Hero’s family receives his beloved First World War medal 28 years after it was found in a mother’s garden

A hero’s family have received their beloved First World War medal, 28 years after a mother found it in her garden.

Tanya Dye saw Private Arthur Ablitt’s victory medal while digging her field in 1996.


Barry Earthy has received his great uncle’s WW1 medal, 28 years after it was discovered


The medal was discovered in Tanya Dye’s garden in 1996

She called people by the last name in vain, but continued to hold on to the gong through four moves.

The Royal mail Cleaner then discovered that a colleague was involved in genealogy: Postie Adam Simpson-York.

He used family history websites to track down Pte Ablitt’s great-nephew, Barry Earthy, 76, who plans to frame the medal.

Pte Ablitt served in the Machine Gun Corps.

He survived a shrapnel wound when he married Lillian, and worked on a farm until his death at age 68 in 1963.

Barry said: ‘I had no idea he was in the war. I am so grateful to Tanya and Adam. The medal will remain in our family forever as a reminder of his services.”

Tanya, 53, who is from the same place as Barry Ipswichsaid: “I am over the moon that my 28 year search is over.

“I saw a name on the medal. I kept it because I thought about what it must have meant to the recipient.”

Adam, 37, runs the Medals Going Home page Facebook, added: “I love a challenge and knew I could find the family. Private Ablitt had no children, but his brother Walter had a son whose son was Barry.

“The family was so excited when I reached out. The WWI The generation is over now, and so anything I can do to keep their stories alive is worth it.”

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