- Alzheimer's disease can ultimately lead to dementia, which is incurable
- Research shows that odor recognition and memory are the key to early detection
- Early detection can save thousands of dollars and improve the quality of life
Alzheimer's is a neurodegenerative disease – which means that it ensures that someone loses cognitive skills over time.
It also leads to dementia, which is a group of symptoms, including memory loss and lack of cognitive functions.
Once you have dementia, it can be treated but not healed.
That is why early detection for Alzheimer's is so important.
And recently, researchers have discovered that there is a way to detect Alzheimer's disease fairly early – and it can be done in the shower.
Researchers from the University of Chicago discovered that an important aspect of Alzheimer's is the loss of smell, combined with a loss of memory.
So if you lose the ability to smell things that are part of daily, regular routines, this may mean that you may show early symptoms of Alzheimer's.
They discovered that an important example of this could not recognize the smell of your daily body wax while you were in the shower.

Because Alzheimer's disease is associated with odor recognition and memory, your daily body wax cannot be a symptom (stock image)
The study hates olfactory senses – also known as odor – and their connection to memory.
In essence, they discovered that odor recognition and memory are more closely related than previously thought.
Because Alzheimer's and dementia influence the brain and the functions are, odor (something that is made possible because of the brain) is also influenced.
With the help of this knowledge, these researchers hope – as well as others in the field – to be able to develop odor -related tests that can help with the early detection of Alzheimer's.
But it is important to remember that smelling your daily shower gel less clear is not immediately equal to a diagnosis of Alzheimer's.
Fragrance is just one of the senses that decreases with old age.
So if you notice that you usually have become a strong scented bodywash over time, this does not mean that you have to go into panic mode right away.
But it does mean that you might want to make a trip to the doctor's office to see what is going on.

Early detection of Alzheimer's disease can save families thousands of dollars (stock image)
Not only can early detection families save thousands of dollars, but it can also make better preparation of resources possible for the patient.
This can mean a much higher potential of a better quality of life – and possibly even many more years of survival with the disease.
Other early symptoms to pay attention are problems with memory, problems with language and problems in solving problems.
But the only way to really be diagnosed is to have a brain scan performed.
It is important to work with your healthcare provider to find a treatment option that works for you.