Nicholas – USMAIL24.COM News Portal from USA Thu, 14 Mar 2024 06:05:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Nicholas – USMAIL24.COM 32 32 195427244 Hoe Nicholas Galitzine de nieuwe Britse hartenbreker werd: de in Londen geboren acteur, 29, die ‘afstamt van de Russische adel’ ging van een ‘verlegen kind’ naar pikante scènes met Julianne Moore Thu, 14 Mar 2024 06:05:09 +0000

Hij speelt in de veelgeprezen Mary & George tegenover Julianne Moore en zal deze zomer samen met Anne Hathaway de hoofdrol spelen in The Idea of ​​You. Maar voordat hij aan zijn carrière begon, leek Nicholas Galitzine bepaald niet voorbestemd om de nieuwste hartenbreker van Hollywood te worden. Sterker nog, hij was een ‘verlegen kind’ […]

The post Hoe Nicholas Galitzine de nieuwe Britse hartenbreker werd: de in Londen geboren acteur, 29, die ‘afstamt van de Russische adel’ ging van een ‘verlegen kind’ naar pikante scènes met Julianne Moore appeared first on USMAIL24.COM.


Hij speelt in de veelgeprezen Mary & George tegenover Julianne Moore en zal deze zomer samen met Anne Hathaway de hoofdrol spelen in The Idea of ​​You.

Maar voordat hij aan zijn carrière begon, leek Nicholas Galitzine bepaald niet voorbestemd om de nieuwste hartenbreker van Hollywood te worden. Sterker nog, hij was een ‘verlegen kind’ dat hoge verwachtingen koesterde om in plaats daarvan professioneel rugby te gaan spelen.

De in Londen geboren 29-jarige, die naar verluidt afstamt van de Russische adel, stemde er alleen mee in om op te treden tijdens zijn eerste acteerauditie in een poging indruk te maken op zijn geliefde.

Maar sindsdien floreert hij in de showbusiness en heeft hij rollen gekregen in onder meer Red, White en Royal Blue, de LGBTQ+-romcom die de genegenheid van fans over de hele wereld veiligstelde, ondanks dat hij door critici als ‘flauw’ werd bestempeld.

Hij liet de kijkers opnieuw warm onder de kraag achter in Sky’s Mary & George; Het werd vorige week uitgebracht en vertelt het schandalige, waargebeurde verhaal van een 17e-eeuwse gravin Mary Villiers (gespeeld door Julianne Moore), die haar zoon (Nicholas) kneedde om koning James I te verleiden.

Nicholas Galitzine speelt in de veelgeprezen Mary & George tegenover Julianne Moore (samen afgebeeld in Londen in februari 2024)

Door buitensporige plannen groeiden moeder en zoon van een bescheiden begin op tot de rijkste, meest vooraanstaande en invloedrijke spelers die het Engelse hof ooit had gezien, en de meest vertrouwde adviseurs van de koning.

Fans hebben de ordinaire bonk-buster geprezen om de mix van ‘kostuum, complotten en seks’, terwijl critici het ‘belachelijk leuk’ en een ‘koninklijke stoeipartij van seks en gekonkel’ noemden.

De tijden gaf de show vier sterren en vergeleek de film met The Favourite uit 2018, met “kleurrijk vloeken, momenten van niet-gecentreerde humor en ravotten met een go-go”.

The Daily Mail schreef: ‘Dit schunnige, uitbundige, 17e-eeuwse kostuumdrama Mary & George (Sky Atlantic) volgt de jongen terwijl hij opstaat om een ​​hertogdom op te eisen, zoals tweede zonen soms doen. Serials uit dit tijdperk volgen twee patronen: het literaire of het wellustige, Wolf Hall of The Tudors.

‘Dit valt zeker in het laatste kamp en als je van ordinaire, wellustige en vloekende geschiedenis houdt, is het erg leuk.’

Voortbordurend op zijn succes, speelt Nicholas ook de hoofdrol tegenover A-lister Anne Hathaway in Amazon Prime’s komende romantische drama The Idea of ​​You, dat in mei zal verschijnen.

Maar de filmcarrière van Nicholas kwam in alle opzichten enigszins uit de lucht vallen – toen hij opgroeide, ging de 1,80 meter lange ster om met het ‘sportieve publiek’ toen hij naar een jongensschool ging en acteren was het verste waar hij aan dacht.

In de hoop echter dichter bij zijn verliefdheid te komen na zijn afstuderen, deed Nicholas auditie voor een festivaltoneelstuk bestemd voor het Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

Nicholas zet zijn succes voort en speelt ook de hoofdrol tegenover A-lister Anne Hathaway in het komende romantische drama The Idea of ​​You van Amazon Prime, dat in mei zal verschijnen.

Nicholas zet zijn succes voort en speelt ook de hoofdrol tegenover A-lister Anne Hathaway in het komende romantische drama The Idea of ​​You van Amazon Prime, dat in mei zal verschijnen.

Maar voordat hij aan zijn carrière begon, leek Nicholas (op de foto met zijn vader) nauwelijks voorbestemd om de nieuwste hartenbreker van Hollywood te worden. Sterker nog, hij was een 'verlegen kind' dat hoge verwachtingen koesterde om in plaats daarvan professioneel rugby te gaan spelen.

Maar voordat hij aan zijn carrière begon, leek Nicholas (op de foto met zijn vader) nauwelijks voorbestemd om de nieuwste hartenbreker van Hollywood te worden. Sterker nog, hij was een ‘verlegen kind’ dat hoge verwachtingen koesterde om in plaats daarvan professioneel rugby te gaan spelen.

De in Londen geboren 29-jarige, die naar verluidt afstamt van de Russische adel, stemde er alleen mee in om op te treden tijdens zijn eerste acteerauditie in een poging indruk te maken op zijn geliefde.  Op de foto Nicholas als kind

De in Londen geboren 29-jarige, die naar verluidt afstamt van de Russische adel, stemde er alleen mee in om op te treden tijdens zijn eerste acteerauditie in een poging indruk te maken op zijn geliefde. Op de foto Nicholas als kind

Sprekend over zijn aanvankelijke onwil, vertelde hij Het laatste tijdschrift: ‘In het begin was ik erg verlegen omdat het idee om op te treden me gewoon doodsbang maakte.

‘Ik was altijd een beetje introvert en een verlegen kind, dus het idee om op te treden was angstaanjagend, maar ik was net afgestudeerd en het was een leuk zomervakantieplan, dus ik deed er auditie voor.

‘Hilarisch genoeg – mijn vader zal me dit nooit laten meemaken – maar ik was buiten de bioscoop en ik belde hem op met de vraag: ‘Wat doe ik hier verdomme? Ik ben geen acteur, ik heb dit nog nooit gedaan, dit is stom, ik moet naar huis komen.’

‘Hij overtuigde mij ervan dat het op zijn minst een leuke, nieuwe ervaring zou zijn en dat ik er waarschijnlijk spijt van zou krijgen als ik het niet zou doen.’

In een vervolg op Wonderland Magazine in 2019 zei hij: ‘Er was een meisje dat naar het Edinburgh Fringe Festival ging en dat ik echt leuk vond. ik deed [the festival] zodat ik dit meisje kon achtervolgen. En ik kwam terug met dit acteerbureau.’

Nicholas zei dat hij nooit een acteercarrière had overwogen en zich zorgen maakte over zijn ouders, en voegde eraan toe: ‘Ik weet zeker dat ze zo blij waren nadat ze voor mij een opleiding hadden betaald dat ik de weg van een werkloze, blut acteur volgde.’

Maar toen hij er uiteindelijk in terechtkwam, bleef zijn familie hem steunen – en Nicholas bleef een goede band behouden met zijn ouders, die allebei in de financiële wereld werken, en met zijn oudere zus, kunstenaar Lexi.

De acteur, opgevoed door zijn Griekse moeder en Russische vader, kreeg zijn eerste rol in het komediedrama The Beat Beneath My Feet uit 2014.

De acteur liet de kijkers warm onder de kraag in Sky's Mary & George;  Het werd vorige week uitgebracht en vertelt het schandalige waargebeurde verhaal van een 17e-eeuwse gravin Mary Villiers (gespeeld door Julianne Moore), die haar zoon (Nicholas) kneedde om koning James I te verleiden

De acteur liet de kijkers warm onder de kraag in Sky’s Mary & George; Het werd vorige week uitgebracht en vertelt het schandalige waargebeurde verhaal van een 17e-eeuwse gravin Mary Villiers (gespeeld door Julianne Moore), die haar zoon (Nicholas) kneedde om koning James I te verleiden

De acteur floreerde in Red, White en Royal Blue, omdat kijkers niet alleen genoten van het lieve en luchtige karakter van de romcom, maar ook de oprechte representatie van een LGTBQ+ koppel waardeerden.

