What Elon Musk and Sam Altman said about each other

(Mr. Musk wrote back: “Thanks Sam!”)

In the “Continuing with Kara Swisherpodcast, in March 2023:

“He’s a jerk, whatever else you want to say about him – he has a style that I wouldn’t want for myself. But I think he really cares, and he feels very stressed about what the future will look like for humanity.”

In the “In good companypodcast, in September:

“Elon was definitely a talent magnet and attention magnet, and he also has some real superpowers that were super helpful to us in those early days, besides all that stuff.”

In a conversation Vanity Fair’s new establishment, in October 2015:

Mr. Altman: “The happy vision of the future is that humans and AI are in a symbiotic relationship, distributed AI, which empowers many individuals, not this one AI that controls everything we all do and is a million times smarter than any other form. other entity.

Mr Musk: “I agree with what Sam said. We are in fact already a collective symbiote of man and machine, like a gigantic cyborg.”

In an interview Mr. Altman performed with Mr Musk, in September 2016:

Mr. Altman: “Speaking of really important issues – AI – you’ve been outspoken about AI. Can you share what you think the positive future for AI looks like and how we get there?

Mr Musk: “So I think we need to democratize AI technology and make it widely available, and that’s why you, I and the rest of the team created OpenAI to help spread AI. technology so that it does not end up in the hands of a few.”

Cade Metz reporting contributed.

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