The release of extra files about the murder of John F. Kennedy also revealed the Sofi numbers of more than 200 people, which caused indignation about the infringement of safety.
“It's absolutely outrageous. It is sloppy, unprofessional, 'former Trump campaign lawyer Joseph Digenova, whose private information was included in the release, the Washington Post said.
“It not only means identity theft, but I have only had threats to me,” said Digenova. 'In the past I had to report real threats to me to the FBI. There are dangerous notes that are there. '
He said he had no idea that his information was in the files until the post had contacted him. In the 1970s, Digenova investigated intelligence abuse.
“It makes sense that my name is in it,” he said, “but the other sensitive things is like a first degree, elementary security rule to redact such things.”

Documents related to the murder of 1963 of President John F. Kennedy are shown after being released after an order from President Donald Trump
The national archives said it would work with the affected people, which would submit the Social Security Administration to help.
'In an attempt to maximize transparency, these records were released without editors and some of these records contain the personal identification information of living individuals. The National Archives and Records Administration and the Social Security Administration work closely together to protect the people who can be affected by their information exploited, said a spokesperson for the archives.
'Nara has started identifying identification and will contact persons whose personal identification information is included in the records. However, those who believe that they can be affected must contact the National Archives at '
More than 60,000 pages with regard to the murder on 1963 were released on Tuesday by the government of President Donald Trump.
The White House created over the entire release with very few editors and darkened information.
“President Trump heralds a new era of maximum transparency. Today, according to his direction, previously edited JFK murder files are released to the public without editors. Promises, promises, “wrote director of National Intelligence Tulsi Gabbard on X.
But that meant that the files include the personal information of conference employees and political officials from that time, many of whom are still alive.
“President Trump yielded his promise of maximum transparency by completely releasing the files with regard to the murder of John F. Kennedy. At the request of the White House, the National Archives and the Social Security Administration immediately drafted an action plan to help proactively people whose personal information was released in the files, “said Karoline Leavitt Secretary of the White House in a statement.
There were the SOFI figures, place of birth and birth dates of more than 100 employees of the Senate church committee, which was founded in 1975 to investigate abuses by America's intelligence services and government.
There were also 100 sofi numbers of employees of the House Select Committee on Assassinations, who investigated the murder of Kennedy, discovered the post.
The files have also exposed at least the entire workforce of the CIA agent.
The revelations can be an infringement of the Privacy Act, which protects people personally identifiable information.

Joseph Digenova, a former lawyer for President Donald Trump, was one of the people whose social security number was in the JFK files
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President John F Kennedy and First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy Moments before the president was shot in Dallas on November 22, 1963, when his car went through Dealey Plaza
Trump's national security team had to hurry to prepare the files after the president's surprise statement – during a tour of the Kennedy Center on Monday – that the documents would be made public the next day.
The release of the files proved to be a disappointment for many.
Instead of confirming or denying many of the conspiracy theories around Kennedy's death, the files revealed the sources and practices of American intelligence operations.