Auto-Industry Group destroys Biden’s plan to electrify US cars

But last year, all-electric vehicles accounted for just 5.8 percent of new cars sold in the United States. Mr Biden signed one last year law designed to encourage Americans to buy more electric vehicles by providing buyers with up to $7,500 in tax credits, but many foreign-made vehicles do not qualify for the tax credits.

Experts say the new regulation provides essential guidance to tackle the root of the fiscal stimulus. Achieving the government’s goals could be more difficult if car companies succeed in weakening the rule. The Environmental Protection Administration published its proposed rule earlier this spring and is seeking public comment before the rule is finalized and implemented in the first half of next year.

The car companies’ concerns are expected to influence the final rule, especially as Biden campaigns for re-election in politically critical auto-producing states such as Michigan and Ohio.

The backlash against the rule is the latest in a years-long back-and-forth between Washington and the auto industry over climate pollution.

Former President Barack Obama first raised fuel efficiency standards in an attempt to jump-start the transition to electric vehicles, then grudgingly received support from the country’s three major automakers as his administration had just bailed them out of bankruptcy during the global economic crisis. crisis.

Later, President Donald J. Trump reversed the Obama-era rules so much that even some automakers protested that he had gone too far. Since then, Mr. Biden has tried to reinstate and expand the Obama rules. In 2021, he signed an executive order pledging policies to ensure that at least half of all new cars sold in the United States are all-electric by 2030.

But his administration surprised the auto industry this spring with the proposed rule that went significantly further. His proposal aims for 67 percent of new light passenger car sales, from sedans to pickups, to be fully electric by 2032.

Biden administration regulators are expected to weigh public comments before reviewing and finalizing proposals. Historically, many proposed environmental regulations have been relaxed to meet industry concerns.

The auto lobby group said it is not opposed to any regulations designed to accelerate the transition to electric vehicles, but suggested in its remarks that the Biden administration lower its target to 40 or 50 percent electric sales by 2030, rather than the 67 percent by 2030. 2032 proposed by the current rule.

In a blog post, John Bozzella, the group’s chairman, suggested that the Biden administration include plug-in hybrid vehicles in its target, rather than push for such rapid adoption of all-electric vehicles. Plug-in hybrids use internal combustion engines in combination with battery power.

Representatives from the White House and the Environmental Protection Agency did not return emails seeking comment.

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