10 Haunted Places to Visit in Kansas

If you’re a fan of the paranormal, you’ll love exploring the haunted places in Kansas. Known as the ‘Sunflower State’, Kansas is home to a variety of spooky locations said to be haunted by ghosts and other supernatural entities. From grand hotels to historic homes, there are plenty of places to visit for a spooky adventure. In this list, we’ve put together ten of the most haunted places in Kansas, perfect for anyone who wants to experience the spooky and unexplained.

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10 The Sallie House

The Sallie House in Atchison is a well-known haunted location in Kansas. As the story goes, a mother burst into the house with her six-year-old daughter Sallie in her arms, knowing the house belonged to a doctor. Sallie had collapsed due to severe abdominal pain, and the doctor quickly diagnosed the child with appendicitis.

Unfortunately, there was no time to get her to the hospital, and the doctor knew that if any more time was wasted, her appendix would burst. He started the procedure before the anesthetic took full effect, and Sallie started screaming. She screamed in pain until her body gave out. Her last memory on this planet was being cut open by a stranger while enduring unimaginable pain.

Today, Sallie is said to haunt the house where her life ended. Her first ghostly appearance was in 1993 when a new couple moved into the house. They claimed to see ghostly apparitions, hear unexplained noises, and witness objects moving on their own. Their dog also seemed to be barking at someone who wasn’t there.

However, Sallie’s ghost wasn’t always so kind. Over the years, the house caught fire several times for unknown reasons. If there was a male in the house – especially a young male – he would quickly develop deep scratches on his chest and stomach.[1]

9 The Eldridge Hotel

Usually the 13th floor is haunted. But for the Eldridge Hotel it’s the fifth! Many claim that the 5th floor is a portal to the spirit realm. Many unexplained things have happened on this floor, especially in room 506. Guests who have stayed on this floor claim to see breath marks on freshly cleaned mirrors and witness lights turning on and off on their own.

More specific ghostly figures include a man who died in a hotel fire in the 19th century. Guests have reported seeing ghostly apparitions, hearing strange noises and feeling an eerie presence in the hotel. The hotel’s basement is said to be particularly haunted, with reports of ghostly figures appearing and strange events taking place. The Eldridge Hotel is considered one of the most haunted places in Lawrence.[2]

8 The Stull Cemetery

The Stull Cemetery is a small cemetery in the town of Stull, Kansas. This small village – it now has only a few inhabitants – has only a few houses and a newer church. The old church, now abandoned, is next to the cemetery. Although stories about this haunted location have existed for over a hundred years, it wasn’t until the 1970s that people started publishing the ghost stories.

The cemetery is said to be one of the most haunted places in Kansas and is a gateway to hell. There are several legends surrounding the cemetery, including one that says a devil-worshipping sect met in the cemetery.

Visitors have reported strange occurrences, such as ghostly apparitions, unexplained noises and strange feelings of fear. Some even claim to have seen the devil himself in the cemetery. [3]

7 Topeka State Hospital

The Topeka State Hospital, also known as the Menninger Foundation, is a former psychiatric hospital in Topeka, Kansas. The hospital has a long history, dating back to 1879, and has been the subject of many ghost stories and legends. The hospital was known for its experimental treatments and was once one of the most renowned psychiatric hospitals in the United States.

The hospital has been closed for years, but rumors of ghostly occurrences persist to this day. Many former patients, staff and visitors have reported strange occurrences and ghostly sightings. Some have reported hearing strange noises and whispering voices, while others have seen ghostly apparitions. There are also stories about objects moving on their own and doors opening and closing without explanation.[4]

6 Safari Mark’s Bar and Bistro

Safari Mark’s Bar and Bistro, a popular food and drink establishment in Sedan, Kansas, is believed to be haunted by the ghost of Andrew Eaton, also known as “Indian Slim.” The building, which dates back to 1904, was originally the historic Bradford Hotel. Eaton, who had a reputation as a gambler and champion horseman, died in the 1970s, and his ghost is said to still haunt the establishment.

Many customers and staff have reported seeing his appearance throughout the building, and some even claim that his spirit is a bit short-tempered. Paintings have been known to fall off the wall multiple times, leading some to believe this is the work of Eaton’s mind.[5]

5 The Brown Mansion

The Brown Mansion in Coffeyville, Kansas, is a grand and imposing building on the outskirts of the city. Built in the early 20th century, it has stood the test of time and has a rich history. However, it is also rumored to be haunted by the ghost of its original owner, James Brown. Legend has it that Brown was a wealthy businessman with a dark past, and it is said that his ghost still resides in the mansion to this day.

