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Millions of dead fish wash up in Texas, suffocating from excessive heat


Before the fish die, they try to take in oxygen by rising above the water, while some go to the foothills for the cold.

Dead fish have continued to come ashore in Texas since Friday. (Image: Facebook/@QuintanaBeachCountyPark)

Texas: Millions of fish have been found dead on the coast of Texas. The case belongs to Quintana Beach. According to officials, these fish died from suffocation in water due to a rise in temperature. According to the Texas Wildlife Department official, there is a lack of oxygen in warm water.

This makes it difficult for the fish to breathe and they die. Most of the fish that die as a result of this process are of the menhaden species. Their videos are going viral on social media.


According to the New York Post, it’s common for these fish to die in the summer. The water on the coast warms up faster than the water deep in the ocean. Often the fish get stuck in the water near the shore and are unable to return.

Before the fish die, they try to take in oxygen by rising above the water, while some go to the foothills for the cold. Dead fish have continued to come ashore in Texas since Friday. However, the administration has said that they are removing them and cleaning the beach.

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