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The heat is likely to get worse next week


It’s back.

A second round of sweaty-than-normal summer heat is expected to return to the southern United States from Saturday and continue into next week.

A high-pressure heat dome will once again park over New Mexico and West Texas. While it probably won’t be as bad as late June, areas from California to Texas that typically have temperatures above 100 degrees this time of year could see even worse heat, potentially setting daily records. Gulf Coast states will most likely experience above-average temperatures coupled with high humidity, creating dangerous conditions. Nighttime “low” temperatures can break records for their warmth.

Oh, and a separate system could also bring above-average extreme heat to South Florida.

According to forecasters, it will be brutal in Phoenix. Look up your city or town.

Not fast. The heat wave in the south, from Florida to California, is expected to last for at least another two weeks. That is not a prediction of an eventual interruption; it’s just that the forecasts are vague more than 14 days out. So the heat could continue.

The average global temperatures rose suddenly this week, climbing to 62.6 degrees Tuesday, making it the hottest day Earth has experienced since at least 1940.

Greg Carbin, chief of forecast operations at the Weather Prediction Center, said Friday: “I’ve been watching global temperature trends, just like everyone else in our company. This is certainly a concern.”

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