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Sewer rat Sinwar fled into the Hamas tunnel, flanked by his children… it couldn't get more cowardly, says the terror victim's brother


HAMAS warlord Yahya Sinwar has been branded a 'sewer rat' after he was seen fleeing into an underground tunnel with his young children.

Hillel Fuld, the brother of one of Sinwar's victims, described the Hamas leader as 'the biggest coward in the world' after he was spotted go through a passage under Gaza with his family.

Sinwar's young children were seen fleeing through the tunnel


Sinwar's young children were seen fleeing through the tunnel
Sinwar was seen escaping through the tunnel under Gaza


Sinwar was seen escaping through the tunnel under GazaCredit: Israeli Defense Forces – IDF
The terror chief remains Israel's top target as the IDF vowed to capture him "dead or alive"


The terror chief remains Israel's top target as the IDF vowed to capture him “dead or alive.”Credit: Getty
Hillel Fuld described Sinwar as one "sewer rat" and said Israel will have to eliminate him


Hillel Fuld described Sinwar as a “sewer rat” and said Israel will have to eliminate himCredit: Instagram / @hilzfuld

The minutes-long footage shows the Hamas boss walking behind his wife, along with three of his young children – one of whom is holding a doll – in a tunnel under the terrorist stronghold of Khan Younis.

If the video is verified, it will be the first time the Hamas chief has been seen since he went into hiding.

Despite Israel's number one goalthe terrorist dubbed 'Gaza's Bin Laden' seems perfectly fine, unfazed by the security risks to his young children, whom he appears to be using as human shields.

Middle East commentator Hillel Fuld castigated Sinwar for hiding alongside his own young children, saying: Israel would soon eliminate him.

He told The Sun: 'I find it incredible that anyone, let alone millions of people, regard this man as a hero.

“This is a man who looks like a sewer rat, literally hiding and jumping from terror tunnel to terror tunnel after stealing billions of dollars from his own people. However?

'It doesn't get more cowardly than him. Israel Obviously he will have to eliminate him eventually.

“There's no doubt about that. It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when.

'But when you see that, who takes their little children and goes from tunnel to tunnel?

“You can't get more twisted and twisted than that man, and that's why Israel is going to take him out.”

IDF has images of Hamas leader Sinwar retreating with family into the terror tunnel of Khan Younis

Commenting on how Sinwar has surrounded himself with hostages, Huld added: “How cowardly can you be, Hero? This man is the biggest coward in the world.”

The American-Israeli Fuld moved to Israel from New York with his family thirty years ago.

His older brother Ari Fuld was stabbed to death by a Palestinian teenager in 2018.

The father-of-four, an outspoken Israeli paratrooper, was stabbed in the back outside a shopping center near Jerusalem before heroically chasing back and wounding the attacker.

Hillel said his brother took his “last breath” to save a woman, while the terrorist was already preparing to attack his next one victim.

He added: “Ari was effectively medically dead, and somehow he was miraculously able to chase down a terrorist, jump over a wall and shoot the terrorist when he was about two inches from his body had been removed. next one victim, a friendly woman named Hila, who has a falafel stand there, and she had just served the terrorist a falafel.

Sinwar was the mastermind behind the October 7 massacre and is believed to have been hiding in the group's vast underground tunnels ever since.

An IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari said the video was captured on a Hamas CCTV camera on October 10 and obtained in recent days.

“So he escaped with his family underground in a tunnel to one of the safe accommodation complexes he had built in advance,” he added.

Israel, which has vowed to capture the terrorist “dead or alive,” has already begun a strategy to pump millions of liters of seawater into the water. Hamas's 300-mile network of tunnels.

Engineers estimate the tunnels Christmas could be swamped – and that Sinwar and his accomplices will eventually be washed away.

At a press conference after the footage was released, he said: “One video or the other is not what really matters.

“What is important is the intelligence that will allow us to reach senior Hamas officials and the hostages.

“The hunt for Sinwar will not stop until we capture him dead or alive.”

The terror chief has been hiding in Gaza's underground tunnels for months


The terror chief has been hiding in Gaza's underground tunnels for monthsCredit: Getty
Israeli forces have started pumping sewage into the tunnels


Israeli forces have started pumping sewage into the tunnels

Who is 'Gaza's Bin Laden'?

Yahya Sinwar, also known as 'Gaza's Bin Laden', is a politician and leader of the Palestinian extremist group Hamas.

Israel accuses him of being the “mastermind” of the October 7 massacre, in which Hamas mobs stormed the border and opened fire on a music festival in Israel.

Sinwar is 61 years old and was born in the Khan Yunis refugee camp in 1962 and spent his early years there.

The Hamas chief previously served 22 years behind bars for orchestrating the kidnapping and murder of two Israeli soldiers and four Palestinians.

He was released in 2011.

In 2017, he was secretly elected Hamas leader in the Gaza Strip, succeeding Ismail Haniyeh.

Shortly afterwards, he established a Hamas-controlled administrative committee for the Gaza Strip, meaning he opposed any power-sharing with the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah.

In 2021, he was elected to a second four-year term as head of the Hamas branch in Gaza

Sinwar is the highest-ranking Hamas official in Gaza and the second most powerful member of Hamas.

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