
The bare cheek of it! Hundreds of nude cyclists descend upon Buckingham Palace for the 20th World Naked Bike Ride (with only a few wearing helmets)

  • Hundreds of cyclists dared to bare everything to help protest against climate change
  • The participants drove through the capital to Buckingham Palace
  • The attention-grabbing event has been taking place since 2004, except during Covid

Hundreds of naked cyclists dared to bare everything as they descended London to raise awareness climate change on Saturday.

The traffic stop stunt caused sustainability advocates to drive up The Mall Buckingham Palace on Saturday as part of the World Naked Bike Ride (WNBR).

Now in its twentieth year, the global protest movement is organizing rides in hundreds of cities around the world with the aim of promoting the bicycle as a more sustainable means of transport than the car.

According to organizers, the campaign “seeks to draw attention to its issues by being a fun, well-behaved, lawful spectacle that delights audiences and attracts media attention.”

In addition to protesting “car culture,” the movement also wants to “protest global oil dependence, gain real rights for cyclists, demonstrate the vulnerability of cyclists on city streets, and celebrate bodily freedom,” according to the WNBR website London.

A sight to behold: Hundreds of naked cyclists descended on London and rode towards Buckingham Palace on Saturday as part of the World Naked Bike Ride

A sight to behold: Hundreds of naked cyclists descended on London and rode towards Buckingham Palace on Saturday as part of the World Naked Bike Ride

Cheek to cheek: Now in its 20th year, the global protest movement is organizing rides in hundreds of cities around the world with the aim of promoting the bicycle as a more sustainable mode of transport than the car

Cheek to cheek: now in its 20th year, the global protest movement is organizing rides in hundreds of cities around the world with the aim of promoting cycling as a more sustainable mode of transport than the car

In addition to protesting against ‘car culture’ and oil dependence, activists also want to ‘celebrate body freedom’

Cyclists gathered at designated points in the capital just before 3pm on Saturday to start their ride in their birthday suits, although some wore colorful costumes that partially covered their skin.

Hundreds took part in the rides, which averaged around eight miles and visited some of London’s most famous sights.

One that set off from Tower Hill this afternoon crossed the River Thames four times, passing the Tower of London, Southwark Bridge, the Tate Modern, Trafalgar Square, Whitehall, the Houses of Parliament and finally Buckingham Palace.

The World Naked Bike Ride in London has taken place every year since 2004, except one year during the Covid pandemic.

Bare hug: two cyclists pose for a photo after the rise through London, which has taken place every year since 2004 except during Covid

Bare hug: two cyclists pose for a photo after the rise through London, which has taken place every year since 2004 except during Covid

Great success: Hundreds took part in the stunt on Saturday, some (partly) dressed up

Great success: Hundreds took part in the stunt on Saturday, some (partly) dressed up

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