Prominent adventurer Andrew Cross died at the age of 36 after he had been removed from the lifespan a month after he was involved in a 'serious' car accident in Colorado.
Andrew, known as 'Desert Difter' to half a million fans on YouTube, died peacefully on Tuesday, after he had sustained a serious brain injury in the crash.
“Andrew's spirit is free, surrounded by light and love,” the sister of the Explorer, Jenna Spooner, announced on the Caringbridge website.
She told how those with Andrew brought him to a mobile fan before his death and walked a loop around the icu with him, stuffing along the corridor to 'honor him'.
“In the room, friends and family read the Scripture, pray and sang and sang during the process of removing living support and more than an hour later.”
The family said earlier this week that they had made the 'difficult decision' to remove Andrew from living, after his discomfort to recognize at the end of February.
Andrew described his vlogging such as 'Exploration and adventure with a historic turn', which documented desert tours and mountaineering for hundreds of thousands of viewers.
Born in Virginia, adventure based in Colorado, was tragically involved in an accident with two cars on January 31, when he was in the back at high speed while stopping.

YouTuber Andrew Cross aka 'Desert Difter' was taken from living and died at the age of 36 on Tuesday morning after more than four weeks in the ICU on Life Support (depicted January 17))
'It was great to get to know him in new ways, because we have seen photos and stories that are shared by many. We look forward to more of it when we honor a good lived life. '
On Wednesday, the office of the coroner of Mesa County in Colorado confirmed to TMZ that Kruis died of 'injuries in a' serious' two-car accident on January 31, when he was at high speed as he waited for a traffic light. “
The other driver Ragnar Nickolas Kristl was accused of murder of vehicles, reckless driving, carefree driving and driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
The former Wildland Trekking Guide – who was on the way home of filming at Bears ears – was taken to the hospital to undergo a brain surgery to control the bleeding on his brain.
The Andrew family has picked up more than $ 482k from a goal of $ 510K on Gofundme to financially support Evelyn for medical accounts, food or other costs that can appear.
Cross was married to the speech language pathologist for more than three years.
The Patreon Content Creator had 676K social media followers, whom he called his desert -community community.
![The Virginia born in Colorado, based in Colorado, revealed Jenna Spooner that his death was' peaceful and full of love in the room with [his wife] Evelyn (L, shown in 2023) by his side, his parents and good friends in the neighborhood '](
The Virginia born in Colorado, based in Colorado, revealed Jenna Spooner that his death was' peaceful and full of love in the room with [his wife] Evelyn (L, shown in 2023) by his side, his parents and good friends in the neighborhood '

Spooner wrote on 'Before they removed Andrew from Life Support yesterday, they put it on a mobile fan and ran a loop around the entire ICU, while all available staff stood the corridor as a way to honor him'

She continued: 'In the room, friends and family read the Scripture, bath and sang and sang during the process of removing livelihood and for more than an hour thereafter. It was peaceful and beautiful '

On Wednesday, the office of the coroner of Mesa County in Colorado confirmed to TMZ that Cross died of 'injuries in a' serious 'two-car accident on January 31, when he was at high speed while waiting for a traffic light' (depicted in 2023)

The other driver Ragnar Nickolas Kristl was accused of murder of vehicles, reckless driving, carefree driving and driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (depicted in 2023)

The Family of the former Wildland Trekking Guide has collected more than $ 482k from a purpose of $ 510K on Gofundme to support Evelyn financially for medical accounts, food or other costs that can appear