Acne over 50? Here’s how to get rid of menopausal spots

Q I developed acne in my 50s and I just want it to go away. Is there an effective non-drug treatment?

a Sudden onset of acne during menopause is extremely common and always alarming.

The oral drug Roaccutane (isotretinoin) has so far been the gold standard for eradicating the condition, but not without unpleasant side effects for some people.

Q I developed acne in my 50s and I just want it to go away. Is there an effective non-drug treatment?

Beauty expert Inge van Lotringen recommends an AviClear laser treatment for severe acne

But there’s an exciting new option, AviClear, a laser specifically designed to combat even severe acne. It works by targeting the oil glands in the skin and suppressing their activity indefinitely.

‘It stops the overproduction of sebum, eliminating a major trigger for the development of acne,’ says dermatologist Dr Anjali Mahto (

Nearly 90 percent of those who take the three 30-minute sessions (a month apart) for as much as £4,500 see visible improvements six months after the last session.

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