
Three in four Scots back North Sea oil and gas, reveals poll

  • According to research by Survation, the Scots prefer to use the resources of the North Sea rather than become completely dependent on imports
  • The draft energy strategy previously published by the SNP government proposed a ‘presumption against’ all new developments

Three-quarters of Scots support continued domestic production of oil and gas, according to a new survey.

According to Survation’s research, members of the public prefer to use the resources of the North Sea rather than become completely dependent on imports.

It comes after the SNP has not made clear whether it will stick to its presumption against new oil and gas permits Work remains opposed to new developments.

The poll of 1,026 Scots, carried out by consultancy Survation for the True North, found that 75 percent of those who responded agreed that Britain should aim to meet oil and gas demand from domestic production.

Only 9 percent say Britain should aim to meet demand by importing oil and gas from abroad.

The majority of Scots support new oil and gas developments in the North Sea rather than relying on imports

The majority of Scots support new oil and gas developments in the North Sea rather than relying on imports

True North senior energy advisor Allister Thomas said: ‘With production in the North Sea reaching record lows and projects stuck in the investment doldrums, this is a clear signal for politicians to get the sector back on track.

“The alternative is more imports from the US, almost four times more carbon intensive than domestic supply.”

He added: “That’s bad for the planet and bad for business. Britain will realize few of the economic benefits of buying more energy from abroad.’

During a visit to Scotland last week, Sir Keir Starmer defended his plan to halt new oil and gas developments. He said he is not proposing to “turn off the taps” and continue production “for decades to come.”

Earlier this week, Deputy Prime Minister Kate Forbes was accused of trying to ‘rewrite history’ after claiming the SNP has never been against all new oil and gas developments. The party has said the party has only supported further licensing consistent with a climate compatibility assessment. .

A draft energy strategy previously published by the SNP government proposed a ‘presumption against’ all new developments.

Andrew Bowie, Scottish Conservative candidate for West Aberdeenshire and Kincardine, said: “The vast majority of Scots recognize the vital importance of North Sea oil and gas to the Scottish economy, energy security and a just transition to net zero.

‘It is insane that the SNP, Labour, Lib Dems and Greens are all against granting new oil and gas permits in the North Sea when this puts tens of thousands of skilled jobs at risk in the North East.’

The Survation survey found that 51 percent of respondents believed Labour’s plans to create GB Energy would be effective in reducing bills, compared to 32 percent who thought this would not be the case.

Labour’s Scottish shadow secretary Ian Murray said: ‘This poll is a vote of confidence in Labour’s plans to create a state-owned company GB Energy and cut bills, create jobs and provide energy security.’

SNP Westminster leader Stephen Flynn said: ‘Nobody has any idea what GB Energy is, but we do know that the Labor Party will use revenues from Scotland’s offshore industries to fund new nuclear plans in England, while jobs in the North East will go to the scrap heap. ‘

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