Arthur – USMAIL24.COM News Portal from USA Tue, 06 Feb 2024 08:40:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Arthur – USMAIL24.COM 32 32 195427244 10 verrassende feiten over Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Tue, 06 Feb 2024 08:40:52 +0000

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle staat bekend om het creëren van het beroemde personage Sherlock Holmes en is dus, net als Holmes, een naam geworden die bij iedereen op de planeet bekend is. Zijn beroemde karakter werd echt groter dan het leven en heeft talloze verhalen en personages geïnspireerd. Doyle was echter veel meer dan alleen […]

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Sir Arthur Conan Doyle staat bekend om het creëren van het beroemde personage Sherlock Holmes en is dus, net als Holmes, een naam geworden die bij iedereen op de planeet bekend is. Zijn beroemde karakter werd echt groter dan het leven en heeft talloze verhalen en personages geïnspireerd. Doyle was echter veel meer dan alleen Holmes of zelfs de spiritualist waarvan velen weten dat hij er later in zijn leven naar toe ging.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was een arts, een historicus, een zeeman en nog veel meer. Belangrijker nog was dat hij bekend had willen staan ​​vanwege alle andere dingen die hij deed en niet alleen vanwege het creëren van de beroemde detective die we allemaal kennen en waar we van houden.

Verwant: Tien beroemde schrijvers die op mysterieuze wijze zijn verdwenen

10 Een Ridder van de Boer

Veel mensen staan ​​niet stil bij het idee om mensen tot ridder te slaan alleen maar omdat ze bijdragen aan de kunsten, en anderen vinden het allemaal een geweldig idee. Het is zeker controversieel onder sommigen, en er zijn mensen die minder denken aan degenen die voor zulke dingen worden geridderd dan aan iets ‘belangrijkers’. Misschien is dit de reden waarom, zelfs in formele toespraken, weinigen de moeite lijken te nemen om naar hem te verwijzen als Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Het interessante hier is echter dat zijn ridderschap helemaal niets te maken had met Sherlock Holmes, de verhalen over hem, of iets dat er direct of indirect door geïnspireerd was.

Het had ook niets met geneeskunde te maken, althans niet in termen van onderzoek, en niets met geschiedenis of zijn uitstapjes naar het spiritisme. In plaats daarvan werd Doyle geridderd omdat hij diensten verleende aan de Britse regering tijdens de Tweede Boerenoorlog (1899–1902) in Zuid-Afrika. Hij deed wat werk in een veldhospitaal, maar wat nog belangrijker was voor de Britse regering: hij publiceerde een populair pamflet ter ondersteuning van de Boerenoorlog.[1]

9 De jezuïeten hebben mij ertoe aangezet

Doyle omarmde het spiritisme later in zijn leven, en velen zijn zich hier al van veel bewust. Hij nam deel aan seances, probeerde te bewijzen dat paranormale krachten echt bestonden, en probeerde zelfs te bevestigen dat de beruchte Cottingley Fairies echt bestonden. Velen die hiervan op de hoogte zijn, zijn echter geneigd te denken dat dit allemaal begon omdat Doyle van streek was door de dood van familieleden en met hen in contact probeerde te komen als onderdeel van het rouwproces. Dit kan de katalysator zijn geweest voor een deel van zijn latere onderzoek, maar de waarheid is dat Doyle al lang geleden het vertrouwen in de reguliere religie had verloren.

Op negenjarige leeftijd werd hij naar een strenge jezuïetenkostschool gestuurd, die nog steeds geloofde in zware straffen en mishandeling als vorm van discipline. Tegen de tijd dat hij volwassen was, had hij de religie volledig opgegeven. Hoewel het soort discipline dat hij uitlegde destijds gebruikelijk was op veel kostscholen, ongeacht religie, was het zeker een moeilijke tijd voor de jonge Doyle. En dit had een enorme impact op hem.[2]

8 Eén drankje te veel

Doyle wordt zo overschaduwd door zijn beroemde karakter dat veel buiten Sherlockians nooit de moeite nemen om te veel over zijn biografie te lezen. Als ze dat wel zouden doen, zouden ze een man vinden die veel ongelukkige periodes in zijn leven had meegemaakt, die hij vooral doormaakte door brieven naar zijn moeder te sturen als een vorm van therapie. Erger nog: net als bij veel creatievelingen die ondanks tegenslag kunst maakten, begonnen zijn problemen al vroeg. Toen hij nog maar negen was, belandde hij op het internaat uit de vorige inzending, omdat het hele gezin in feite uit elkaar werd gehaald en naar verschillende plaatsen werd gestuurd door familieleden die de kinderen beschermden tegen papa Doyle.

De reden hiervoor was dat zijn vader, Charles Altamont Doyle, een alcoholist was die zijn baan niet goed kon behouden of voor zijn gezin kon zorgen. Doyle heeft nooit beweerd dat zijn vader ernstig lichamelijk mishandeld was, maar hij was heel blij dat hij mede het bevel kon ondertekenen om hem later in zijn leven te laten plegen. Hij maakte in de Holmes-romans ook duidelijk dat hij niet veel aan dronkaards dacht en geloofde dat ze vaak fysiek geweld gebruikten. Verder gebruikte hij ooit de naam Altamont voor een Holmes-alias die werd beschreven als 'die de oorlog verklaarde aan zowel het Engels van de koning als aan de Engelse koning'.[3]

7 Een beroep dat de ogen opent

Naast het schrijven van de Sherlock Holmes-verhalen en het bestuderen van paranormale verschijnselen en geschiedenis, was hij ook een ervaren arts. Meer specifiek was hij oogarts. Voor degenen die het niet weten: dit is het hoogste niveau van oogartsen – externe specialisten – die operaties en de meest gevoelige procedures uitvoeren. Hoewel dit op zichzelf misschien niet genoeg was om hem alle medische expertise te geven die hij nodig zou hebben gehad om alle dingen die hij in zijn verhalen deed uit te leggen, was het een beetje een andere tijd.

