Day 6: How to stay energetic all year long

This is day 6 of the 6-day energy challenge. To start at the beginning, click here.

We have reached the last day of the Energy Challenge!

Hopefully you’ve had a refreshing week. You created an oasis moment for daytime rest, did a somewhat silly – but effective – high-energy workout, noticed how different foods made you feel, identified energy vampires, and made time for a low-commitment flow state. (Don’t worry if you missed a day. You can find previous episodes here and do them at your own pace.)

I loved doing the daily exercises with you. What a gift it is to feel less exhausted! Like many of you, I have energy-consuming elements in my life that I have no control over: a teenage daughter, a mother in need of care. But it was a revelation to discover that there are concrete things I can do to feel better. I never thought to take a step back and ask myself: what actions can I take to increase my energy?

After adding protein to my breakfast, my morning energy increased significantly. Taking a regular mid-morning rest improved my focus and motivation in the afternoon. And I plan to spend a few minutes every day immersing myself in something creative. (My next quest is to learn to knit.)

How else can we keep our energy levels high after the challenge is over? Here are a few more tips to brighten up the coming year.

Julie Morgenstern, a productivity consultant and author of “Time Management from the Inside Out,” said that if we think of sleep as the last thing we do at night, we’re more likely to procrastinate — staying up to scroll through TikTok or finish our to-do lists. Instead, she suggests going to bed promptly so you can get a head start on the day ahead. Reframing rest as a new beginning rather than the end of the day can lead to better sleep habits, she said.

Most of us multitask all day long, says Cassie Holmes, professor at UCLA’s Anderson School of Management and author of “Happier Hour.” It’s not unusual to be in a Zoom meeting while ordering groceries and texting online.

But this is not only exhausting, it’s also counterproductive, says Dr. Aditi Nerurkar, a physician at Harvard Medical School and author of the forthcoming book “The 5 Resets.” Human brains are programmed to do one thing at a time, she added.

Try time blocking instead, said Dr. Holmes, where you schedule uninterrupted time in your calendar for one task.

If you’re most productive in the morning, block that time to do your most important work, she suggested. And grouping similar activities avoids “transition costs,” the mental energy we use when switching between different types of tasks, Dr. Holmes said. (For example, she told me that she does all her household chores at once—on Wednesday evenings after her kids are in bed.)

We all instinctively know that constantly checking our phones can drain our energy, so it’s important to set limits on this habit, says Cal Newport, associate professor of computer science at Georgetown University and author of the forthcoming book “Slow Productivity.”

He advised leaving your phone plugged in at a fixed location at home in the evening, for example on a table in the hallway or in the kitchen. Then “if you want to look something up, call someone or check text messages, you have to go to where your phone is,” he said.

If you want to listen to podcasts or audiobooks while doing chores, he added, use wireless earphones. “This way you can still take advantage of your phone,” he said, “but not with you as a constant companion. You can’t go there at the slightest moment of boredom.”

Immediately jumping to answer every text or call from a loved one can lead to burnout, says Nedra Tawwab, a psychotherapist and author of “Set Boundaries, Find Peace.” If possible, you can let the call go to voicemail. Leave the text unread. “You have the right not to be available,” she said.

I’d love to hear your tips on how to keep your energy up — share them in the comments. And I’ll send you a few check-in emails throughout the year to help you stay on track.

Here’s to a revitalizing 2024.

Do you know someone who speaks Spanish and would appreciate this challenge? They can follow it here.

Music and dance are powerful energy boosters. We asked Questlove, the musician, DJ and member of the Roots, to create a playlist filled with his favorite upbeat music. Listen to it and check out his notes on why these songs bring him to life.

Listen: Questlove has created an energy playlist for you

Starting January 15, we’re launching our Mediterranean Diet series, a week of daily emails packed with nutrition facts and shopping suggestions, along with recipes from our colleagues at NYT Cooking.

As long as you are subscribed to the Well newsletter, you don’t need to do anything now. You will receive the first installment in your inbox. (If you’re not a subscriber, sign up below.)

Learn more: Well’s Mediterranean Diet Week

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