Furious Putin orders Russian rebels hunted and executed after humiliating loss of territory on his own borders

VLADIMIR Putin has ordered his spies to hunt down and execute “treacherous” Russian rebels fighting for Ukraine and causing chaos in its border region.

The humiliated tyrant, 71, today demanded his most deadly Secret Service agents be wiped out the brave freedom fighters and “punishing them without a statute of limitations.”


Vladimir Putin delivers his venom-filled speech at FSB headquarters today as he shamefully evacuates a border areaCredit: AP


The pro-Kiev fighters have claimed control of two villages and are shelling two townsCredit: Legion of Freedom of Russia


The moment before RDK fighters take out a Russian tank at close rangeCredit: Igor Sushko/Twitter


Smoke rises from the back as an explosion hits the center of the fast-moving tankCredit: Igor Sushko/Twitter

Putin spoke to top FSB commanders when faced with the shame of evacuating 9,000 children from the Belgorod region because he could not keep the region safe.

The region that borders Ukraineis under attack from Ukrainian drone strikes, constant shelling and saboteur chaos.

Since last week, however, three battalions of anti-Putin insurgents have battled government forces and seized territory.

Outright furious, the despot told the high command of his secret service: “All attempts to break through our territory [by] subversion terrorist gangs, consisting of regular units of the enemy, foreign mercenaries… and all kinds of scum who ended up on the territory of the Kiev regime through various channels.

read more about the partisans

Addressing the FSB council at the security service’s infamous headquarters in Moscow, he continued: “All these attempts failed. In this context I would like to draw your attention to this.

“When I spoke about these traitors, I ask you, as has always been the case in our history, not to forget who they are, to make them known by name.

“We will punish them without the statute of limitations, wherever they are.”

The evacuation action comes amid daily shelling of the Belgorod region and raids on border villages by the anti-dictator Russian partisans.

Putin’s tirade was the first time he acknowledged the strength of attacks by Russian rebels against him.

The embittered despot went to war promising to secure his country from the Russians – but has done the opposite, leaving his border areas woefully vulnerable.

At dawn on March 12, rebels from the Russian Freedom Legion (RFL), the Russian Volunteer Corps (RDK) and the Siberian Battalion (SB) launched an unprecedented action. two-pronged cross-border attack on their homeland.

Russian partisans fighting AGAINST Putin promise they have fighters ready to march on Moscow

The political head of the Russian armed resistance, Ilya Ponomarevtold The Sun last week that his were Ukraine-supporting partisans ready to do battle with Vlad as part of “Operation Freedom”.

The former Russian MP said: “This is absolutely the biggest attack we have led and it is finally a joint operation by all three Russian [partisan] regiments.”

“This is a large-scale operation – we are attacking different directions at the same time and our fighters are experienced and trained,” Ponomarev added.

Despite having a limited arsenal, pro-Kiev fighters have continued to fight in Belgorod and Kursk and have now taken control of at least two Russian villages.

Today the RDK shared a dramatic video of how their fighter plane took out a Russian army tank in an ambush in Belgorod.


The Russian rebels shared a photo waving their flags after capturing a second village


The anti-Putin rebels are fighting in Belgorod and KurskCredit: Freedom of Russia

Who are the partisans?

Determined to take on Putin, Russian partisans supporting Ukraine have repeatedly launched raids and attacks in Russia’s border areas.

The ‘freedom fighters’ – independent groups of mainly Russian citizens – were recently formed in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Since then, they have gone from strength to strength with the explicit goal of finally putting an end to the Kremlin regime.

On March 12, anti-Putin paramilitaries launched their largest attack on their homeland yet and now claim to have captured two villages.

Fighters from the Freedom of Russia Legion (FRL), the Russian Volunteer Corps (RDK) and the Siberian Battalion (SB) launched a joint attack on the Russian border areas of both Belgorod and Kursk.

They stated that their goal was to disrupt Putin’s sham election last week and “take back our country” [Putin’s] regime inch by inch”.

The Russian Defense Ministry has been forced to admit that the settlements are under siege by the armed rebels as the shelling and their attacks continue.

Their political head, Ilya Ponomarev, told The Sun that they had been carrying out continuous small-scale raids since September to keep up pressure on Russia’s defenses.

They also fight for Ukraine in some of the bloodiest battles raging across the 900 kilometer front.

At the end of May last year – prior to the explosive but aborted mutiny of the Wagner Group in June – fighters from the FRL and RDK stormed across the border in tanks and led the main attack on Russian soil since Putin came to power.

In a days-long battle, they “liberated” eight villages in the Belgorod region, even capturing Russian soldiers and embarrassing Putin on the world stage.

In December, The Sun spoke to a senior commander of the legion, Caesar, who promised as much Russia is ready to explode and has promised to light its fuse in 2024.

Caesar – who is now the face of the latest large-scale attack on Russia – explained: “That’s why Putin is very afraid of us.”

He warned Russia that its “warriors” will stop at nothing to “liberate our motherland” and “save Ukraine” in the process.

“We are the first military regiment to say clearly and loudly that only a struggle with force can change power in Russia.”

The commander said they have a combined force of thousands of brave Russians behind them – those willing to risk their lives to secure a “brighter future” for Russia.


Putin tells FSB high command to root out ‘scum’ rebels fighting government forces in Belgorod and KurskCredit: East2West


Russian partisan fighters in the Belgorod region in recent daysCredit: East2West

In a photo shared on Telegram yesterday, members of the Supervisory Board and RDK can be seen waving their flags in the Russian village of Kozinka.

Belgorod Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov announced the evacuation this week, sending 1,200 children away from the new front line, where the paramilitaries have been active with shelling and cross-border forays.

Later evacuees will be sent to the Stavropol region, including children from the city of Belgorod, which has been under constant fire in recent days.

The evacuation order is a stark admission that Putin, despite boasting about the strength of his armed forces, is unable to properly defend a key Russian city.

For days, the anti-Kremlin groups have urged citizens to immediately evacuate their homes houses anticipating what they called “huge.” strikes“.

Partisans claimed that “more than 7,000 civilian vehicles of residents of Belgorod and the Belgorod Region” responded to their call to evacuate.

Governor Gladkov claimed that a 14-year-old child, 14, lost a hand after it was blown away during the shelling of the village of Razumnoye.

The teen’s mother was also reportedly injured.

“A total of 16 civilians have been killed and 98 injured in the past week, including a girl who just lost her arm in shelling,” Gladkov said.

He also admitted that the villages of Gora-Podol, Glotovo and Gruzskoye are under siege.

The Russian Ministry of Defense reported today that it has downed nine Ukrainian RM-70 Vampire missiles in Belgorod.

“Apparent air defense systems destroyed nine missiles in the skies over the Belgorod region,” they claimed.

Ukraine The armed forces have denied involvement in the attack, saying the paramilitary groups are “independent organizations” of Russian citizens operating “at home.”


Ilya Ponomarev, the political head of the resistance groups, told The Sun that their aim is to disrupt the elections and inspire others to take up arms against Putin.Credit: Getty


The Siberian Battalion (SB) released master camera footage of the ongoing attack last week


Artillerymen from the Liberty of Russia Legion claimed to have destroyed two of Putin’s ammunition depots in one go


A truck caught fire in the middle of the street in Belgorod


The attack led to the suspension of elections in the city of Belgorod


A local resident stands next to a damaged car hit by shelling in BelgorodCredit: Reuters
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