De acteur floreerde in Red, White en Royal Blue, omdat kijkers niet alleen genoten van het lieve en luchtige karakter van de romcom, maar ook de oprechte representatie van een LGTBQ+ koppel waardeerden.

Nicholas kreeg ongetwijfeld zijn eerste doorbraak toen hij werd gecast als Prins Robert in Amazon's live action-bewerking van Assepoester tegenover Camila Cabello die de rol van de prinses op zich nam.

Nicholas kreeg ongetwijfeld zijn eerste doorbraak toen hij werd gecast als Prins Robert in Amazon’s live action-bewerking van Assepoester tegenover Camila Cabello die de rol van de prinses op zich nam.

In de nasleep van zijn succes in Assepoester kreeg Nicholas vervolgens een hoofdrol in Netflix's Purple Hearts - die draait om een ​​onrustige marinier en een wilskrachtige zanger die ondanks hun ideologisch tegengestelde standpunten een huwelijk voor geld faken.

In de nasleep van zijn succes in Assepoester kreeg Nicholas vervolgens een hoofdrol in Netflix’s Purple Hearts – die draait om een ​​onrustige marinier en een wilskrachtige zanger die ondanks hun ideologisch tegengestelde standpunten een huwelijk voor geld faken.

Al snel volgden een hele reeks andere rollen, waaronder in de romantische komedie High Strung en het drama Handsome Devil.

Ondanks het sudderende succes kreeg Nicholas ongetwijfeld zijn grote doorbraak toen hij werd gecast als Prins Robert in Amazons live action-bewerking van Assepoester tegenover Camila Cabello, die de rol van de prinses op zich nam.

Nicholas bloeide in zijn koninklijke rollen, misschien dankzij zijn eigen indrukwekkende familielijn.

Internetspeurneuzen hebben de erfenis van de ster bij elkaar gebracht om te onthullen dat hij afstamt van het Huis van Golitsyn – een van de grootste prinselijke families onder het door de tsaar geregeerde Rusland.

Er wordt gedacht dat zijn eigen voorouders gedwongen werden naar Groot-Brittannië te vluchten te midden van de politieke en sociale onrust van de Russische Revolutie die tussen 1917 en 1923 woedde.

In de nasleep van zijn Assepoester-succes kreeg Nicholas vervolgens een hoofdrol in Netflix’s Purple Hearts – die draait om een ​​onrustige marinier en een wilskrachtige zanger die ondanks hun ideologisch tegengestelde standpunten een huwelijk voor geld faken.

Hoewel er veel controverse over bestond, werd het al snel de meest succesvolle titel van het platform van 2022, en stuwde Nicholas’ carrière naar nieuwe hoogten.

Maar tijdens zijn succes bleef hij zijn vader prijzen omdat hij hem het duwtje in de rug gaf dat hij nodig had.

Op Vaderdag in 2021 deelde Nicholas samen met vader Geoffrey een afbeelding met het onderschrift: ‘Aan de man die mij heeft opgevoed, mij naar rugbywedstrijden door het hele land heeft gereden, mij een vliegtuig heeft laten besturen toen ik negen was, mij heeft overtuigd om te gaan naar de auditie voor het toneelstuk waarin ik gescout zou worden en een carrière als acteur zou beginnen, GELUKKIGE VADERDAG!!

‘Je moed en je gedrevenheid inspireren mij meer dan je weet. Je bent er bij elke stap voor me geweest en ik kon me niet beter wensen. Ik hou van je, Grote G.’

Nicholas – die door fans een ‘queer-icoon’ wordt genoemd nadat hij verschillende LGBTQ+-personagerollen heeft gespeeld – heeft zijn eigen seksualiteit nooit rechtstreeks aan de orde gesteld, maar heeft eerder zijn wens besproken om de LGBTQ+-gemeenschap accuraat te vertegenwoordigen.

Spreken met de Gewoon voor variatie podcast over authentieke casting in relatie tot Rood, Wit en Koningsblauw in het bijzonder, zei hij: ‘Ik vind het een heel gevoelig onderwerp.

‘Ik denk dat het belangrijkste voor mij was om Matthew te laten weten dat ik hield van wie Henry was als persoon, en ik leefde met hem in als personage, en ik wilde gewoon proberen een zo eerlijk mogelijke prestatie neer te zetten – nooit een karikatuur – als Ik zou kunnen.’

The post Hoe Nicholas Galitzine de nieuwe Britse hartenbreker werd: de in Londen geboren acteur, 29, die ‘afstamt van de Russische adel’ ging van een ‘verlegen kind’ naar pikante scènes met Julianne Moore appeared first on USMAIL24.COM.

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Cranbrook bombshell: Principal Nicholas Sampson quits as principal of one of Australia’s most prestigious schools after ABC Four Corners program Thu, 07 Mar 2024 22:32:51 +0000

By Eliza Mcphee for Daily Mail Australia Published: 5:12 PM EST, March 7, 2024 | Updated: 5:28 PM EST, March 7, 2024 The principal of one of Australia’s most prestigious schools, Cranbrook, has resigned, five days after a TV special aired on the private school’s culture. Nicholas Sampson resigned after an “irrevocable breach of trust” […]

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The principal of one of Australia’s most prestigious schools, Cranbrook, has resigned, five days after a TV special aired on the private school’s culture.

Nicholas Sampson resigned after an “irrevocable breach of trust” with the school council, the ABC reported on Friday morning.

Among the revelations aired this week, a female teacher was the victim of an attempted blackmail by a male student, who demanded she send him nude photos.

The Four Corners report also claimed it had obtained “multiple letters and documents from former Cranbrook staffers detailing a toxic culture.”

In a statement to the school community on Friday morning, the council confirmed that Mr Sampson had tendered his resignation following the broadcast of the report.

‘The circumstances of the matter and Mr Sampson’s subsequent failure to disclose the matter to the current school board in the context of this week’s ABC Four Corners broadcast have led to an irrevocable breach of trust between the principal and the school council,” the statement said. said.

“The School Board communicated this to Mr. Sampson and received his resignation this morning.”

This is a breaking news story. More to follow.

Cranbrook director Nicholas Sampson (pictured) has resigned

Sydney's exclusive Cranbrook boys' school came under scrutiny at Four Corners on Monday evening

Sydney’s exclusive Cranbrook boys’ school came under scrutiny at Four Corners on Monday evening

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Nicholas Galitzine and Anne Hathaway Kiss in ‘The Idea of ​​You’ Trailer Wed, 06 Mar 2024 21:10:24 +0000

August Moon singer Hayes Campbell came to life and stole Anne Hathaway‘s heart in it The idea of ​​you trailer. “What about what people will say?” asks Hathaway, who plays Solène Marchand, in the film’s first trailer, out Wednesday, March 6. Nicholas GalitzineHayes, Hayes’ character, responds, “I don’t care what they say.” The upcoming film, […]

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August Moon singer Hayes Campbell came to life and stole Anne Hathaway‘s heart in it The idea of ​​you trailer.

“What about what people will say?” asks Hathaway, who plays Solène Marchand, in the film’s first trailer, out Wednesday, March 6. Nicholas GalitzineHayes, Hayes’ character, responds, “I don’t care what they say.”

The upcoming film, out on Thursday, May 2, is based on Robin Lee‘s novel of the same name – and proves that Galitzine keeps the boy band watching on lock.

“I’m too old for you,” Hathaway, 41, whispers to Galitzine, 29, elsewhere in the trailer, just before their characters share a passionate kiss for the first time. That one line seemingly defines the entire film, which follows 40-year-old single mother Solène’s unexpected romance with 24-year-old August Moon frontman Hayes.

In addition to teasing their spicy relationship, the trailer also gives fans a look at how Solène is dealing with the public reaction to her romance with Hayes – and how their age difference is perceived.

Thanks to Prime

“I didn’t know my happiness would piss off so many people,” Hathaway’s character declares. Other moments in the trailer seem to come straight from the book. For example, when Hathaway and Galitzine run into the ocean during a romantic beach vacation.

Apart from a few crucial moments in the film, The idea of ​​you trailer also offered fans a first listen to August Moon’s “Dance Before We Walk.” A full version of the song was also officially released on Wednesday.

As a lead singer with tattoos, fans of The idea of ​​you novel cannot help but compare Hayes with Harry Styles – during his One Direction days. However, the author cleared up speculations during an interview with Fashion in 2020.

