I loved the Georgia Steel bangs, so tried cutting my hair the same way – it was a failure

MANY of us will have tried to cut our hair ourselves, or been encouraged by a celebrity when choosing which hair to choose.

But one woman has claimed that reality star Georgia Steel owes her compensation for her recent hair loss.


A young woman has revealed that after watching Georgia Steel on Love Island All Stars she decided to give herself a DIY haircut, hoping to achieve the same hairstyleCredit: Lifeofjadey/tiktok


During the show, Georgia showed off her beautiful curtain bangs, which were always styled to perfectionCredit: Eroteme

Beauty fanatic Jade explained that after watching Georgia Steel in the recent series of Love Island All Stars, she was jealous of the brunette beauty’s bangs.

As a result, Jade tried cutting her bangs herself, hoping to achieve a similar look.

But unfortunately for Jade, her DIY curtain bangs didn’t go to plan.

As a result, the young woman has since advised others not to cut their own bangs.

Jade posted a clip on social media showing off her hair blunder, as she said: “I AM NOT THANKFUL FOR MY FRINGES!!! Don’t cut your own bangs!!!!!!!!”

In the short clip she then said: “Georgia Steel may have caused drama in the Love Island villa but she has no idea of ​​the drama she has caused in my life.

‘As you can see, my hair is combed back with a lot of gel, which is an indication of what I’m about to show you.

“If you’re considering cutting yourself bangs at home, don’t.

“If you don’t, let me be your human sacrifice.

‘Go to a hairdresser. Or just don’t do it at all.

How Georgia Steel went from desperate TV wannabe to top of the Love Island All Stars list

“The inspiration lasts 10 minutes, but the edge doesn’t go anywhere.

“So I’m going to insert another video of what my bangs look like when they’re not smooth because now my hair is going to be smooth until it grows out.”

Jade then shared a close-up video showing off her new bangs, which unfortunately didn’t look quite the same as Georgia’s.

Georgia Steel, if you’re listening to this, you owe me money


The Love Island fan then shared a message for Georgia, who was recently crowned at the top of the Love Island All Stars rich list.

She concluded, “So, Georgia Steel, if you’re listening to this, you owe me money.

“Basically compensation for what I did to myself by seeing you on TV.”

Jade later wrote “RIP” and told her followers: “Please pray for me.”

‘This is so funny’

The TikTok clip, which was posted under the username @lifeofjadeyhas clearly left many with their mouths open as it quickly amassed a whopping 112,800 views in just one day.

Social media users went into hysterics over Jade’s blunder and many took to the comments to express their views.

One person said: “I did the same.”

Another said: “This is so funny.”

A third commented: “I had to see this last week.”

At the same time, many beauty fans shared their recommendations on how Jade should style her bangs.

One user advised: “It looks better the more you style it – apply some rollers.”

A second chimed in: “It looks good!! You just have to style them. Mine is so dry too.”

While someone else explained: “Moisten it and blow dry it with a large roller brush, see what it looks like when styled properly.”

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Unfortunately for Jade, however, things didn’t go to plan as she took to social media to show off the bustCredit: Lifeofjadey/tiktok


People went into hysterics after Jade’s blunderCredit: Lifeofjadey/tiktok


However, others advised her to style the bangs with rollersCredit: Rex

bangscuttingfailureGeorgiaGeorgia SteelHairHair careHair horrorsLove IslandlovedSection: Fantastic: Hair and Beautysocial mediaSteelStyle and fashionTikTok
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