Hoewel hij zich specialiseerde in ogen, leerde hij als studentenarts veel over chirurgie in het algemeen. Als onderdeel van zijn praktische studie bracht hij, om zijn opleiding af te ronden, zeven maanden door op een walvisschip als scheepschirurg. Het was deze ervaring die hem de inspiratie gaf voor veel van zijn verhalen over zeelieden, muiterijen of andere oceaanavonturen. Zijn oceaanreis inspireerde vrijwel zeker ook het verhaal waarin een harpoenier zijn voormalige kapitein aan de muur nagelt. In 1891 begon hij geneeskunde te beoefenen in Londen en schreef en onderzocht daarnaast al zijn andere favoriete dingen.[4]

6 Een behoorlijk onwetend leven

Veel mensen zouden denken dat de man die Sherlock Holmes heeft uitgevonden op zijn minst over een deel van zijn observatievaardigheden zou beschikken. Als Holmes je op basis van enkele kleine details zou kunnen vertellen wat je gisteren hebt gegeten en wat voor soort sigaretten je precies rookt, is het gemakkelijk genoeg om te geloven dat de man die hem heeft gemaakt op zijn minst dingen als een nieuw kapsel zou kunnen opmerken. Onder zijn vrienden stond Doyle er echter niet om bekend dat hij op een dergelijke manier opmerkzaam was. In ieder geval was hij dat minder dan de gemiddelde persoon.

Sommigen hebben misschien ook gehoord van zijn geroemde deductievermogen en dat hij in sommige gevallen de politie hielp. De waarheid hiervan is dat hij, hoewel hij het als hobby begon, zelden succesvol was. Hij hielp wel een paar onschuldige mannen bevrijden, maar dat was ongeveer de som van zijn echte successen. Zelf was hij daar echter heel goedgezind over. Hij gaf ooit openlijk toe dat hij probeerde een zaak op te lossen waar de politie aan werkte. Hoewel ze het al snel doorhadden, had hij tot nu toe alleen maar geraden dat de man linkshandig was en spijkers in zijn laars had.[5]

5 Dat frenologische gevoel

Frenologie is een inmiddels ontkrachte wetenschap en wordt daarom als een pseudowetenschap beschouwd. De overtuiging was dat de vorm van iemands schedel je dingen kon vertellen over hun intelligentie, persoonlijkheid, raciale kenmerken en dergelijke. Veel mensen hebben dit een racistische pseudowetenschap genoemd, omdat het de neiging had om de schedelvormen van veel westerse rassen af ​​te schilderen als slimmer en capabeler dan de schedelvormen van mensen uit plaatsen als Afrika of elders. Helaas was Doyle, tot zijn schande, een groot voorstander van frenologie.

Het komt in de verhalen vele malen voor en wordt zo kalm verwoord alsof het het meest absolute feit in het universum is – alsof karakters die geleerde mensen zijn, eenvoudigweg over gevestigde wetenschap praten. Sommigen van jullie zijn misschien al bereid hem te vergeven omdat het zo lang geleden is, en we weten nu meer dan toen; Het probleem hiermee is echter dat de frenologie al ontkracht was voordat Doyle zelfs maar geboren was. Als de verhalen vandaag zouden worden geschreven, zou een beroemde medische man die de in diskrediet gebrachte pseudowetenschap propageert, op zijn zachtst gezegd behoorlijk controversieel zijn.[6]

4 Een (pseudo)wetenschappelijk belang

Hoewel Sir Arthur Conan Doyle een arts was, een historicus, een mislukte parlementskandidaat en nog veel meer, was hij vooral ook een man die voorop wilde lopen in alles wat er in de wereld gebeurt. Hij was gefascineerd door alle onderwerpen en hij wilde nieuwe dingen ontdekken en de eerste zijn die nieuwe ideeën geloofde en omarmde. Dit betekende dat hij, net als bij de frenologie, helaas een gemakkelijk doelwit was voor pseudowetenschappelijke overtuigingen die ofwel in diskrediet waren gebracht, op het punt stonden dat te zijn, of überhaupt nooit serieus waren overwogen. En omdat dit soort dingen vaak gebeuren, sluipt het in zijn creatieve werk en dringt het zijn verder logische detectiveverhalen binnen.

Er zijn eigenlijk verschillende voorbeelden, en de eerste is het 'Avontuur van de kruipende man'. In dit verhaal neemt een man een serum gemaakt van apenbloed om zichzelf jonger te maken, en daardoor denkt en gedraagt ​​hij zich tijdelijk als een aap. In 'The Adventure of the Sussex Vampire' gebruikt hij het zuigen van bloed uit een wond om vergiftiging te stoppen als een sleutelelement van het verhaal – iets dat niet werkt. Dit zijn slechts twee voorbeelden; er zijn verschillende andere gevallen hiervan in zijn populaire verhalen.[7]

3 Het racisme van de tijd

Doyle wordt ervan beschuldigd een racist te zijn, en velen wijzen op verschillende dingen in zijn verhalen door de jaren heen, evenals op zijn daden in het leven. Er zijn de twijfelachtige dingen die mensen naar voren brengen en de algemene verdedigingen daarvoor. Veel mensen noemen zijn onwankelbare steun aan de Boerenoorlog in Zuid-Afrika, zijn steun aan de frenologie, en vooral zijn voortdurende verwijzingen naar zwarte mensen, eilandbewoners en andere niet-Britten als grotesk, onbeschaafd, gewelddadig, enzovoort. Een groot deel hiervan wordt gedekt door erop te wijzen dat hij niet veel verschilde van de meeste mensen die in die tijd leefden, en waarschijnlijk beter dan sommigen.