Nicholas Galitzine steals Anne Hathaway's heart in Harry Styles, inspired by The Idea of ​​You trailer
Alisha Wetherill/Prime

“This was never intended to be a book about Harry Styles,” said author Lee, who admitted that Styles and Prince Harry were two inspirations behind Hayes.

Our most anticipated romantic comedies of 2024, from Musica to Irish Wish

Related: We showcase the most anticipated romantic comedies of 2024

There’s just something about the perfect rom-com that has us in our feels. Fortunately, films like Which Brings Me to You and Upgraded have already proven why 2024 seems to be the year of romance. Based on the novel of the same name, Which Brings Me to You focuses on two strangers (Lucy Hale […]

“Just the idea that this film promotes female pleasure as a kind of protagonist, I find it very interesting and unique,” ​​Galitzine said during an interview with British HitsRadio on Tuesday, March 5. “It’s clear that [the movie] shows an age difference in love between a younger man and an older woman that we don’t normally see on screen.”

Nicholas Galitzine steals Anne Hathaway's heart in Harry Styles, inspired by The Idea of ​​You Trailer 3
Alisha Wetherill/Prime

It was previously announced that The Idea of ​​You will premiere as the final film at South by Southwest (SXSW) on Saturday, March 16. Prime Video offered a sneak peek at the film as they teased their 2024 film releases in a December 2023 preview. However, the newly released trailer offers so much more.

The idea of ​​you premieres May 2 on Prime Video.

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Succession swansong! Kieran Culkin, Nicholas Braun and Matthew Macfadyen reunite with hit show’s cast for final time at SAG 2024 – as series scoops Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble Sun, 25 Feb 2024 08:12:47 +0000

The cast of hit HBO series Succession enjoyed their ‘one last hurrah’ during a bittersweet night at the Screen Actors Guild Awards on Saturday. Kieran Culkin, 41, Nicholas Braun, 35, and Matthew Macfadyen, 49, were seen sharing a warm hug at their last awards show together, before joining the rest of the talented cast inside. […]

The post Succession swansong! Kieran Culkin, Nicholas Braun and Matthew Macfadyen reunite with hit show’s cast for final time at SAG 2024 – as series scoops Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble appeared first on USMAIL24.COM.


The cast of hit HBO series Succession enjoyed their ‘one last hurrah’ during a bittersweet night at the Screen Actors Guild Awards on Saturday.

Kieran Culkin, 41, Nicholas Braun, 35, and Matthew Macfadyen, 49, were seen sharing a warm hug at their last awards show together, before joining the rest of the talented cast inside.

They later reunited on stage with co-stars Alan Ruck, Alexander Skarsgard, J. Smith-Cameron, Justine Lupe, Fisher Stevens, Dagmara Dominczyk, David Rasche and more.

The critically-acclaimed tragicomedy was upset several times in the television categories, including by Elizabeth Debicki who beat out Sarah Snook for The Crown, and The Last Of Us star Pedro Pascal who triumphed over Culkin, Brian Cox, and Macfadyen. 

However, the Jesse Armstrong series did ultimately take home top honor Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series. 

The cast of hit HBO series Succession enjoyed their ‘one last hurrah’ during a bittersweet night at the Screen Actors Guild Awards on Saturday

Kieran Culkin , 41, Nicholas Braun, 35, and Matthew Macfadyen , 49, were seen sharing a warm hug at their last awards show together, before joining the rest of the talented cast inside

Kieran Culkin , 41, Nicholas Braun, 35, and Matthew Macfadyen , 49, were seen sharing a warm hug at their last awards show together, before joining the rest of the talented cast inside 

The critically-acclaimed tragicomedy was upset several times in the television categories, but did ultimately take home top honor Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series

The critically-acclaimed tragicomedy was upset several times in the television categories, but did ultimately take home top honor Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series

Also present were Juliana Canfield, Justine Lupe, Arian Moayed, Scott Nicholson, J. Smith-Cameron, and Zoe Winters. 

Missing from the action — as he has been throughout the awards season — was Jeremy Strong, 45, famed for his portrayal of Kendall Roy, who’s currently busy with another project. 

Brian Cox, 77, and Sarah Snook, 36, were also not in attendance, as they are currently busy working on stage plays. 

The fan-beloved show beat out an impressive field including The Crown, The Gilded Age, The Last Of Us, and The Morning Show.

Alan Ruck accepted the prize on behalf of cast of the drama as he began his speech saying: ‘One last hurrah, I think.’

‘I think right now you’re looking at some of the luckiest people on the planet and some of the most grateful because not only did we get to all work on one of the best television shows, you know, maybe ever, we made friends for life.

‘And I think the magic of Succession was that the writing was so fabulous. It inspired all of us to bring our A-game from the very beginning.’

‘And we got off on watching each other work, and we caught lightning in a bottle. Lucky, you know? So, now we’re thrilled to be recognized by our peers.’

Alan Ruck accepted the prize on behalf of cast of the drama as he began his speech saying: 'One last hurrah, I think'

Alan Ruck accepted the prize on behalf of cast of the drama as he began his speech saying: ‘One last hurrah, I think’

The fan-beloved show beat out an impressive field including The Crown, The Gilded Age, The Last Of Us, and The Morning Show

The fan-beloved show beat out an impressive field including The Crown, The Gilded Age, The Last Of Us, and The Morning Show

The trio cozied up while finishing their awards season

The trio cozied up while finishing their awards season

Macfadyen and Scott Nicholson posed with Kieran and J. Smith-Cameron, whose characters enjoyed a forbidden-love connection on the series

 Macfadyen and Scott Nicholson posed with Kieran and J. Smith-Cameron, whose characters enjoyed a forbidden-love connection on the series

Ruck shared a warm hug with Kieran at the event

Ruck shared a warm hug with Kieran at the event

(L-R) Macfadyen, Culkin, Smith-Cameron, Nicholson, Alexander Skarsgard, Dagmara Dominczyk, Zoe Winters, Fisher Stevens, Nicholas Braun, Arian Moayed, Ruck, Yvonne de Bark, David Rasche and Justine Lupe

(L-R) Macfadyen, Culkin, Smith-Cameron, Nicholson, Alexander Skarsgard, Dagmara Dominczyk, Zoe Winters, Fisher Stevens, Nicholas Braun, Arian Moayed, Ruck, Yvonne de Bark, David Rasche and Justine Lupe

Missing from the action was Jeremy Strong, 45. Brian Cox, 77, and Sarah Snook, 36, were also not in attendance, as they are currently busy working on stage plays

Missing from the action was Jeremy Strong, 45. Brian Cox, 77, and Sarah Snook, 36, were also not in attendance, as they are currently busy working on stage plays

Macfadyen and Skarsgard posed together backstage

Macfadyen and Skarsgard posed together backstage 

Kieran, who won fans over with his portrayal of immature and insecure Roman Roy - son of media mogul Logan Roy (played by Cox) - proudly held the award, despite losing in the Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Drama Series category

Kieran, who won fans over with his portrayal of immature and insecure Roman Roy – son of media mogul Logan Roy (played by Cox) – proudly held the award, despite losing in the Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Drama Series category

Kieran looked dapper as ever on the red carpet, and was joined by his wife Jazz Charton

Kieran looked dapper as ever on the red carpet, and was joined by his wife Jazz Charton

Macfadyen looked handsome in an all-black suit

Macfadyen looked handsome in an all-black suit

SAG Awards 2024 winners: AT A GLANCE


Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture: Oppenheimer

Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role: Lily Gladstone – Killers Of The Flower Moon

Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role: Cillian Murphy – Oppenheimer

Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role: Da’Vine Joy Randolph – The Holdovers

Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role: Robert Downey Jr. – Oppenheimer

Oppenheimer was a major winner in the film categories as it earned top honor Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture

Oppenheimer was a major winner in the film categories as it earned top honor Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture


Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series: Succession

Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Comedy Series: The Bear

Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series: Elizabeth Debicki – The Crown

Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Drama Series: Pedro Pascal – The Last Of Us

Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Comedy Series: Ayo Edebiri – The Bear

Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Comedy Series: Jeremy Allen White – The Bear

Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Television Movie or Limited Series: Ali Wong – Beef

Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Television Movie or Limited Series: Steven Yeun – Beef

‘So on behalf of Brian and Snooky and Jeremy, who can’t be here, thank you to our fellow actors for giving us this award, thanks to everybody at HBO for being so smart.’

‘Thanks for casting us and giving us this gift, thanks to our lovely crew, all our directors who guided us and mostly thanks to Jesse Armstrong for having this idea and hiring the most glorious writers’ room. You honor us and we honor them.’ 

