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Horoscope Today: Daily Guide to What the Stars Have in Store for YOU – December 4, 2023


What do birthday boy Jay-Z and I have in common? No, we didn’t both date Beyoncé! I’ll give you a clue; it has to do with the number of words.

I try to write each zodiac prediction at approximately the same length. And 99 words is the magic number I always aim for.

Now that my cousin Jemima Cainer (Jonathan’s daughter) is in charge, I’m confident that creating 99 words won’t cause her 99 problems!


March 21 – April 20

You are no stranger to danger. But does that mean (as some people seem to think) that you seek thrills at all costs? Are you really a daredevil who loves non-stop drama? Deep down, part of you also appreciates the quieter moments in life, if only to increase the excitement of those moments when you push yourself to the limit. That’s why you work so hard to create a world where you can achieve this contrast! Today, the cosmos encourages you to focus on your heart’s deepest desires. Don’t avoid that challenge.

For news you need to hear in December, visit

Jemima Cainer (pictured) reminds those born under Sagittarius that it’s not easy to be the first to do something different. But if they look closely today, they will see that they have more support than they realize


April 21 – May 21

Today, as your ruling planet Venus enters sensitive, sensually stimulating Scorpio, should you perform some burlesque? Only if you wish! Are you about to experience a sudden change in your romantic life? Only if that’s what you really desire. It’s unlikely that your life today will turn into some kind of Moulin Rouge montage. But changes are coming that will turn your world upside down. This is the beginning of a process in which you rediscover what you are passionate about. Are you ready to take the step towards a future that offers exciting, meaningful fulfillment?

December’s cosmic events can transform your life! Find out how! Visit


May 22 – June 22

Geminis are often accused (rather unfairly IMHO) of being a bit ‘Peter Pan’. This label is applied without regard to the fact that Peter Pan’s circumstances made it virtually impossible to grow up. How could he, as leader of the lost boys, fail them by giving in and becoming mature and sensible! You are acutely aware of your responsibilities to others: and of your ability to lead with a light touch and sense of humor. Today, do not bow to demands that are too serious. Making things fun gets you results.

December is going to be great! For inspiring insight to guide you, visit


June 23 – July 23

Our intuition resides in the space between our thoughts and our dreams. It’s so well hidden that some people never find it. And some people are so wary of his powers that they will do anything to avoid his whispers. Maybe they think that if they listen, they will realize that they are not fulfilling their potential; yet that is always only an invitation to change, not criticism. But you are a sensitive soul. You’re not afraid to listen to your inner voice of wisdom and let it guide you… right? The less you try to control things these days, the more powerful you will be.

It’s December! For uplifting news about the opportunities that await you, visit


July 24 – August 23

Mondays are all well and good, until we remember last week’s promise to make changes “on Monday.” On Mondays like that, the days that follow seem to surprise us with everything we forgot to postpone! The problem with putting things off is that the illusion of having less to do only lasts for a limited time. Be kind to the ‘you’ who promised to do things differently today. And prioritize the necessary things. After all, there are plenty of other days in the week. And another Monday is coming soon enough!

Welcome to December! For inspiring predictions, visit:


August 24 – September 23

Do you have everything on your to-do list in order? Are you staying ahead of the curve with your work, balancing the needs of friends/family and making time to work on yourself’? Come to think of it, how’s your laundry pile?! The problem with trying to do everything at once is that when the reality of how many hours count in a day, you manage to make it ‘your fault’. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, let yourself go and relax today! You are a human being, and a precious being too. The laundry can wait. The world will keep turning.

December offers great potential for positive change. Find out more! Visit


September 24 – October 23

When Venus, your ruler, transited your sign, it granted you the insight you need to bring your world back into balance. I don’t expect you to have everything in order! Life is not a puzzle that needs to be solved. It is a masterpiece composed based on your experiences. Born under the sign of Libra, you are acutely aware of the need for honesty. In this crazy world (where life is often anything but), that’s a difficult position to take. A little wobble today doesn’t indicate a major problem. It is a reminder of your wonderful humanity. Be kind to yourself.

Welcome to December! Visit for inspiring predictions to guide you through the month


October 24 – November 22

Sometimes, as we grow slowly, we don’t notice when an item/situation no longer fits. It’s easy to make small adjustments to accommodate our changes: a longer hem or a loose stitch doesn’t seem like much. Ultimately, however, we may reach a point where it is no longer appropriate to continue patching things up. We end up with a different garment than we started with. Venus enters your sign today, bringing the gift of a new perspective. Letting go of what no longer works doesn’t mean you lose.

Make December a month to remember! Visit

Oscar Cainer (pictured) today hands over the zodiac predictions to his cousin, Jemima Cainer

Oscar Cainer (pictured) today hands over the zodiac predictions to his cousin, Jemima Cainer


November 23 – December 21

Adventurous spirits are often considered difficult. Until their ideas bear fruit. That would lead to disappointment for those who rejected the call to climb the very ladder they insisted on. Few of us feel comfortable taking a risk. Until we see it’s safe. And at that moment the risk is of course smaller! Being the first to dare to do something different is not easy. The world around you seems to want you to fail in order to validate their thinking. But if you look closely today, you’ll see that you have more support than you think.

Make the most of December’s opportunities! Visit


December 22 – January 20

When I imagined growing older, images of happy moments filled my thoughts. I was naive enough to think I was in control. And I was prepared for a lot more “eating potato waffles and watching cartoons” than “dealing with diapers and existential crises”! But without the latter, could we ever appreciate the simplicity of the first scenario? Can we enjoy moments of peace without the contrast of challenge? Today, try to let go of what you have no control over and look for goodness in the face of any problems. It’s there.

December is going to be great! For inspiring insight to guide you, visit


January 21 – February 19

Why are we all determined to be right? Surely we know that if we are wrong, we are able to learn an important lesson? On the other hand, it is undeniably foolish to be determined to do things wrong despite our better judgment. You’re not crazy. A problem today helps remind you of your potential to make progress. You already have many learning moments in your metaphorical toolbox. So you’re perfectly equipped to adapt to a change of plans… and be kind to those who don’t yet know any better.

For uplifting December news, check out your predictions at


February 20 – March 20

Does coating fruit in chocolate negate the goodness of what’s beneath the sweet exterior? If it encourages us to consume more vitamin-filled earth’s treasures, it can’t be that bad for us, right? And isn’t chocolate made from plants? Of course, the logic of this argument (much like the situation you’re dealing with) only goes so far. A little of what we like is good for us. But too much can lead to painful teeth and be detrimental to progress. Today, as Venus enters the intense sign of Scorpio, try not to give in to too many temptations.

You are going to enjoy December. Find out why! Visit

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