Wat echter moeilijker te verzoenen is, is de manier waarop zijn personage, Holmes, zich gedraagt ​​in ‘The Adventure of the Three Gables’. In dit verhaal komt een zwarte bokser genaamd Steve Dixie Holmes intimideren op aandringen van een bendeleider, en Holmes maakt een reeks racistisch geladen beledigingen die elk fatsoenlijk persoon zouden doen ineenkrimpen.

Erger nog, een politieagent verwijst later naar de bokser met het 'N'-woord, en Holmes doet niets om dit te corrigeren alsof het volkomen normaal en oké is. Sommige mensen beweren dat dit verhaal mogelijk door een ghostwriter is geschreven en gebruiken ‘The Yellow Face’ als bewijs – met het argument dat de man die een hartverwarmend verhaal over raciale acceptatie schreef, niet de woorden zou hebben geschreven die Holmes tegen Steve Dixie gebruikte.[8]

2 Een donkere en bloedige verbinding

Doyle was veel: een historicus, een onderzoeker, een voorstander van spiritualisme, een voormalige zeeman, een oogchirurg, een amateurdetective, een romanschrijver, een apologeet voor de Britse regering, en vooral een nieuwsgierige man die de wereld wilde verkennen. alles wat er te ontdekken viel over de wereld waar hij zoveel van hield. Er is echter nog iets waarvan sommige mensen denken dat hij dat ook was. Sommigen geloven ook dat Doyle, de man die Sherlock Holmes creëerde, in het geheim de seriemoordenaar Jack the Ripper was.

Zoals we eerder vermeldden, bracht Doyle enkele maanden door op een walvisschip in het noordpoolgebied, en gedurende deze tijd beweren sommigen dat hij een sadistisch plezier leek te scheppen in het doden van walvissen. Ook wijzen mensen graag op zijn opvoeding met een alcoholische vader die prostituees bezocht en alle mishandelingen die hij op zijn gehate kostschool te verduren kreeg. De theorie is recentelijk opgediept, met ander suggestief ‘bewijs’, waaronder beweringen dat de brieven die de Ripper naar de politie stuurde, verzonden konden zijn op briefpapier dat Doyle gebruikte. Ze hadden een vergelijkbare stijl: hij verwijst in zijn verhalen ook af en toe naar de Ripper-moorden.[9]

1 Sherlock Holmes en de toekomst van de misdaad

Doyle was altijd teleurgesteld dat zijn werk aan Holmes zijn paranormale, medische en historische onderzoek overschaduwde. Als hij echter wist hoeveel nut zijn detectiveromans in de echte wereld hadden, zou hij er misschien niet zoveel spijt van hebben als hij er vandaag de dag naar keek. Zie je, hoewel Holmes' vermogen om zaken als je beroep te achterhalen al dan niet vooral een goochelarij is die je in een vooraf afgesproken roman kunt uitvoeren, zijn het de rest van zijn methoden die van belang waren voor de strafrechtwereld. Fictief of niet, Holmes was een van de eersten die zaken als chemie, ballistiek en ander forensisch bewijsmateriaal gebruikte om misdaden op te lossen.

Dit lijkt nu misschien zo gewoon dat het moeilijk voor te stellen is. Toch werden de meeste zaken destijds opgelost met behulp van een combinatie van ooggetuigenverklaringen en heel, heel voor de hand liggend bewijsmateriaal – het zogenaamde ‘rokende pistool’. De methoden die Holmes gebruikte en de populariteit van zijn verhalen leidden ertoe dat Edmund Lochard tientallen jaren nadat de verhalen waren geschreven, werd geïnspireerd om 's werelds eerste forensisch laboratorium te creëren. Bovendien zijn vrijwel alle hedendaagse detectiveverhalen zowel gebaseerd op moderne methoden voor het oplossen van misdaden als op de verhalen en personages zelf.[10]

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Who is royal cousin Arthur Chatto, the heartthrob environmentalist and serving Marine who turns 25 today? Mon, 05 Feb 2024 08:38:20 +0000

It seems like a world ago on February 5, 1999 Princess Margaretha's grandson made his first royal appearance in front of the public as a page of honor for the late queen. He held the role between 2009 and 2015 was responsible for wearing his great aunt's dress during ceremonial events. Now turning 25, action […]

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It seems like a world ago on February 5, 1999 Princess Margaretha's grandson made his first royal appearance in front of the public as a page of honor for the late queen.

He held the role between 2009 and 2015 was responsible for wearing his great aunt's dress during ceremonial events.

Now turning 25, action man Arthur Chatto makes a living as a member of the Royal Marines, the first Royal Marine to join the regiment. He is the 30th in line to the throne.

After attending Westminster Cathedral Choir school, Arthur followed in the footsteps of Princes Harry and William by attending Eton College.

Arthur Chatto, 30th in line of succession, celebrates his 25th birthday today

He is the youngest son of Princess Margaret's daughter, Lady Sarah, and Daniel Chatto

He is the youngest son of Princess Margaret's daughter, Lady Sarah, and Daniel Chatto

Arthur made royal history in 2021 when he became the first member of the Royal Family to join the Marines

Arthur made royal history in 2021 when he became the first member of the Royal Family to join the Marines

At Eton he was part of the Combined Cadet Force, which teaches students a range of military skills. He then followed his older brother Sam to the University of Edinburgh.

Arthur, who studied art history, combined his studies with a job as a personal trainer at the BoundFitness gym in the city.

In a profile of the young royal, shared on Instagram, Arthur wrote: 'I am a level 3 personal trainer, I specialize in strength and endurance training with a military focus.'