Succession has been nominated for numerous awards, including 75 Primetime Emmy Awards (19 wins), 18 Golden Globe Awards (nine wins), one Grammy Award, 18 Critics’ Choice Television Awards (eight wins), two Producers Guild of America Awards (won both), six Writers Guild of America Awards (four wins), and one Peabody Awards (won). 

Succession’s fourth and final season aired in May, and the show was praised across the board by critics – despite its shocking tragic Shakespearean conclusion.

The episode saw the fate and future of the Roy family children and the company their late billionaire media mogul father Logan Roy (Cox) created hanging in the balance.

The entire series has been building up to the last few episodes, as all of Logan’s children – Kendall (Strong), Roman (Culkin), Shiv (Snook) and Connor (Ruck) – get ready for the final Waystar Royco board vote on the merger with Lukas Matsson’s (Skarsgard) GoJo.

The 90-minute series finale was directed by Mark Mylod and written by series creator Jesse Armstrong, and after many twists and turns, it was Tom Wambsgans (Macfadyen) who ultimately takes over as Waystar CEO, under new owner Lukas Matsson.

The Daily Mail’s TV critic, Christopher Stevens, gave the show five stars and said the ending was ‘everything we hoped it would be.’

Succession's finale received rave reviews from critics across the board, who warned ending should come with a 'psychological warning'

Succession’s finale received rave reviews from critics across the board, who warned ending should come with a ‘psychological warning’

The episode saw the fate and future of the Roy family children and the company their late billionaire media mogul father Logan (Cox) created hanging in the balance

The episode saw the fate and future of the Roy family children and the company their late billionaire media mogul father Logan (Cox) created hanging in the balance 

He wasn’t surprised about the ‘strong language from the start and throughout’ — it was the very last episode of the ‘sweariest £@%&ing show in television history. We’d have been horrified if there wasn’t strong language.’

But he added: ‘We should have been cautioned that what followed was 90 minutes of drama so bruising, so punishing that by the end my internal organs felt like Roman Roy’s face looked — stitched up and bleeding all over the place.’

At the very least, we deserved some admonition: ‘This program contains intense scenes of psychological and emotional meltdown.’

‘The idea of Tom being the eventual successor, that had been something that I thought was the right ending for quite a while now,’ series creator Jesse told HuffPost about the finale.

‘Even though he’s not exactly the most powerful monarch you’ll ever meet — his power comes from Matsson [Skarsgard],’ he added. ‘Those figures that drift upwards and make themselves amenable to powerful people are around.’ 

The series went out on top as it drew 2.9million viewers across linear telecasts and streaming service Max. 

2024 SAG Awards Winners


Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture

‘American Fiction’


‘The Color Purple’

‘Killers of the Flower Moon’

‘Oppenheimer’ – WINNER

Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role

Annette Bening – ‘Nyad’

Lily Gladstone – ‘Killers of the Flower Moon’ – WINNER

Carey Mulligan – ‘Maestro’

Margot Robbie – ‘Barbie’

Emma Stone – ‘Poor Things’

Lily Gladstone beat out Margot Robbie and Emma Stone in lead actress category for their work in Killers Of The Flower Moon

Lily Gladstone beat out Margot Robbie and Emma Stone in lead actress category for their work in Killers Of The Flower Moon


Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role

Bradley Cooper – ‘Maestro’

Colman Domingo – ‘Rustin’

Paul Giamatti – ‘The Holdovers’

Cillian Murphy – ‘Oppenheimer’ – WINNER

Jeffrey Wright – ‘American Fiction’

Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role

Emily Blunt – ‘Oppenheimer’

Danielle Brooks – ‘The Color Purple’

Penelope Cruz – ‘Ferrari’

Jodie Foster – ‘Nyad’

Da’Vine Joy Randolph – ‘The Holdovers’- WINNER

Da'Vine Joy Randolph  triumphed in the Outstanding Actress in a Supporting Role category for The Holdovers

Da’Vine Joy Randolph  triumphed in the Outstanding Actress in a Supporting Role category for The Holdovers

Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role

Sterling K. Brown – ‘American Fiction’

Willem Dafoe – ‘Poor Things’

Robert De Niro – ‘Killers of the Flower Moon’

Robert Downey Jr. – ‘Oppenheimer’ – WINNER

Ryan Gosling – ‘Barbie’

Robert Downey Jr. won Outstanding Actor in a Supporting Role and Outstanding Ensemble for Oppenheimer

Robert Downey Jr. won Outstanding Actor in a Supporting Role and Outstanding Ensemble for Oppenheimer

Outstanding Action Performance by a Stunt Ensemble in a Motion Picture


‘Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3’

‘Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny’

‘John Wick: Chapter 4’

‘Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One’ – WINNER


Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series

‘The Crown’

‘The Gilded Age’

‘The Last of Us’

‘The Morning Show’

‘Succession’ – WINNER

Succession was upset in several individual categories but did win top honor Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series

Succession was upset in several individual categories but did win top honor Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series


Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Comedy Series

‘Abbot Elementary’


‘The Bear’ – WINNER

‘Only Murders in the Building’

‘Ted Lasso’

Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series

Jennifer Aniston – ‘The Morning Show’

Elizabeth Debicki – ‘The Crown’ – WINNER

Bella Ramsey – ‘The Last of Us’

Keri Russell – ‘The Diplomat’

Sarah Snook – ‘Succession’ 

Elizabeth Debicki beat out favorite Sarah Snook for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama for The Crown

Elizabeth Debicki beat out favorite Sarah Snook for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama for The Crown

Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Drama Series

Brian Cox – ‘Succession’

Billy Crudup – ‘The Morning Show’

Kieran Culkin – ‘Succession’

Matthew Macfadyen – ‘Succession’

Pedro Pascal – ‘The Last of Us’ – WINNERS

Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Comedy Series

Alex Borstein – ‘The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel’

Rachel Brosnahan – ‘The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel’

Quinta Brunson – ‘Abbott Elementary’

Ayo Edebiri – ‘The Bear’ – WINNER

Hannah Waddingham – ‘Ted Lasso’


Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Comedy Series

Brett Goldstein – ‘Ted Lasso’

Bill Hader – ‘Barry’

Ebon Moss-Bachrach – ‘The Bear’

Jason Sudeikis – ‘Ted Lasso’

Jeremy Allen White – ‘The Bear’ – WINNER

Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Television Movie or Limited Series

Uzo Aduba – ‘Painkiller’

Kathryn Hahn – Tiny Beautiful Things’

Brie Larson – ‘Lessons in Chemistry’

Bel Powley – ‘A Small Light’

Ali Wong – ‘Beef’ – WINNER

Ali Wong earned Outstanding Actress in a Television Movie or Limited Series for Beef

Ali Wong earned Outstanding Actress in a Television Movie or Limited Series for Beef


Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Television Movie or Limited Series

Matt Bomer – ‘Fellow Travelers’

Jon Hamm – ‘Fargo’

David Oyelowo – ‘Lawmen: Bass Reeves’

Tony Shalhoub – ‘Mr. Monk’s Last Case: A Monk Movie’

Steven Yeun – ‘Beef’ – WINNER

Outstanding Action Performance by a Stunt Ensemble in a Television Series




‘The Last of Us’ – WINNER

‘The Mandalorian’

The post Succession swansong! Kieran Culkin, Nicholas Braun and Matthew Macfadyen reunite with hit show’s cast for final time at SAG 2024 – as series scoops Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble appeared first on USMAIL24.COM.

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Family Karma's Amrit Kapai and Nicholas Kouchoukos embark on a surrogacy journey Sat, 27 Jan 2024 19:01:18 +0000

Thanks to Amrit Kapai Family Karmas Amrit Kapai and his husband, Nicolas Kouchoukoshave officially started their surrogacy journey. “We are ecstatic. I think we're just at a point, both of us, where we want to continue to add layers to our relationship, our marriage, and we want to start a family,” Kapai shares exclusively in […]

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Thanks to Amrit Kapai

Family Karmas Amrit Kapai and his husband, Nicolas Kouchoukoshave officially started their surrogacy journey.

“We are ecstatic. I think we're just at a point, both of us, where we want to continue to add layers to our relationship, our marriage, and we want to start a family,” Kapai shares exclusively in the latest issue of We weekly. “I feel like we've done everything. So much of it is so fleeting, but I think having a child is just a magical, exhausting, but magical journey. And we are both very ready to start that journey. We hope. Hoping, hoping for at least a pregnancy in 2024.”

According to Kapai, he and Kouchoukos, who married in April 2022, decided to pursue surrogacy in Colombia after a friend of his had “really good things to say about the process down there.”

