A motion to ban welcome from national ceremonies before meetings of a Mid North Coast Council have been chosen bitterly.
The Midcoast Council, which includes the NSW cities Tare, Forster and Gloucester, has been turmen about an attempt to ban practice.
Council members Mick Graham, Phillip Beazley and Mal McKenzie – all of the Libertarian Party – refused to be a month after their election for the recognition for their first meeting last October.
They have since refused to stand for them during every council meeting and on Wednesday Mr Graham has forwarded a motion to end them forever.
Although the three Libertarians all supported the motion, they did not receive support from other members of the 11 Passenger Council, the Daily Telegraph reported.
“This just makes me sad,” said deputy mayor Jeremy Miller in response to the motion.
But Mr. McKenzie said that the recognition and the welcome to national practices are 'racist and divided' and 'a ridiculous concept'.

Possession of Welcome to National Ceremonies Before meetings of a Mid North Coast Council, chosen members have distributed bitterly (Photo, a native artist in Brisbane)

Council members Mick Graham (photo), Phillip Beazley and Mal McKenzie – all of the Libertarian Party – refused to be for the recognition of the country
Mr. Miller said that if the Libertarians really wanted to change, they would look at updating the meeting practices of the council that are currently being assessed.
“But that would be the boring way and it doesn't bring you in the news or a blow to the back of your friends,” he told the full visitor gallery.
Another independent councilor, Peter Howard, said that the motion was 'small, ugly attitude' and that he was 'so disappointed' that it had to be discussed.
Mr. Howard said he received more than 100 e -mails about the motion, all of whom begged him to vote against the prohibition of traditional practices.
Mr. Miller said that the council is far too busy for this kind of division, which takes away time from its core activities of the local government.
Native older Russell Saunders said that the councilors who refused to stand 'not not to show any fundamental respect for our culture and our beliefs such as the first people of this country', but thanked those who did.
“I know our people appreciate that. At least your actions illuminate part of the heartache that we have had in the past in our struggle for justice to be recognized as people in the country we have lived in for thousands of years, “he said.
Not only did the other eight councilors vote against and defeated the motion, labor councilor Digby Wilson put forward a rival motion to strengthen the relationship of the council with indigenous population.

Mr. Miller said that the Midcoast Council is far too busy for this kind of division, which takes time away from his core activities of the local government (depicted, one miles beach in Forster)

Deputy Mayor Jeremy Miller (photo) spoke to Mr Graham's motion to be welcome at national ceremonies of council meetings and said: “This just makes me sad” “
The motion of Mr. Wilson, who passes by, will also follow the Council the process of welcome process at national ceremonies during meetings and on its e -mails.
“We have to recommend after this hurtful debate,” Mr Miller said to support Mr Wilson's motion.
Daily Mail Australia has contacted Mr. Graham and Mr. Miller for more comments.