Princess Margaret's grandson is also said to be a fan of outdoor sports, including mountain climbing. The adventurous monarch has even done ice diving in Greenland and climbing in the Alps.

Arthur, who like Prince William and Harry is a keen environmentalist, was also part of a four-man team that completed an epic romp across Britain to raise money for the British Red Cross and Just One Ocean in 2020.

Speaking about the 3,800km GB Row Challenge, which took 38 days to complete, Arthur said preparing for the challenge had been 'mentally' and physically very demanding.

The preparation was not easy, as he reportedly went on 20-mile walks and camped in the Scottish Highlands in preparation for his uniformed role.

Arthur, left, was part of a four-man team that completed an epic feud around Britain in 2020

Arthur, left, was part of a four-man team that completed an epic feud around Britain in 2020

Arthur Chatto in uniform with brother Samuel.  Standing in front of them are father Daniel and their mother Lady Sarah Chatto during Queen Elizabeth II's state funeral in Westminster Abbey.

Arthur Chatto in uniform with brother Samuel. Standing in front of them are father Daniel and their mother Lady Sarah Chatto during Queen Elizabeth II's state funeral in Westminster Abbey.

Princess Margaret's grandson Arthur is also said to be a fan of outdoor sports, including polar diving and mountain climbing

Princess Margaret's grandson Arthur is also said to be a fan of outdoor sports, including polar diving and mountain climbing

The Chatto family attends the Cartier Style & Luxury Lunch at the Goodwood Festival of Speed ​​in 2012. Arthur stands next to his mother

The Chatto family attends the Cartier Style & Luxury Lunch at the Goodwood Festival of Speed ​​in 2012. Arthur stands next to his mother

Arthur was greeted at the finish line at St Katherine Docks in London by his family and his long-term girlfriend, Lizzie Friend.

Lizzie was a fellow student at the University of Edinburgh, where Arthur studied, and a source previously told the Daily Mail: 'We hit it off straight away.

'She is very sweet and they make a very nice couple. He took her to Royal Ascot this summer as his date.'

Arthur has also made royal history, as in 2021 he became the first member to join the Marines. The late queen is said to be 'pleased and proud' of her great-nephew's achievements.

He has since turned heads as a royal heartthrob when he wore his Marine uniform to the Queen's Thanksgiving service at St Paul's Cathedral in 2022.

Arthur amassed a following on his now-deleted Instagram account after often posting revealing snaps, including a topless photo taken during a 'Scottish dip' with older brother Samuel during his freshers' week at university.

Arthur made his first royal appearance to the public as Page of Honor for the late Queen, a key role he held between 2009 and 2015

Arthur made his first royal appearance to the public as Page of Honor for the late Queen, a key role he held between 2009 and 2015

Arthur followed in the footsteps of Prince Harry and Prince William by attending the £33,270-a-year Eton College before heading to the University of Edinburgh

Arthur followed in the footsteps of Prince Harry and Prince William by attending the £33,270-a-year Eton College before heading to the University of Edinburgh

Although there is no official Instagram account, this has not stopped Arthur's photos from surfacing as adoring fans have kept his online presence alive by creating fan pages where they share photos and videos of the royal family.

The royal family seems to have enjoyed watching The Crown, he admitted to The Telegraph.

Arthur said, “Yes, I looked at it, I think it's just an interpretation. So I just kind of remember what they really are like and don't let the TV personality taint my judgment of any of them.”

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King’s cousin Sarah Chatto and her heartthrob son Arthur join royal family at Kate Middleton’s carol concert Sat, 09 Dec 2023 15:03:20 +0000

Princess Margaret’s daughter Sarah Chatto and her hunky son Arthur joined the royal family at the Princess of Wales’ Together at Chrsitmas carol concert on Friday.  Lady Sarah, 59, and Arthur, 24, were among the extended members of the Firm to support Kate Middleton at Westminster Abbey. Looking regal in a white coat, Sarah, who […]

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Princess Margaret’s daughter Sarah Chatto and her hunky son Arthur joined the royal family at the Princess of Wales’ Together at Chrsitmas carol concert on Friday. 

Lady Sarah, 59, and Arthur, 24, were among the extended members of the Firm to support Kate Middleton at Westminster Abbey.

Looking regal in a white coat, Sarah, who was often described as the late queen’s ‘favourite niece’ wrapped up with a scarf as she walked alongside her husband Daniel.

Meanwhile, Arthur, a personal trainer who has won a legion of fans thanks to his shirtless Instagram snaps, looked smart in a red scarf a suit.

The mother-of-two is the only daughter of the late Princess Margaret and her former husband, Antony Armstrong-Jones, who passed away in 2017. 

Princess Margaret’s daughter Sarah Chatto and her hunky son Arthur joined the royal family at the Princess of Wales’ Together at Chrsitmas carol concert on Friday

Lady Sarah, 59, and Arthur, 24, were among the extended members of the Firm to support Kate Middleton at Westminster Abbey

Lady Sarah, 59, and Arthur, 24, were among the extended members of the Firm to support Kate Middleton at Westminster Abbey

Looking regal in a white coat, Sarah, who was often described as the late queen's 'favourite niece' wrapped up with a scarf

Looking regal in a white coat, Sarah, who was often described as the late queen’s ‘favourite niece’ wrapped up with a scarf

The late Queen was described as a ‘surrogate mother’ to Margaret’s children and was particularly close to Lady Sarah, who is believed to have reminded her of her late sister.

Both her parents passed on their artistic eye to their children as Sarah, now a painter, and her brother David were taken around galleries in their youth.

Sarah went on to complete a foundation course at Camberwell School of Arts and Crafts, followed by a printed textiles course at Middlesex Polytechnic, paving the way for her training at the Royal Academy Schools.

