My three-part drink drives away black mold while I relax – it's a game changer

IS YOUR bathroom covered in mold after a damp and harsh winter?

Have you tried everything to ban it, but without success?


Carolina used baking soda and vinegarCredit: tiktok/@carolina.mccauley


She sprayed the mixture onto the moldCredit: tiktok/@carolina.mccauley

One woman may have found the answer.

Carolina McCauley shared her anti-fungal hack via a video on her TikTok channel @carolina.mccauley.

She often uses the account to share useful cleaning tips and tricks.

Her videos are very popular among TikTok users and she has amassed over 2.0 million followers on the video sharing platform.

Read more cleaning stories

Carolina's hack is completely natural and therefore a good alternative to toxic, mold-removing products such as bleach.

For her miracle mold removing spray, Carolina uses one part water, two parts white vinegar and baking soda.

She mixes the two products together and then puts them in a spray bottle.

She then sprays the affected area and leaves it to cool for an hour while it takes effect.

Carolina added that for extra thick mold, you can add more baking soda to form a paste.

In the video, the cleaner demonstrated her hack by using it to remove the mold around her shower.

My best friend's bathroom was covered in mold, but I got it sparkling again in no time thanks to a £2 miracle product

After an hour, she wiped the affected area with a cloth and the fungus was completely gone.

She then rinsed the surface with water.

“So much better,” she said.

White vinegar has antifungal and antibacterial properties.

Store-bought white vinegar contains about 5 to 8 percent acetic acid, which can disrupt the growth of mold and other microorganisms.

It's also super cheap and can be bought from B&M for just 79 cents.

It works every time

TikTok user

Baking soda can also kill mold and the two products are often used together because they kill different types of mold.

You can pick up baking soda for just £1 from Poundland.

Black mold is a fungus that grows in warm, wet conditions such as the bathroom.

Mold can build up for a variety of reasons, such as leaky pipes, poor insulation, or if the condensation is not wiped away after you shower.

It is important to remove mold as it can cause many health problems.

According to the NHS, black mold can lead to asthma attacks, allergic reactions and infections.

When removing black mold, it is important to protect yourself by using rubber gloves and a mask that covers your nose and mouth.

Carolina's video has clearly made a big impression, as it has already racked up over 1.5 million views.

TikTok users rushed to the comments section of the video to share their thoughts on Carolina's hack.

One user said: “I'm going to try this tomorrow, thanks for the idea.”.

Another user said: “It works every time”.

A third user added: “Love the tip.”

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The area looks so much betterCredit: tiktok/@carolina.mccauley

blackChangerCleaning tipsdrinkdrivesGameHousesIt39sMOLDrelaxSection: Fantastic: Real Lifesocial mediathreepartTikToktipstricks and life hacks
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