“There were a few things that really stood out to us when we did it abroad. First of all, it was… a little prohibitively expensive to do it here. It's just so expensive,” he explains. “But apart from that, there were certain parts of the process that we in Colombia were very keen to hear about. For example, one was in Colombia, they will make as many attempts as it takes to have a baby in your life. poor.”

Lucy Liu recalls the decision to use a surrogate to welcome son Rockwell

Related: Celebrities who used surrogates to welcome children

Pursue Surrogacy! Lance Bass and more celebrities have delivered babies with the help of surrogate mothers. The singer and Michael Turchin became parents to twins in October 2021, but the couple tried to start their family for three years. The former 'NSync member first told Us Weekly exclusively in March 2018 […]

Not to mention that the land isn't far from the couple's home in Miami. “The proximity of Miami to Bogotá is, I think, closer than Miami to Chicago,” Kapai added.

Kapai and Kouchoukos made their first trip to Colombia in September 2023, where they met with representatives from the surrogacy clinic, foundation and agency that will help them through their parenthood process. “Not only was it our introduction to Colombia and our first time there, but it was also our introduction to the process and an introduction to the different people who will play a role in bringing our child into the world,” says Kapai. Us.

Family Karma star Amrit Kapai and husband Nicolas Kouchoukos International Surrogacy Journey
Thanks to Amrit Kapai

As an LGBTQ+ couple, Kapai and Kouchoukos also met with a legal team to ask important questions about the country's laws regarding surrogacy and the queer community.

“What happens if Columbia decides in six months that they want to repeal some of their laws when it comes to surrogacy or when it comes to their LGBTQ+ laws?” Kapai asked. “Because Columbia is a very, very, very pro LGBTQ+ country right now… But what happens if that changes?

“That's such a legitimate concern for us because not only do we have to worry about, well, medically speaking, how this is going to happen, but legally speaking, the last thing we want to do is go through this whole process and then be told get that you can do that. “Not having your child back in the country for any reason,” Kapai says.

During their trip, the Bravo stars were also directly introduced to potential surrogates, although they have not chosen their surrogate yet. “We have selected our egg donor, which is very exciting,” Kapai reveals.

As for the details of the surrogacy, Kapai says he and his husband plan to perform an “egg split.” He adds: 'We will split the eggs and fertilize half with Nicholas' sperm, the other half with my sperm. So that way, because we want more than one, the children will have the same biological mother, different biological fathers, either my sperm or Nicholas' sperm.”

Family Karma star Amrit Kapai and husband Nicolas Kouchoukos International Surrogacy Journey
Thanks to Amrit Kapai

Although the couple hopes to have more children in the future, Kapai hopes their first will be a girl.

“I want to be a girl dad and buy her nice dresses and learn how to do her hair and all that fun stuff,” he says. Us. “But at the same time there are so many concerns. What if I can't be that motherly figure she needs? Don't know. But I mean, those are again things that I'm worried about right now, that I don't have to worry about right now.

And Kouchoukos is just as excited about parenthood, Kapai added: “I think he's more of a kid, I just want a baby, whether it's a boy or a girl.”

For more on Kapai and Kouchoukos, watch the video above and pick up the latest issue of We weeklyon newsstands now.

With reporting by Andrea Simpson

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Revealed: Why Charles called BBC Royal correspondent Nicholas Witchell ‘that bloody man’ during infamous 2005 hot mic outburst Sun, 24 Dec 2023 14:27:28 +0000

Retired BBC royal correspondent Nicholas Witchell has revealed that Charles hasn’t spoken to him for ‘years’ after a story he wrote enraged the then-future king – and sparked those famous hot mic comments. The veteran royal correspondent, who steps down next year, was the target of the then Prince of Wales’s annoyance during a photo […]

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Retired BBC royal correspondent Nicholas Witchell has revealed that Charles hasn’t spoken to him for ‘years’ after a story he wrote enraged the then-future king – and sparked those famous hot mic comments.

The veteran royal correspondent, who steps down next year, was the target of the then Prince of Wales’s annoyance during a photo shoot with William and Harry in the Swiss Alps in 2005, just eight days before Charles was due to marry Queen Camilla.

The then-Prince of Wales was angry when Witchell asked him how he felt about his upcoming wedding, prompting the future monarch to say quietly, “Bloody people.” I can’t stand that man. I mean, he’s so terrible, he really is.’

In an interview with Sunday times, the journalist has now explained exactly why Charles was so angry, saying that a piece he had written about a holiday he took with Camilla on a friend’s yacht had fueled the anger.

Ex-BBC royal correspondent Nicholas Witchell (pictured in 2016) said he so upset Charles with a piece he wrote about the future king during a hunting holiday with Camilla that the then prince ‘didn’t speak to him for years ‘. ‘

He said: ‘I had likened it to holidays taken by a former Prince of Wales [Edward VIII] with his mistress [Wallis Simpson], and I know he really didn’t like that. He was very angry.’

The ex-BBC man revealed that Charles stopped speaking to him for several years, something the journalist said did not hurt his career as it proved he was not ‘blowing smoke into the back of the royal family’.

Witchell said he and the monarch were eventually reconciled, and the king had even become patron of the Normandy Memorial Trust, which the journalist co-founded.

Earlier this year, Witchell revealed he was ‘shocked’ when he realized exactly what Charles had said about him in 2005. He said his question to the royal family had gone ‘terribly wrong’, adding: ‘I was shocked, but to be completely honest ‘we’re all mumbling under our breath, aren’t we?’

King Charles with his arms around Prince William and Prince Harry during the royal family's skiing holiday in Klosters, Switzerland on March 31, 2005

King Charles with his arms around Prince William and Prince Harry during the royal family’s skiing holiday in Klosters, Switzerland on March 31, 2005

The journalist, who has been reporting on the royal family since 1998, announced last week that he will retire next year.

He joined the broadcaster in 1976 as a graduate news intern.

King Charles had been on holiday at the Klosters resort when he was contacted by Mr Witchell, who asked: ‘May I ask how you and Princes William and Harry feel about the prospect of marriage?’

Speak with The Telegraphthe journalist said he hoped with his question that Prince Harry and William would ‘endorse the wedding’.

“But it just went terribly wrong,” he said.

Witchell has admitted he was 'shocked' when King Charles called him 'terrible' during a now infamous TV interview

Witchell has admitted he was ‘shocked’ when King Charles called him ‘terrible’ during a now infamous TV interview

‘People were not in the best mood that morning. It actually sounds like the most idiotic and pathetic question: “What do you think of the wedding?”

‘But if you unpack that a bit, as the then Prince of Wales did straight away… I could see his face change color slightly.’

Charles initially interrupted him before Mr. Witchell had completed his question, saying, “You’ve heard of it, haven’t you?”

William said politely: “Very happy, very satisfied. It’s going to be a good day.’

Before Charles began his tirade, he said again, “I’m really glad you heard about it.”

Aides suggested Charles was annoyed because William and Kate Middleton – then the prince’s girlfriend – had been photographed the previous day.

Paddy Harverson, Charles’ press secretary at the time, said: ‘We recognize that we cannot stop photographers from taking these photographs, but we hope every year that they will respect the privacy of family and friends and their need for a private holiday.’

In 2005, Prince Charles – as he then was – famously insulted the BBC's royal correspondent Nicholas Witchell

In 2005, Prince Charles – as he then was – famously insulted the BBC’s royal correspondent Nicholas Witchell

Harverson later said: “Nicholas was in the line of fire when the prince expressed his general frustration with the paparazzi and it boiled over at the first person who asked a question,” he said.

‘It wasn’t personal. He regrets saying it. He really didn’t mean to take it out on Nicholas.’

Mr Witchell said this weekend that Charles had not apologized, but he had not expected to either.

He said there was “no contact” between the pair for “a number of years” before they had a “rapprochement” in Saudi Arabia.

Mr Witchell broadcast the confirmed news of the death of Diana, Princess of Wales on August 31, 1997, and provided live radio commentary from outside Westminster Abbey at her funeral.

The 70-year-old first joined the BBC after completing a law degree at the University of Leeds, and later became a BBC reporter in Northern Ireland in 1979, where he covered the murder of Earl Mountbatten, among other things and the IRA hunger strikes.

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BBC correspondent Nicholas Witchell says Meghan should have been ‘less impatient’ with royal aides who ‘bent over backwards’ to support her. Sun, 24 Dec 2023 12:44:52 +0000

BBC correspondent Nicholas Witchell has claimed Meghan should have been ‘less impatient’ with royal aides who ‘bent over backwards’ to support her. The veteran broadcaster, 70, also dismissed the claims in Harry and Meghan’s 2021 interview with Oprah Winfrey, arguing that race was not a “significant factor” in their decision to leave Britain for California […]

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BBC correspondent Nicholas Witchell has claimed Meghan should have been ‘less impatient’ with royal aides who ‘bent over backwards’ to support her.