Working as a painter under the professional name Sarah Armstrong-Jones, she has since exhibited at galleries including The Redfern Gallery in London.

Her wedding to Daniel Chatto in July 1994 was such a short, simple affair that chauffeurs were caught by surprise: the Queen, Prince Philip and Princess Diana waited at the City church of St Stephen’s Walbrook after the service for their cars to come back.

While the Chatto’s are not at the centre of the working royals, they have attended major royal events over the years, including the late Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral last September, Royal Ascot, Trooping the Colour, as well as the Platinum Jubilee celebrations.

Meanwhile, Lady Sarah’s eldest son Samuel – who attended Eton college before studying at the University of Edinburgh – was pictured alongside his equally smartly dressed father following the service.

The royal was brought up in Kensington, London. He studied History of Art at university and trained as a yoga teacher before settling on a career in the creative industry – just like his artist father.

Daniel Chatto and Lady Sarah Chatto attend The 'Together At Christmas' Carol Service

Daniel Chatto and Lady Sarah Chatto attend The ‘Together At Christmas’ Carol Service

Sarah clutched onto a green programme as she left the service

Sarah clutched onto a green programme as she left the service

Kate hosted her Together At Christmas event at Westminster Abbey and welcomed her family, members of the monarchy and inspiring individuals in celebration of those supporting children and families.

The Prince of Wales arrived with Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis, after Kate travelled ahead to thank celebrities for agreeing to perform, including Oscar winner Jim Broadbent and singers Beverley Knight and Adam Lambert.

As they walked into the Abbey’s forecourt the royal children paused for a moment to post Christmas cards, in a special postbox, containing messages for children who might be struggling this Christmas, something open to all youngsters attending.

The young royals – George, 10, Charlotte, eight, and five-year-old Louis – were all smartly dressed while their mother wore a Chris Kerr coat.

Before the concert started Kate met celebrities in the Abbey’s stunning 16th century Lady Chapel, and chatting to Broadbent expressed her appreciation at him agreeing to read an extract from Letters From Father Christmas by Lord Of The Rings author JRR Tolkien.

Kate arrives for the 'Together At Christmas' Carol Service at Westminster Abbey

Kate arrives for the ‘Together At Christmas’ Carol Service at Westminster Abbey 

The Princess of Wales waves as she arrives for the service at Westminster Abbey

The Princess of Wales waves as she arrives for the service at Westminster Abbey

The Princes of Wales leads her two elder children Princess Charlotte and Prince George into Westminster Abbey

The Princes of Wales leads her two elder children Princess Charlotte and Prince George into Westminster Abbey

The Princess of Wales' Together at Christmas service will be broadcast on ITV1 on Christmas Eve

The Princess of Wales’ Together at Christmas service will be broadcast on ITV1 on Christmas Eve

Prince Louis helps blow out his sister's candle at the end of the service

Prince Louis helps blow out his sister’s candle at the end of the service


She said: ‘Thank you for your time because I know the lead up to Christmas can be busy for people.’

Kate appeared to joke with multi-instrumentalist Collier, who has posted music tutorial videos on YouTube, about her daughter learning the piano and he quipped ‘many a plink and a plonk’.

She also walked around the Abbey before the event began, speaking to young people who have done inspiring activities.

Once inside, Kate stole the show as she led the royal family  and high-fived and spoke with children who have gone ‘above and beyond’ for charity.

Kate crouched down to chat to seven-year-old Oscar Burrow, from Lancaster, who raised more than £40,000 for Derian House Children’s Hospice in Chorley, Lancashire, by climbing 12 mountains at the age of six.

His mother Kimberley Burrow said afterwards: ‘She said she’d heard about what he’s done and he’s doing a fantastic job, and hopes what he’s doing will inspire other children to do amazing things.’

The princess was joined at her annual Christmas carol service by Prince William and children Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis. 

The Royal children were seen stepping in to the event at Westminster Abbey – while five-year-old Prince Louis once again drew attention by blowing out his sister’s candle and chatting to a statue outside.

Princess Kate was seen high-fiving scouts from the 3rd Upton Scout Group in Slough

Princess Kate was seen high-fiving scouts from the 3rd Upton Scout Group in Slough

Kate crouched down to chat to seven-year-old Oscar Burrow, from Lancaster, who raised more than £40,000 for Derian House Children's Hospice

Kate crouched down to chat to seven-year-old Oscar Burrow, from Lancaster, who raised more than £40,000 for Derian House Children’s Hospice

The Princess of Wales knelt down to light Prince Louis' candle for the concert

The Princess of Wales knelt down to light Prince Louis’ candle for the concert

The princess met with children who have gone 'above and beyond' for charity

The princess met with children who have gone ‘above and beyond’ for charity

Kate stunned in all white as she arrived for the annual Christmas concert

Kate stunned in all white as she arrived for the annual Christmas concert

Kate walked around the Abbey before the concert started speaking to young people who have done inspiring activities.

She knelt down and spent time speaking with seven-year-old Oscar.

The princess placed her hand on a chair and the other in her lap as she discussed his impressive fundraising efforts, watched on by his smiling mother. 

She chatted to four scouts from the 3rd Upton Scout Group in Slough her family visited during the coronation celebration weekend, part of The Big Help Out event, helping to renovate their hut.

The princess told them: ‘It was really inspiring. Seriously, good job’. She then high-fived each scout in turn.

Kate, who was dressed all in white for the occasion, was pictured bending down to light Prince Louis’ candle with her own.

At one point she was seen placing a reassuring hand on his back as he appeared to clutch at her coat amidst the gravity of the evening. 

As she arrived at the concert, she was seen holding Princess Charlotte’s hand. 

Among the group of celebrities waiting to greet the family in the Abbey’s Lady Chapel were singers Beverley Knight and Adam Lambert, musician Jacob Collier and actor Jim Broadbent.