Visitors to the mansion have reported strange occurrences, such as eerie noises, doors opening and closing on their own, and even sightings of a ghostly figure. Some have even claimed to have felt a sense of discomfort or to have been touched by an invisible hand. The Brown Mansion is a place steeped in history, but also mystery, and it is a destination that many ghost hunters and paranormal enthusiasts visit. Whether the ghost stories are true or not, the Brown Mansion remains an intriguing and mysterious place that leaves an impression on all who visit.[6]

4 Hotel Josephine

A grand and stately building, Hotel Josephine has a rich history dating back to 1889. The hotel was built by AD Walker and named after his beloved daughter Josephine. Born in 1889, Josephine was just four months old when the hotel first opened its doors in Holton. Growing up, Josephine attended Holton schools and later graduated from the University of Kansas. A graduation photo of her still adorns the wall in the front room above the antique piano. But it is said that Josephine’s ghost never left the hotel and continues to roam the halls to this day.

Visitors to the hotel have reported strange occurrences, such as ghostly apparitions, tapping sounds on the windows and footsteps of invisible feet. Some believe that Josephine’s spirit still haunts the hotel, watching over guests and staff. Hotel Josephine is a place where the past meets the present, and it is a destination where many ghost hunters and paranormal enthusiasts come to stay. It can be seen in episodes of Ghost adventurersand many photographs of apparitions were taken.[7]

3 Rivendell Bookstore

Located in Abilene, Kansas, the Rivendell Bookstore has been the talk of the town for quite some time. The owners claim that strange and inexplicable events have left them bewildered and bewildered. They have reported shadowy figures lurking in the corners of the store, the eerie sound of jingle bells during the Christmas season when the store is closed, and the books on the shelf being scattered on the floor by an unseen figure .

These events have left both owners and customers feeling uncomfortable and tense. The small town of Abilene is not used to such strange and creepy occurrences, and residents wonder about the store’s grisly past.

One of the most intriguing incidents reported is that of a book, aptly titled Living with ghosts, which fell off the shelves on its own. The irony of the situation is not lost on anyone, as the book talks about the existence of ghosts and the paranormal. The owners have tried to rationalize these events, but cannot come up with a logical explanation.

Some say the store is haunted, while others believe it could be a prank played by someone with a twisted sense of humor. But whatever the reason, the strange occurrences at the Rivendell Bookstore in Abilene, Kansas still cause customers to question the reality of the unseen world.[8]

2 Sauer Castle

Sauer Castle in Kansas City, Kansas, is a historic building that is said to be extremely haunted. Built between 1869 and 1871, the two-and-a-half-story house, with its soaring tower and widow’s walk, is considered the finest example of 19th-century Italianate architecture in the state of Kansas.

The castle’s original owner, Anton Sauer, was a German-born businessman who moved to Kansas City after the death of his first wife. He later married a widow, Mary Einhellig Messerschmidt, and they had five daughters together, one of whom died in infancy in the house itself. Anton Sauer also died at home from tuberculosis.

It is said that the castle attracts many strange tales and wild tales, and legends tell of a woman who hanged herself in the high tower, buried treasures and buried bodies, and a secret tunnel leading to the river. A deranged husband allegedly murdered his entire family at Sauer Castle and buried them in the backyard before killing himself. Neighbors claim to see floating lights in the tower and grounds and hear voices from the house when no one lives there.

It is said that the widow’s walk is haunted by the apparition of a woman walking in black, while on Halloween a man and a woman can be seen dancing in the tower. The castle’s dark history is said to please ghost hunters and historians alike, as five generations of the Sauer family lived and died in the house, including a single suicide.[9]

1 Molly’s Hollow

Located in the city of Atchison, KS, Jackson Park may seem like an ordinary place at first glance. However, it harbors a dark secret known to many locals. The story of Molly’s Hollow revolves around an African American girl named Molly, who was brutally murdered by a group of racist individuals. The tragedy occurred when they found out she was dating a white boy. The group attacked her and eventually lynched her.

The memory of Molly’s death lives on in the form of ghostly sightings and eerie sensations reported by those who venture into the park’s wooded area at night. Some claim to have seen the girl’s ghost hanging from a tree, while others have reported hearing her screams. The atmosphere in the area is said to be imbued with a sense of sadness and fear. Even today, it is believed that Molly’s ghost still calls Molly’s Hollow her home.[10]

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