The veteran broadcaster, 70, also dismissed the claims in Harry and Meghan’s 2021 interview with Oprah Winfrey, arguing that race was not a “significant factor” in their decision to leave Britain for California almost four years ago to go.

He rejected from the start the idea that the Palace was against them and praised the Sussexes’ team of courtiers, including Australian private secretary Samantha Cohen and US communications secretaries Jason Knauf and Sara Latham.

Mr Witchell has been bound by ‘the discipline of being a BBC reporter’ for decades and has shed light on what he really thinks about the royal family in an honest interview with the British newspaper. Sunday Times Magazine before his upcoming retirement.

He even revealed how close he came to interviewing Princess Diana for Panorama until he was stepped down in Martin Bashir’s place, sparking an explosive BBC scandal over how the disgraced journalist secured the chat.

Mr Witchell said Harry and Meghan had been a great loss to the palace and wished they had tried harder and given it more time.

He added, “Like her [Meghan] might have just been less impatient, less inclined to see well-meaning people turn against her one way or another. It’s sad, especially the relationship [breakdown] between Harry and William.’

BBC correspondent Nicholas Witchell (pictured) has claimed Meghan should have been less impatient with royal aides ‘bent over backwards’ to support her

He also dismissed claims made in the Sussexes' 2021 Oprah Winfrey interview, arguing that race was not a

He also dismissed claims made in the Sussexes’ 2021 Oprah Winfrey interview, arguing that race was not a “significant” factor in their decision to leave the UK.

He said the Sussexes’ aides had worked tirelessly and sympathized with Meghan, but in the end it didn’t work out. He said: ‘I really don’t think race was a major factor in it, I think it was more nationality and culture than race.’

But Mr Witchell not only claims, but believes the Sussexes could have tried harder Buckingham Palace should have put more effort into it Harry before he and meghan the Royal family.

He claimed the Queen found it challenging to understand Harry’s pain when the Sussexes decided to leave the UK to live in California.

Mr Witchell described Harry and Meghan’s story as “nasty” but claimed it needed to be covered because there was more interest in the more common “soap opera aspects of the royal family”.

But the royal correspondent praised Prince William and Princess Kate, who he said have a good image and can read the public mood well by focusing on areas such as homelessness, the environment and mental health.

Mr. Witchell said he knows the soap aspect is part of the job, even if he doesn’t feel comfortable with it.

In the midst of a glittering career, there are perhaps two moments in the soap opera when Mr Witchell was the protagonist in himself.

Mr Witchell also believes Buckingham Palace 'should have tried harder' with Harry before he and Meghan left the royal family

Mr Witchell also believes Buckingham Palace ‘should have tried harder’ with Harry before he and Meghan left the royal family

The broadcaster came under fire when a group of gay rights activists stormed the Six O’Clock News studio in 1998 to protest the Section 28 homosexuality law.

As his co-presenter Sue Lawley continued to read the news, Mr Witchell sat on one of the women and covered her hand with his mouth, leading to the front page of the Daily Mirror the next day which read: ‘Beeb man sits on lesbian’.

Another defining moment in his career was when King Charles described him as ‘terrible’ during a photo shoot in the Swiss Alps in 2005.

The journalist had asked a question about the royal family’s upcoming wedding to Camilla Parker Bowles.

Sitting next to his sons, Prince William and Prince Harry, he said: “Bloody people. I can’t stand that man. I mean, he’s so terrible, he really is.’

William remained calm and said politely, “As long as I don’t lose the rings. I have one responsibility and I will definitely do something wrong.”

Mr Witchell claims he was right to ask the question and did his job, but he said the fact was that Charles didn’t like him for years.

In 2005, Prince Charles – as he then was – famously insulted the BBC's royal correspondent Nicholas Witchell

In 2005, Prince Charles – as he then was – famously insulted the BBC’s royal correspondent Nicholas Witchell

In 1988, the Six O'Clock News studio was invaded by a group of lesbian protesters while Witchell and Sue Lawley were presenting

In 1988, the Six O’Clock News studio was invaded by a group of lesbian protesters while Witchell and Sue Lawley were presenting

They are now said to have ‘made up’ and Charles even wished him well for his retirement on the flight back to Britain from the state visit to Kenya last month.

Mr Witchell also made headlines when he announced the birth of Harry and Meghan’s baby, Prince Archie, in May 2019.

During a live broadcast outside Buckingham Palace, the journalist completely lost his train of thought and returned to the studio, sparking fears online about his health. He suggested that he may have been subconsciously turned off because it was about the Sussexes.

Mr Witchell also addressed the Prince Andrew scandal, claiming the royals had no choice but to break up the Duke over his friendships with pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

And as he moves closer to freedom from the BBC’s shackles of impartiality, he also quoted Gary Lineker’s tweets: about Tory immigration policy, which he compared to Nazi Germany, was ‘terribly unwise’.

The broadcaster, which initially did not want to become a royal correspondent, has been central to the Beeb’s reporting for 47 years.

He joined Huw Edwards in reporting the death of Queen Elizabeth II on September 8 last year, which he was deeply moved by.

He believes Edwards has been a major loss to the BBC since he was suspended following allegations he paid a young person thousands of pounds and received sexual images.

Mr Witchell was the first to broadcast the confirmed news of the death of Diana, Princess of Wales on August 31, 1997, providing live radio commentary from outside Westminster Abbey during her funeral.

He had met Diana several times and the Princess of Wales had even invited him to lunch to discuss the possibility of a Panorama interview.

Before he could accept the invitation, he was told by the Panorama editor that Martin Bashir had been given the now infamous interview.

Bashir’s 1995 Panorama interview with Diana was watched by 23 million people and was hailed as the first of a generation. The princess declared ‘there were three of us in this marriage’ – referring to Charles’ then mistress Camilla – and spoke about her post-natal depression and bulimia.

Mr Witchell even revealed how close he came to interviewing Princess Diana on Panorama until he was stepped down in Martin Bashir's place, sparking an explosive BBC scandal over how the disgraced journalist secured the chat.

Mr Witchell even revealed how close he came to interviewing Princess Diana on Panorama until he was stepped down in Martin Bashir’s place, sparking an explosive BBC scandal over how the disgraced journalist secured the chat.

However, Bashir had shown Earl Spencer, Diana’s brother, forged bank statements to gain access to the princess and then fooled her by spreading a series of slanders and lies, including claiming that Prince William’s watch had been tapped to to record her conversations.

Mr Witchell first joined the BBC after obtaining a law degree from the University of Leeds. He later became a BBC reporter in Northern Ireland in 1979, where he covered the murder of Earl Mountbatten and the IRA hunger strikes, among other things.

He then became a news reporter for television news in 1982, covering the Falklands conflict, as well as Margaret Thatcher’s 1983 general election campaign for the BBC, before returning to Belfast to become Ireland correspondent for the BBC.

He was a founding member of the Six O’Clock News with Sue Lawley in 1984.

Mr Witchell became the main presenter of the relaunched Breakfast News program from 1989 to 1994.

He then returned to the frontline of reporting for the BBC’s Panorama programme, and from 1998 as the BBC’s royal and diplomatic correspondent.

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Ex On The Beach star Jemma Lucy, 35, packs on the PDA with boyfriend Nicholas Sinclair, 27, as she leaves hospital after banning him from visiting her Sat, 23 Dec 2023 12:39:01 +0000

Jemma Lucy has left hospital after being admitted with painful symptoms earlier this month, reuniting with her boyfriend Nicholas Sinclair. The ex on the beach star, 35, packs on the PDA with her toyboy as she walks out of Chelsea and Westminster Hospital. Jemma showed off her washboard abs as she put her Calvin Klein […]

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Jemma Lucy has left hospital after being admitted with painful symptoms earlier this month, reuniting with her boyfriend Nicholas Sinclair.

The ex on the beach star, 35, packs on the PDA with her toyboy as she walks out of Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.

Jemma showed off her washboard abs as she put her Calvin Klein underwear on display in a pair of low-rise track bottoms and a long-sleeved crop top.

Her new man Nicholas wore a dark green hoodie and matching pants with black sneakers and a crossbody bag.

The couple looked smitten as they shared a passionate kiss outside the hospital before hopping into a taxi together.