Catherine’s sister Pippa and husband James Matthews were also photographed arriving this afternoon, as were Lady Sarah Chatto and her husband Daniel Chatto.

The Princess herself unveiled a very special festive gift to guests at the concert – a rendition of Last Christmas played on John Lennon’s piano.

The Princess of Wales places a reassuring hand on Prince Louis' back as he appears to clutch at her coat

The Princess of Wales places a reassuring hand on Prince Louis’ back as he appears to clutch at her coat

The Princess of Wales was seen sharing a smile with little Oscar as she took time out of her schedule to speak with him

The Princess of Wales was seen sharing a smile with little Oscar as she took time out of her schedule to speak with him

Kate knelt down to speak to children who have achieved inspirational fundraising milestones

Kate knelt down to speak to children who have achieved inspirational fundraising milestones

Prince George, Princess Charlotte, the Princess of Wales and the Prince of Wales arriving for the Royal Carols - Together At Christmas service

Prince George, Princess Charlotte, the Princess of Wales and the Prince of Wales arriving for the Royal Carols – Together At Christmas service

Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis hold candles during the Royal Carols - Together At Christmas service

Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis hold candles during the Royal Carols – Together At Christmas service

Kate arrives for the 'Together At Christmas' Carol Service at Westminster Abbey today

Kate arrives for the ‘Together At Christmas’ Carol Service at Westminster Abbey today

The Princess herself unveiled a very special festive gift to guests at the concert - a rendition of Last Christmas played on John Lennon 's piano

The Princess herself unveiled a very special festive gift to guests at the concert – a rendition of Last Christmas played on John Lennon ‘s piano

The Princess of Wales was joined by her three children at Westminster Abbey, each holding candles ahead of her Together at Christmas carol service

The Princess of Wales was joined by her three children at Westminster Abbey, each holding candles ahead of her Together at Christmas carol service

The Princess of Wales and Princess Charlotte (left) smile as Prince Louis (centre) looks on at the carol service

The Princess of Wales and Princess Charlotte (left) smile as Prince Louis (centre) looks on at the carol service

The Princess of Wales meets with celebrities including Adam Lambert ahead of the Christmas concert

The Princess of Wales meets with celebrities including Adam Lambert ahead of the Christmas concert

Prince George of Wales and Princess Charlotte lead the way into Westminster Abbey, accompanied by their parents

Prince George of Wales and Princess Charlotte lead the way into Westminster Abbey, accompanied by their parents

The Princess of Wales' sister Pippa Matthews (left) and her husband James attend the service

The Princess of Wales’ sister Pippa Matthews (left) and her husband James attend the service

Pippa Matthews wore a sequined trouser suit as she arrived at Westminster Abbey

Pippa Matthews wore a sequined trouser suit as she arrived at Westminster Abbey

The Princess of Wales waves as she arrives for the service at Westminster Abbey today

The Princess of Wales waves as she arrives for the service at Westminster Abbey today

The Princes of Wales leads her two elder children Princess Charlotte and Prince George into Westminster Abbey

The Princes of Wales leads her two elder children Princess Charlotte and Prince George into Westminster Abbey

The Princess of Wales' Together at Christmas service will be broadcast on ITV1 on Christmas Eve

The Princess of Wales’ Together at Christmas service will be broadcast on ITV1 on Christmas Eve

Prince Louis helps blow out his sister's candle at the end of the service

Prince Louis helps blow out his sister’s candle at the end of the service

The Princess of Wales (right) appears to have a word with Prince Louis (left) after the service

The Princess of Wales (right) appears to have a word with Prince Louis (left) after the service

Prince Michael of Kent and his daughter Lady Gabriella Kingston were among the guests

Prince Michael of Kent and his daughter Lady Gabriella Kingston were among the guests 

The Prince and Princess of Wales and their children arrive for the carols

The Prince and Princess of Wales and their children arrive for the carols

Lord Frederick Windsor, Sophie Winkleman and their children attend the 'Together At Christmas' Carol Service

Lord Frederick Windsor, Sophie Winkleman and their children attend the ‘Together At Christmas’ Carol Service

Prince Richard and his wife Birgit, Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, arrive at Westminster for the carols service

Prince Richard and his wife Birgit, Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, arrive at Westminster for the carols service

Princess Charlotte held her mother's hand as she walked into the service

Princess Charlotte held her mother’s hand as she walked into the service 

Princess Charlotte of Wales, Prince Louis of Wales and Prince George of Wales post letters to Santa before The "Together At Christmas" Carol Service

Princess Charlotte of Wales, Prince Louis of Wales and Prince George of Wales post letters to Santa before The ‘Together At Christmas’ Carol Service

Prince Louis looks over a statue of a royal guard as he and his family depart the abbey

Prince Louis looks over a statue of a royal guard as he and his family depart the abbey

The Princess of Wales' 'Together At Christmas' Carol Service at Westminster Abbey is one of her key events of the year

The Princess of Wales’ ‘Together At Christmas’ Carol Service at Westminster Abbey is one of her key events of the year

Christopher Woolf also posted a letter to Santa while step-mother Princess Beatrice and Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi looked on

Christopher Woolf also posted a letter to Santa while step-mother Princess Beatrice and Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi looked on 

The Princess will tonight unveil a very special festive gift to guests at the concert - a rendition of Last Christmas played on John Lennon 's piano.

The Princess will tonight unveil a very special festive gift to guests at the concert – a rendition of Last Christmas played on John Lennon ‘s piano.

