Warner Bros. is canceling more than just movies: it’s games too

WARNER Bros. has canceled several of its projects, including films like Batgirl and Coyote vs Acme.

However, it appears the company is trying to clear more than just its movies, as a number of developers have pointed out.


Small Radios Big Televisions is an immersive puzzle gameCredit: Fireface

Warner Bros. has started removing games published under Adult Swim Games, which has a number of games on Steam and PlayStation.

Two developers with games published by Adult Swim have come forward that Warner Bros. contacted them about removing their games.

Fire Face, the developer behind Small Radio’s Big Televisions, was told the game would be pulled from the market within 60 days.

Owen Deery, the sole developer and owner of Fire Face, has made the game available for free download from his website, but each developer can decide whether to do the same.

Speak with Game developerDeery called the decision “depressing.”

He states that Warner Bros. blamed “internal company changes” for the decision, without offering much explanation.

Another developer has also spoken out, claiming they received a similar message from Warner Bros.

Matt Kain Lewandowski, one half of the duo that created Fist Puncher, has said that Warner Bros. refused to transfer ownership of the Steam page to them in order to keep the game visible.

He said: “This is incredibly disappointing. It seems like the video game industry is increasingly filled with people who don’t like or care about video games.

“All that to say: buy physical games, make backups, and help preserve our great industry and art form.”

So far, these are the only two developers to step forward, but we can’t rule out the idea that this message was sent to other games under the Adult Swim label.

Popular games such as Robot Unicorn Attack, Frog Fractions 2 and Jazzpunk are all released with Adult Swim Games as publisher.

If you want to read more about gaming drama, check out Nintendo’s case against emulator Yuzu.

Written by Georgina Young on behalf of GLHF.

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