Everyone can see the tree trunks, but you have 20/20 vision and a high IQ if you can see the spider within 8 seconds

Do you THINK you have an eye for detail? This mind-boggling optical illusion will reveal both your visual acuity and your mental metal.

Everyone can see the tree trunks, but if you see the scary spider in less than eight seconds, you may have 20/20 vision and a high IQ.


Do you recognize the spider in this image?Credit: www.jagranjosh.com

The image shows a pile of tree trunks that are all different shapes and sizes, but somewhere there is a creature hiding and it is your job to find it.

The illusion is made especially difficult because the tree trunks are the same color as the creepy crawly, meaning it can easily avoid your gaze.

Any luck? Here’s a clue: study each part of the image piece by piece and scan for any spidery shapes.

If you’re having a hard time, don’t worry. This is one of our trickiest teasers yet, and we’ve included the solution at the bottom of the page.

read more about brainteasers

How can optical illusions and brainteasers help me?

Participating in activities such as solving optical illusions and brain teasers can have many cognitive benefits as it can stimulate different areas of the brain.

Some benefits include:

  • Cognitive stimulation: Participating in these activities challenges the brain and promotes mental agility and flexibility.
  • Problem solving ability: Regular practice improves analytical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Memory improvement: These challenges often require memory recall and can contribute to better memory function.
  • creativity: They encourage thinking outside the box and promote creativity and innovative thought processes.
  • Focus and attention: Working on optical illusions and brainteasers requires concentration, which contributes to better focus.
  • Pressure relief: The enjoyable nature of these puzzles can act as a form of relaxation and stress relief.

In the meantime, why not try some other optical illusions while you scroll?

Test your brain current And solve the questions in this test to reveal whether you have a high IQ.

Or see if you can find the eyes of a predator and spot the bird hidden among the branches.

Psychologists from the University of Glasgow discovered that staring at a optical illusion can improve vision by allowing you to see small print.

And according to Zen Business: “These visual puzzles can give you a good mental workout, helping you think more efficiently and solve problems more easily.”

The spider can be found about halfway down the right side of the screen.


Try to find the hidden frog


There he is!


There’s the spider, have you seen it?Credit: www.jagranjosh.com


Try to find the hidden fire truck


There it is, did you find it?
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