Kate arrives for the 'Together At Christmas' Carol Service at Westminster Abbey today

Kate arrives for the ‘Together At Christmas’ Carol Service at Westminster Abbey today

Princess Eugenie looked smiley as she was photographed arriving for the Royal Carols

Princess Eugenie looked smiley as she was photographed arriving for the Royal Carols

Princess Eugenie, who recently welcomed her second son named Ernest with husband Jack Brooksbank, was among the guests

Princess Eugenie, who recently welcomed her second son named Ernest with husband Jack Brooksbank, was among the guests

The Prince of Wales, Prince Louis, Princess Charlotte, Prince George and the Princess of Wales are greeted by The Dean of Westminster ahead of the carol service

The Prince of Wales, Prince Louis, Princess Charlotte, Prince George and the Princess of Wales are greeted by The Dean of Westminster ahead of the carol service

Dean of Westminster, David Hoyle greets the royal children ahead of the service

Dean of Westminster, David Hoyle greets the royal children ahead of the service

Before the concert started, Kate met celebrities in the Abbey’s stunning 16th century Lady Chapel, and chatting to Broadbent expressed her appreciation at him agreeing to read an extract from Letters From Father Christmas by Lord Of The Rings author JRR Tolkien.

She said: ‘Thank you for your time because I know the lead up to Christmas can be busy for people.’

Kate appeared to joke with multi-instrumentalist Collier, who has posted music tutorial videos on YouTube, about her daughter learning the piano and he quipped ‘many a plink and a plonk’.

The service began with the popular carol, Once In Royal David’s City, and the congregation also heard a duet by Beverley Knight and Adam Lambert who performed The Christmas Song, made famous by Nat King Cole.

William read the passage from the Gospel according to Luke that describes how Joseph and Mary travelled to Bethlehem to be registered and the birth of Jesus.

The Abbey echoed with the voices of its choir and the congregation singing a selection of carols including Silent Night, Holy Night and Joy To The World, as well as Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.

The historic building featured Christmas trees from Windsor Great Park donated by the King, which will be given to local communities after the service.

The event will be broadcast as part of Royal Carols: Together At Christmas, a special programme airing at 7.45pm on ITV1 and ITV X on Christmas Eve, featuring additional material including an introduction by Kate and films emphasising the importance of early childhood.

The broadcast will include contributions from Rio and Kate Ferdinand, Ugo Monye, Andrea and Virginia Bocelli and Dame Sheila Hancock.

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MAFS UK fans criticize ‘cold-hearted’ Laura as she ‘brutally’ dumps husband Arthur with ‘unnecessarily cruel’ speech during final vow renewal Mon, 13 Nov 2023 23:32:42 +0000

Married At First Sight British fans criticized ‘cold’ Laura Vaughan during Monday night’s episode after she ‘brutally’ dumped her husband Arthur Poremba. During their second wedding ceremony, viewers saw the finance manager, 34, read a ‘needlessly cruel’ speech to the tennis coach, 37, before walking out of their wedding. In the previous scenes, three of […]

The post MAFS UK fans criticize ‘cold-hearted’ Laura as she ‘brutally’ dumps husband Arthur with ‘unnecessarily cruel’ speech during final vow renewal appeared first on USMAIL24.COM.


Married At First Sight British fans criticized ‘cold’ Laura Vaughan during Monday night’s episode after she ‘brutally’ dumped her husband Arthur Poremba.

During their second wedding ceremony, viewers saw the finance manager, 34, read a ‘needlessly cruel’ speech to the tennis coach, 37, before walking out of their wedding.

In the previous scenes, three of the couples, Laura and Arthur, Jordan and Erica, and Peggy and Georges, went back to their separate homes, where they had five days to think about their decision.

After contemplating their future together, they were reunited at a second ceremony in which they read their vows and decided whether to stay together or leave the experiment.

Speaking ahead of their renewal, Arthur said: ‘I still hold on to the fact that sometimes we find ourselves in such a fortunate situation.’

Ouch: Married At First Sight UK fans slammed ‘cold’ Laura Vaughan during Monday night’s episode after she ‘brutally’ dumped her husband Arthur Poremba

Goodbye: During their second wedding ceremony, viewers saw the finance manager, 34, read an 'unnecessarily cruel' speech to the tennis coach, 37, before walking out of their wedding

Goodbye: During their second wedding ceremony, viewers saw the finance manager, 34, read an ‘unnecessarily cruel’ speech to the tennis coach, 37, before walking out of their wedding

He added: “I feel strongly about Laura and I and I want to fight for her.”

Back at her home, Laura spoke with one of her friends, who had already made her disapproval of Arthur clear in an earlier heated argument.

She wondered, “What if I leave now, but we are on the cusp of something good?” How do you know when to end a marriage?’

At his home, Arthur shared his fears: “We have something good going on and I think we can make it work, but Laura’s friends might change her mind.”

And it seems the tennis coach was right to doubt his bride when Laura said during the ceremony, “The more I grow as a person, the more I become a part of you.”

She brutally added, “I’ve always been a fixer, but I’ve realized this relationship can’t be fixed. You’re perfect for someone, but it won’t be me.’

Speaking to camera afterwards, Laura admitted: ‘Arthur’s vows have made things quite difficult for me, but I’m moving forward with much more confidence. I will miss Arthur, but the ring is finished.’

Meanwhile, Arthur was visibly shaken by Laura’s words as he broke down in tears while discussing their vows with a producer.

About: Laura brutally said, “I've always been a fixer, but I've realized that this relationship can't be fixed.  You're perfect for someone, but it won't be me

About: Laura brutally said, “I’ve always been a fixer, but I’ve realized that this relationship can’t be fixed. You’re perfect for someone, but it won’t be me

Appalling: Sharing their thoughts on X/Twitter, fans were shocked by Laura's 'brutal' speech, with one posting: 'So cold-hearted!  Not even sorry for poor Arthur'

Appalling: Sharing their thoughts on X/Twitter, fans were shocked by Laura’s ‘brutal’ speech, with one posting: ‘So cold-hearted! Not even sorry for poor Arthur’

‘That made me feel like c***. Ultimately, I would have tried to make things work on the outside and I’m really upset that she didn’t feel the same way,” he said.

