I’m an elegance coach and these are my tips for staying stylish when you’re in a hurry – you DON’T have to look terrible just because you’re in a hurry

An elegance coach has revealed her top tips for still looking stylish and stylish when you’re in a hurry.

Anna Bey, who splits her time between London and Geneva, said she has the ultimate suggestions for those who want to avoid “looking terrible when they’re in a hurry.”

The renowned lifestyle guru, 37, who “helps women improve themselves so they can live their best lives,” gave the advice in her latest video on YouTubewhere she has 1.75 million subscribers.

She insisted: ‘There are ways you can completely transform your look and look really stylish, even if you panicked getting one done.’

The elegance coach revealed how wearing your hair a certain way, opting for heels and wearing a blazer can all help you look stylish despite being in a hurry.

Anna Bey, who splits her time between London and Geneva, said she has the ultimate suggestions for those who want to avoid looking ‘terrible when they’re in a hurry’

She first explained that “bad hair” is one of the main characteristics that takes away from a person’s elegance.

“I’m aware that you may not have time to blow-dry,” Anna said. ‘JMaybe you just need to do something quick around the house and need a… go-to hairstyle.

‘For me, it’s just putting my hair in a stylish bun, as if it’s sitting elegantly behind my head. My hair can be greasy because of this, I just add a little bit of dry shampoo and cover it and voila, elegance in just one minute.’

She continued, “I would definitely say that putting your hair up in a bun or an easy updo when you’re in a hurry is a perfect solution for most of us. Just remember that your hair will be more important than your makeup.”

Then the elegance coach suggested that those who want to pursue class and at the same time are in a hurry should always stick to wrinkle-free fabrics.

Anna said, “If you’re in a hurry, you won’t have time to dry clean your clothes.

The renowned lifestyle guru, 37, who “helps women improve themselves so they can live their best lives,” gave the advice in her latest video on YouTube, where she has 1.75 million subscribers.

“What I want you to do when you’re standing there panicking in your closet, don’t even look at your cottons, don’t even look at your linens, don’t look at those fabrics like silk that you know wrinkle.

‘Just have tunnel vision on the fabrics in your closet that don’t wrinkle and are already hanging there wrinkle-free.’

Anna also suggested that everyone should have one or two outfits that they know they can always rely on.

She then explained that there are certain pieces of clothing that will “instantly increase your elegance, making you look put together even if you’re wearing something really boring.”

The elegance coach revealed, “Those items are hats and heels. Now you don’t have to do both but you can choose one or the other and it will work all year round.

“Any time you can try to put on a little bit of heel, even if that just means a little block heel, as soon as your flat foot comes up a little bit, your body lengthens.

Anna (pictured) insisted: ‘There are ways you can completely transform your look and look really stylish even if you panicked getting one done’

‘It also makes your outfit look so much better. We all know that when you wear a pair of sneakers, it’s not really the most sophisticated type of shoe.

‘But if you have to wear flats, try to brighten yourself up a bit by wearing a hat because a hat always gives your outfit a boost, whether it is a summer hat, an autumn hat or a winter hat.

‘A glamorous hat changes your outfit in an instant and the bonus is that you can have a whole bad hair day under it.’

The elegance coach then recommended adding a blazer to add some style to a simple ensemble.

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