Jemma Lucy, 35, has left hospital after being admitted with painful symptoms earlier this month, reuniting with her boyfriend Nicholas Sinclair

The Ex On The Beach star packed on the PDA with Toyboy, 27, after leaving the medical facility

The Ex On The Beach star packed on the PDA with Toyboy, 27, after leaving the medical facility

Earlier this month, Jemma took to social media where she revealed she had been taken to hospital with painful symptoms.

The media personality shared a photo of herself lying in a hospital bed and wrote, “Constant waiting waiting waiting waiting.”

In a video uploaded to her Instagram Stories, Jemma expressed her frustration at having to wait to be seen by doctors.

She explained: ‘I can’t lie, the whole bashing the NHS is one thing, I don’t like doing it but they take a long time. It’s like they want you to be in the most critical condition before they do anything.

‘I’m in quite a bit of pain at times, but because I’m not in excruciating, dying pain, I wait.

“I just feel like I’m waiting until I have that pain, it’s inevitable, before I have to have surgery or whatever the next steps are.

‘There are some next steps and I hope I don’t have to have surgery. I guess I’ll just have to wait until I’m in less pain.’

Jemma was alone in the hospital and, in response to a fan’s question, said she preferred it that way.

Jemma showed off her washboard abs

She put her Calvin Klein underwear on display in a pair of low-rise sweatpants and a long-sleeved crop top

Jemma showed off her washboard abs as she put her Calvin Klein underwear on display in low-rise track bottoms and a long-sleeved crop top

The couple looked smitten as they shared a passionate kiss outside the hospital before hopping into a taxi together

The couple looked smitten as they shared a passionate kiss outside the hospital before hopping into a taxi together

Her new man Nicholas wore a dark green hoodie and matching pants with black sneakers and a crossbody bag

Her new man Nicholas wore a dark green hoodie and matching pants with black sneakers and a crossbody bag

Earlier this month, Jemma revealed she had been taken to hospital with painful symptoms

Earlier this month, Jemma revealed she had been taken to hospital with painful symptoms

She said her boyfriend Nicholas offered to come with her, but she told him she preferred to be alone, explaining: “It’s my choice.

“I prefer to do these things on my own so I can get away from it all and just deal with it. Nick wanted to come, but I said no. Is that weird? Like I’d rather be alone, but I feel like no one understands that.’

MailOnline contacted representatives of Jemma Lucy for comment at the time.

Nicholas previously dated Made In Chelsea star Ruby Adler, 27, who broke down in tears while discussing their breakup on a recent episode of the show.

It was first revealed in September that the reality star had gone her separate ways from the convicted drug dealer.

The E4 reality show, which is filmed months in advance, showed the moment Ruby told her boyfriend Olivia Bentley that she had split from Nicholas.

She said: ‘My boyfriend and I broke up. We had built a house together and we all had great plans. As much as it hurts, I still wish him the best.

Liv said: ‘Breakups, they’re bloody hard. I know it feels like your world is falling apart and the pain will never go away, and I promise it’s only temporary, every day it will get easier and easier, honestly.”

In a video uploaded to her Instagram Stories, Jemma expressed her frustration at having to wait before being seen by doctors

In a video uploaded to her Instagram Stories, Jemma expressed her frustration at having to wait before being seen by doctors

Jemma was alone in the hospital and, in response to a fan's question, said she preferred it that way

Jemma was alone in the hospital and, in response to a fan’s question, said she preferred it that way

Nicholas was previously in a relationship with Made In Chelsea star Ruby Adler, who broke down in tears while discussing their breakup in a recent episode of the show

Nicholas was previously in a relationship with Made In Chelsea star Ruby Adler, who broke down in tears while discussing their breakup in a recent episode of the show

Thinking, Ruby replied, “I know, I’ll get there.” I guess besides all this Bella asking to meet me, I don’t really know where we stand. I hope Bella doesn’t think that because I’m single now, that Rez is going to be a problem.’

Ruby initially claimed that Nicholas had cheated on her with Jemma, but she later confirmed that there had been no overlap.

In her Instagram Story, Ruby said, “On reflection on my last post, I shouldn’t have said what I said, especially so publicly.

“I should have done things differently and I’m in the process of getting over a very difficult breakup and I deeply retract what I said about @nicholas._.sinclair & @jemlucy_link”

She continued: ‘I don’t believe there was any crossing and I posted that in haste after receiving some very strange messages. And I’m just in pain.

‘We have had a very loving relationship for a year and I wish him all the best. Leave them both alone and respect all parties. Thank you.’

On her own account, Jemma responded to a question during an Instagram Q&A, which read: “Why does Ruby think you slept with Nick while they were together?”

Jemma replied, writing: ‘I don’t know, but about my whole family’s life, I don’t know. She didn’t even talk to me about it before she posted.”

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Nicholas and Adrian smile for a heartwarming father-son photo on board a cruise ship on the Great Barrier Reef. Hours later, one of them was said to be dead after being swept away while snorkeling Tue, 28 Nov 2023 17:34:34 +0000

By Sarah Liversidege for Daily Mail Australia Published: 05:08 EST, November 28, 2023 | Updated: 09:54 EST, November 28, 2023 A heartbreaking photo has emerged moments before an elderly man died during a family trip to the Great Barrier Reef, showing him smiling with his son. Adrian Meyer, from Angaston, South Australia, died after he […]

The post Nicholas and Adrian smile for a heartwarming father-son photo on board a cruise ship on the Great Barrier Reef. Hours later, one of them was said to be dead after being swept away while snorkeling appeared first on USMAIL24.COM.


A heartbreaking photo has emerged moments before an elderly man died during a family trip to the Great Barrier Reef, showing him smiling with his son.

Adrian Meyer, from Angaston, South Australia, died after he and a group of snorkelers were swept over the reef by a strong current last Monday.

The 71-year-old was with his son Nicholas Meyer and daughter Angela Henson about 60 kilometers off the coast northeast of Cairns when tragedy struck.

Mr Meyer had traveled to Cairns to view the World Heritage area as part of a belated birthday present for his 70th birthday.

Just before the tragedy struck, Mr Meyer (right) gave a thumbs up in a photo next to his son Nicholas (left)

Dangerous weather conditions had swept the snorkelers far from the boat and a strong current prevented them from swimming back.

It is believed that Mr Meyer suffered a medical episode during the battle with the current and boarded a rescue ship which sank a short time later.

A touching photo taken on board the boat just before the tragic incident unfolded shows Mr Meyer smiling as he gave a thumbs up next to his son.

Nicholas said he initially had plans to return to Cairns to collect his father’s remains, but had since changed his mind.

“My poor mother doesn’t fly and we are trying to support her now,” he said News Corp.

‘She needs us. With all the traumatic events that have happened, we decided it would be better to stay.”

Adrian Meyer (pictured) died after he and a group of snorkelers were swept away by a strong current over the Great Barrier Reef

Adrian Meyer (pictured) died after he and a group of snorkelers were swept away by a strong current over the Great Barrier Reef

It is understood Mr Meyer will be cremated at a later stage, but the family have not yet decided where to place his ashes.

“It’s still raw,” Nicholas said.

‘Dad was an avid traveler and so was I. We think we’d like to carry on his memory by taking a little piece of him with us wherever we go, so we’ll see.”

Mrs Henson described her father as a “loving grandfather” with a keen interest in the outdoors.

“He always said, ‘I love you.’ His connection with nature really struck me,” she said.

“He always liked to rattle off names of coral and fish.”

Ms Henson was adopted when she was five weeks old and only met her biological father five years ago.

Angela Henson (left) had only met her father five years ago after he was adopted at the age of five weeks

Angela Henson (left) had only met her father five years ago after he was adopted at the age of five weeks

The 71-year-old was with his son Nicholas Meyer and daughter Angela Henson about 60 kilometers off the coast northeast of Cairns when tragedy struck.

The 71-year-old was with his son Nicholas Meyer and daughter Angela Henson about 60 kilometers off the coast northeast of Cairns when tragedy struck.

Nicholas said his father was an “avid environmentalist” and was fascinated by the Great Barrier Reef.

‘We would like to do something for nature conservation. That’s something that’s important to Dad’s legacy,” he said.

‘But we don’t know that for sure. We’re still trying to grieve and get over the shock of it all.”

Mr Meyer’s memorial service will take place on Thursday, December 7 in the Barossa Valley.

His death is being investigated by the Northern Coroner and Workplace Health and Safety.

The post Nicholas and Adrian smile for a heartwarming father-son photo on board a cruise ship on the Great Barrier Reef. Hours later, one of them was said to be dead after being swept away while snorkeling appeared first on USMAIL24.COM.