Speaking to a producer off camera, Arthur added: “I don’t really know what else to say at the moment, sorry.”

Sharing their thoughts on X/Twitter, fans were shocked by Laura’s ‘brutal’ speech, with one posting: ‘So cold hearted! Not even sorry for poor Arthur.’

‘That was so cruel. I do not understand. She could have been so much nicer about it!’ another added.

A third agreed: ‘Laura just revealed her true nature – she’s a mean person, that was unnecessarily cruel.’

‘That was so callous, Arthur is a sweet boy and Laura always thought she was above him. I hope he finds someone more down to earth,” someone else wrote.

“I hope Arthur finds a stunner who appreciates him and brings sunshine and sprinkles into his life,” one fan shared.

Elsewhere, Jordan admitted to his mother that he would move to Edinburgh to be with Erica, as he admitted: ‘I would rather do that and make the relationship work than have it not change and have it break down because of the distance .

“When I promise her these last vows, I want it to be forever.”

Meanwhile, Erica shared some concerns with her friends as she said she was still worried about the communication issues between them.

On the way home: 'That was so callous, Arthur is a sweet guy and Laura always had the impression that she was above him.  I hope he finds someone more down to earth,” one fan wrote

On the way home: ‘That was so callous, Arthur is a sweet guy and Laura always had the impression that she was above him. I hope he finds someone more down to earth,” one fan wrote

But at the renewal all their concerns were put to rest when Erica confirmed: ‘Over the past few weeks you have shown me that you are willing to work hard. I hope that together we can become the best version of ourselves.’

Fans of the show had to wait until Tuesday to find out the fate of Peggy and George’s marriage, as the episode ended on a cliffhanger.

Peggy remains caught between Georges and her family, who still disapprove of him, and breaks down during her vows. She admitted it was the “hardest decision of her life.”

“I have thought long and hard over the past few days whether this can work or whether this is game over for us?” she asked.

Married At First Sight UK: Meet the eight participants of the series

Name: Arthur

Age: 34

From London

Occupation: tennis teacher

Why: ‘I’m ready to find the love of my life’

Name: Ella

Age: 29

From: Weston-Super-Mare

Occupation: Clinic consultant

Why: ‘This experiment means so much more than just me getting married. I see this as a big problem for someone who has undergone transition’

Name: Brad

Age: 27

From: Grimsby

Occupation: model

Why: ‘I trust the experts with all my heart that they are a good fit for me’

Name: Jai

Age: 31

From: Lancashire

Occupation: sales manager

Why: Hopefully they have found someone who suits me and I have faith that everything happens for a reason’

Name: Georges

Age: 30

From: Surrey

Occupation: sports rehabilitation doctor

Why: ‘I told the Experts that I will give 120%. “I trust them and I’m going to trust the process.”

Name: Laura

Age: 34

From: Hampshire

Occupation: financial manager

Why: ‘I’m firmly keeping my fingers crossed for a positive outcome – I don’t want another divorce’

Name: Lucas

Age: 30

From: Claton

Occupation: Sales manager

Why: ‘I’m very open, so I know I can make things work and build up, I just hope she has the same attitude’

Name: Peggy

Age: 32

From: Kent

Occupation: Technology risk partner

Why: ‘I want that lover and someone who can also be my best friend’

Name: Nathanial

Age: 36

From: Manchester

Occupation: Event marketing manager

Why: ‘I don’t trust anyone but myself, but I hope they did a good job, that’s all I can say’

Name: Porsche

Age: 36

From London

Occupation: Executive assistant

Why: ‘I try not to think too much about the fact that I’m marrying a total stranger because I’ll probably drive myself crazy’

Name: Paulus

Age: 26

From: Chesham

Occupation: Account manager

Why: ‘I hope the experts literally hand-delivered my best friend and life partner’

Name: Rosaline

Age: 28

From: Crewe

Occupation: florist

Why: ‘I’m excited, but I’m also quite nervous. It doesn’t feel real’

Name: Terence

Age: 40

From: Reading

Occupation: Youth worker/DJ

Why: ‘I’m looking forward to it and I’m enthusiastic. The only thing I worry about is whether she will like me.”

Name: Shona

Age: 31

From: Nottingham

Occupation: Performing arts teacher

Why: “It would be a happily ever after for me if he and I went through the experiment and really tried to grow together.”

Name: Thomas

Age: 27

From: Wiltshire

Profession: investment communications

Why: ‘I’m excited to meet this person and see what we can do together’

Name: Tasja

Age: 25

From: Leeds

Occupation: Childcare worker

Why: ‘I have faith in the experts that I can find the love of my life – the Ant to my Dec!’

Name: JJ

Age: 30

From: Essex

Position: Owner of a fashion brand

Why: ‘I couldn’t find anyone, so these guys, when the opportunity came up, it felt right to me’

Name: Bianca

Age: 29

From: Buxton

Position: Hair extension specialist

Why: “All my friends around me were having babies and getting married and I kept thinking to myself, ‘There has to be someone out there for me.'”

Name: Jordan

Age: 26

From: Sheffield

Position: Personal trainer

Why: ‘I’ve had trouble finding the right person before.’

Name: Erica

Age: 25

From: Dance teacher

Position: Dance teacher and social media manager

Why: “All I wanted was to settle down and have that security, someone I could literally spend my life with and have a best friend.”

The post MAFS UK fans criticize ‘cold-hearted’ Laura as she ‘brutally’ dumps husband Arthur with ‘unnecessarily cruel’ speech during final vow renewal appeared first on USMAIL24.COM.

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