 1909, is the second-oldest known living person in the U.S. state of California, as well as the oldest known living Jewish person. He is currently 114 years old.

Tane Matsubara – Born on October 15, she is the oldest known living resident of Hokkaido Prefecture. Currently 114 years old.


A photo of Andrelino from 2022 when he was hospitalized for dengueCredit: SES-GO/CEN


Andrelino is cooking a meal in his kitchenCredit: CEN

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