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From ‘shy’ rugby player to LGBTQ+ icon: Nicholas Galitzine, who ‘descends from Russian nobility’, becomes a queer heartthrob in VERY raunchy royal drama Mary and George opposite Julianne Moore Fri, 17 Nov 2023 18:08:21 +0000

He established himself as an on-screen heartthrob after appearing in Red, White & Royal Blue, the LGBTQ+ rom-com that secured the affection of fans around the world despite being labeled ‘bland’ by critics. Now Nicholas Galitzine, 29, looks to warm viewers’ hearts once again in his new queer period drama Mary & George, starring Hollywood’s […]

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He established himself as an on-screen heartthrob after appearing in Red, White & Royal Blue, the LGBTQ+ rom-com that secured the affection of fans around the world despite being labeled ‘bland’ by critics.

Now Nicholas Galitzine, 29, looks to warm viewers’ hearts once again in his new queer period drama Mary & George, starring Hollywood’s Julianne Moore.

Based on the book The King’s Assassin by Benjamin Woolley, the Sky series tells the true story of Mary Villiers, who commissioned her charming and handsome son, George, to seduce King James VI of Scotland and I of England and kill his powerful lover. become.

The ‘dangerously daring historical psychodrama’ is a very steamy account of the private life of the eccentric King James I (played by Tony Curran), with the first trailer for the seven-part miniseries showing plenty of sex scenes and risqué moments.

It appears to be a more menacing role for Nicholas after his leading role in Red, White & Royal Blue, in which the once ‘shy boy’ played British Prince Henry who falls in love with the son of US President Alex Claremont-Diaz (Taylor Zakhar Perez ).

Now Nicholas Galitzine, 29, looks to warm viewers’ hearts again in his new queer period drama Mary & George, starring Hollywood singer Julianne Moore (pictured together)

The heartthrob, who is said to be descended from Russian nobility, has been in the spotlight since his breakout role in the 2021 live-action remake of Cinderella.

His career went from strength to strength after landing a slew of roles, including opposite A-lister Anne Hathaway in Amazon Prime’s upcoming romantic drama The Idea of ​​You, which is expected to be released in late 2023 or early 2024.

Despite his success, Nicholas has not always shown an interest in becoming an actor and instead had high hopes of playing professional rugby.

He was a “shy kid” whose father urged him to act at his first acting audition, which he eventually did in an attempt to impress a girl.

London-born Nicholas, raised by his Greek mother and Russian father, thrived in his royal roles, perhaps thanks to his own impressive family lineage.

Internet sleuths have pieced together the star’s legacy to reveal that he is descended from the House of Golitsyn – one of the largest princely families under Tsar-ruled Russia.

It is thought that his own ancestors were forced to flee to Britain amid the political and social unrest of the Russian Revolution that raged between 1917 and 1923.

Nicholas, whose parents both work in finance, attended an all-boys school and grew up dreaming of becoming a professional rugby player.

Most recently, he thrived in Red, White and Royal Blue, as viewers not only enjoyed the sweet and light-hearted nature of the rom-com, but also appreciated the heartfelt representation of an LGTBQ+ couple.

Most recently, he thrived in Red, White and Royal Blue, as viewers not only enjoyed the sweet and light-hearted nature of the rom-com, but also appreciated the heartfelt representation of an LGTBQ+ couple.

By his own account, the 6-foot-2 star was hanging out with the “sporty crowd” and acting was the furthest thing from his mind.

But when he finally got into it, his family remained supportive – and Nicholas remained close to his parents and older sister Lexi, who works as an artist.

He has also frequently credited his father with “convincing” him to attend his first audition.

Speaking about his initial reluctance, he shared The last magazine: ‘At first I was very shy because the idea of ​​performing just terrified me.

“I was always a bit introverted and a shy kid, so the idea of ​​performing was terrifying, but I had just graduated and it was a fun summer vacation plan, so I auditioned for it.

‘Hilariously – my dad will never let me experience this – but I was outside the cinema and I called him up and asked, ‘What the hell am I doing here?’ I’m not an actor, I’ve never done this before, this is stupid, I have to come home.

“He convinced me that it would at least be a fun, new experience and that I would probably regret it if I didn’t do it.”

Speaking to Wonderland Magazine in 2019, he said: ‘There was a girl who went to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival who I really liked. I did [the festival] so I could chase this girl. And I came back with this acting agency.”

Nicholas undoubtedly got his first break when he was cast as Prince Robert in Amazon's live action adaptation of Cinderella opposite Camila Cabello who took on the role of the Disney princess.

Nicholas undoubtedly got his first break when he was cast as Prince Robert in Amazon’s live action adaptation of Cinderella opposite Camila Cabello who took on the role of the Disney princess.

In the wake of his success in Cinderella, Nicholas then landed a starring role in Netflix's Purple Hearts – which centers on a troubled Marine and a strong-willed singer who fake a marriage for money despite their ideologically opposing views.

In the wake of his success in Cinderella, Nicholas then landed a starring role in Netflix’s Purple Hearts – which centers on a troubled Marine and a strong-willed singer who fake a marriage for money despite their ideologically opposing views.

Nicholas said he had never considered an acting career and worried about his parents, adding: “I’m sure they were so happy after paying for my education that I was following the path of an unemployed, broke actor .’

But nevertheless, it was a career path he ultimately decided to follow and he landed his first role in the 2014 comedy-drama The Beat Beneath My Feet. Numerous other roles soon followed, including in the romantic comedy High Strung and the drama Handsome Devil.

Despite the simmering success, Nicholas undoubtedly got his big break when he was cast as Prince Robert in Amazon’s live action adaptation of Cinderella opposite Camila Cabello, who took on the role of the Disney princess.

In the wake of his Cinderella success, Nicholas then landed a starring role in Netflix’s Purple Hearts – which revolves around a troubled Marine and a strong-willed singer who fake a marriage for money despite their ideologically opposing views.

Although it was met with controversy, it quickly became the platform’s most successful title of 2022, propelling Nicholas’ career to new heights.

But throughout his success, he continued to credit his father for giving him the push he needed.

On Father's Day 2021, Nicholas shared an image with father Geoffrey with the caption: 'Your courage and your drive inspire me more than you know'

On Father’s Day 2021, Nicholas shared an image with father Geoffrey with the caption: ‘Your courage and your drive inspire me more than you know’

Nicholas shares glimpses of his glamorous acting lifestyle on his Instagram account, where he has five million followers

Nicholas shares glimpses of his glamorous acting lifestyle on his Instagram account, where he has five million followers

Nicholas shares glimpses of his glamorous acting lifestyle on his Instagram account, where he has five million followers

On Father’s Day 2021, Nicholas shared a photo with father Geoffrey with the caption: ‘To the man who raised me, drove me to rugby matches across the country, let me fly a plane when I was nine, convinced me to to go to the audition for the play where I would be scouted and start a career as an actor, HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!!

‘Your courage and your drive inspire me more than you know. You have been there for me every step of the way and I couldn’t ask for better. I love you, Big G.”

Nicholas — who has been dubbed a “queer icon” by fans after playing several LGBTQ+ character roles — has never directly addressed his own sexuality, but has previously discussed his desire to accurately represent the LGBTQ+ community.

Speaking with the Just for variety podcast about authentic casting in relation to Red, White and Royal Blue in particular, he said: ‘I think it is a very sensitive subject.

“I think the most important thing for me was to let Matthew know that I loved who Henry was as a person, and I empathized with him as a character, and I just wanted to try to give as honest a performance as possible – never a caricature – if I could.’

His latest drama, Mary & George, is set in 17th century England and chronicles George Villiers’ rise to power, aided by his ruthless mother Mary Villiers, played by Julianne Moore.

Sky Atlantic Oceanvia Country and Town House, explained: ‘Through outrageous scheming, the couple rose from humble beginnings to become the wealthiest, most titled and influential players the English court had ever seen, and the king’s most trusted advisors.

‘And with England’s place on the world stage threatened by a Spanish invasion and rioters taking to the streets to denounce the King, the stakes could not be higher.

‘Willing to stop at nothing and armed with her ruthless political steel, Mary married her way up the ranks, bribed politicians, colluded with criminals and clawed her way into the heart of the establishment, making it her own.

‘Mary & George is a dangerously daring historical psychodrama about an outrageous mother and son who plotted, seduced and murdered to conquer the court of England and the bed of King James.’

The post From ‘shy’ rugby player to LGBTQ+ icon: Nicholas Galitzine, who ‘descends from Russian nobility’, becomes a queer heartthrob in VERY raunchy royal drama Mary and George opposite Julianne Moore appeared first on USMAIL24.COM.

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