The word yesterday from the distant Montecito, the super -rich enclave of California, where Prince Harry lives in Cosseted luxury, was that the Duke of Sussex washed up with satisfaction.
Attempts to open the secrets of his American visa application had apparently failed. The heavily edited judicial documents that arise suggested that his immigration status should remain confidential because of the fears he could be subjected to intimidation.
No wonder that a radiant Harry was seen in the sun with reports that suggested that a metaphorical weight of the king's 40-year-old son had been dealing with accusations of hiding his illegal drug use in the past.
At first glance, the argument of privacy about disclosure seems to have won. For those who love a conspiracy, there was little in the material that was published to indicate any excuses. But then the six released documents page after page of blocked type contain. Even the scarce details that remained, such as at some point a fleeting mention of the Rockster -Angel, were furious.
A non -edited extract that referred to 'or Prince Harry or Sting or someone else you can think of that is prominent, has a certain visa status' made no sense because of what was taken away.
However, I would already warn Harry to release the bunting.

If it is determined that Harry lied about his drug use and therefore violated the law, he could be confronted with prosecution or – and this is the nightmares scenario – deportation
If we have learned something in the last two years since the Heritage Foundation, a prominent American think tank, has raised laws on freedom of information to ask how the Duke of Sussex was allowed to enter the United States after he had openly admitted a variety of fabrics in the past in the past (including cocaine) that is the brugga and magical champigne, the magic champigne, the magic champigne, the magic champigne, the magical champigne, and magical champigne, the magic champignic has shown.
And although we may not have learned much from the files about whether Harry received special favors when he emigrated to the US, the fact that campaigners secured access to all documents indicated that an appropriate process takes place.
This represents a ticking time bomb for the prince. The simple fact is that the Heritage Foundation is not leaving. It is a respected organization with its own legal teams and, crucial, with contacts embedded in the White House of Donald Trump.
It also believes that it will ultimately rule.
What that means for Harry is at best considerable uncertainty. If it is found that he has lied about his drug use and thus violated the law, he could be confronted with persecution or – and this is the nightmare scenario – deportation.
This would not only be a personal disaster for Harry, who has not excluded that one day he will be applied for US citizenship, but also a crisis for the royal family. According to American legislation, someone who applies for a visa to live and check a box in America to answer 'yes' or 'no' to the question: “Are you or have you ever been a drug abuse or addicted?”
This unsavory episode only arose because of the frank recordings of the prince in reserve, his controversial memoirs. He said he had tried cocaine for the first time at the age of 17.
It is these words that can prove to be central whether he can stay in the US or are obliged to leave. 'In someone's country house, during a shooting weekend I was offered a line [of the drug] And since then I have done a few more, “he wrote.
'It was not very nice and it didn't make me very happy, because it seemed to make everyone around me, but it gave me a different feeling, and that was the most important goal. Feeling. Different. I was a deeply unfortunate 17-year-old boy who was willing to try everything that the status quo would change. '
Marijuana, he wrote, was better. “That really helped me.” He described smoking in Eton in a small bathroom and giggled for the bad excitement of all this.
In another passage he told how he had a 'wonderful journey' on psychedelic mushrooms at a party in the Los Angeles Home of Friends star Courteney Cox.
After helping himself from a 'huge box with black diamond mushrooms chocolates' he went to the bathroom and hallucinated that a pedal bin was a head. “I stepped on the pedal and the head opened his mouth,” he wrote. 'A huge open grin. I laughed. '
For the Heritage Foundation it is not only his brutal admission of drug use that is the key, but the language he has chosen, which gave a positive twist to this activity.
Harry, they claim, is a controversial public figure that makes interventions of a political nature. For someone in his position to brag about his consumption of drugs in a bestseller book and the pleasure he has derived from it, represents an abuse of that position.
It is this that the foundation of the foundation is the basis – the argument is that it is in the public interest to know how Harry has answered the drug question about his visa application. It is quite possible that he has checked the 'yes' course, in which case he needed an exemption to get a visa to be admitted to the United States.
If that is the case, campaigners want to know who granted that exemption and why. Their requirement to know if Harry was treated otherwise seems not only reasonable, but par excellence. The Heritage Foundation lawyers also claim that the answers of the Duke raise important questions about the integrity of the US government.
President Trump wiped into the power on the back of promises to tighten the border control and, when it comes to immigration, the application of the rule of law. That is why the lawyers who demand that the authorities will get clean about Harry's case that they will win.
While the legal struggle to open the relevant files continues, his insiders of Washington are optimistic that Mr Trump will eventually intervene and simply release them under Executive Decree.
But would he take such a burning step after he had previously stated that he would not kick Harry out because, as he lay, “does he have enough problems with his wife”?
One reason why he could consider this is because of his anger at the Biden administration, which released the immigration records of his deceased mother-in-law last year. His wife Melania would have been indignant, whose mother died in January last year.
At the same time, it can hardly have escaped the attention of the President that Archewell, Harry and Meghan's Charitable Foundation, donated almost £ 200,000 to the daughter of former President Biden, Ashley, to finance her women's wellness center.
Each of these can be enough to activate a provocative Donald Trump to act, if not from resentment, then out of revenge.
As the Nile Gardiner of the Heritage Foundation said about the files released by the US Department of Domestic Security at the order of a federal court this week: “There is zero responsibility and transparency in the heavily edited documents, so much that they do not offer any answers at all.”
However, the lack of documents can represent the beginning, not the end of Harry's nightmare.