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Common Credits Ralph Ellison for turning him onto music


Playwrights: I love Stephen Adly Guirgis and Tarell Alvin McCraney (who co-wrote “Moonlight,” based on his own play). Poets: Morgan Parker.

What book made you become a musician?

‘Invisible Man’ by Ralph Ellison. I read it in sixth grade and it made me want to write. I loved what he spoke for and said. As a young black boy, wanting to be seen, heard, and acknowledged really had an impact on me, and his book made me feel seen and heard in a way. It has taught me that through the music and art I make I can give something back and make people feel seen and heard.

What is your favorite memoir by a musician?

“Q: The Autobiography of Quincy Jones.” Because he was born in Chicago, I related to that, but also because I knew where he came from, when he talked about how poor his family was and what his family went through. To know that he ended up being the person who worked with some of the greatest artists, from Michael Jackson to Frank Sinatra to Miles Davis – it was inspiring to think about a man who came from one of the poorest places in the country and became one. of the most fertile people on earth.

What is the one wellness book you would recommend and why?

‘A Return to Love’ by Marianne Williamson. It’s a self-help book, but for me that’s wellness, spiritual wellness. I heard quotes from “A Return to Love” before I read it, and the quotes were so powerful that I used them in speeches.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that scares us most. We ask ourselves: who am I to be brilliant, beautiful, talented and fantastic? Actually, who are you not are? You are a child of God. Playing your little one doesn’t serve the world.”

I needed to be reminded that I had light and something to offer, and that I didn’t have to dim my light for anyone. Also that that power must be illuminated, expressed and given to all who need it. It has helped me on my journey to remember to love myself, understand my light and love my light and not be afraid of it and give it to the world.

What was the most surprising reaction you received to your previous memoir?

My mother said to me, “Boy, I didn’t know you did all those things.” Things I did growing up like having girls in the house, getting into fights and just getting into trouble in high school.

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