Wonder plants to put in your garden to keep nasty pests away and prevent weeds

A GARDENING fan has shared her green-fingered tips for a pest-free vegetable garden.

All you have to do, she said, is plant the right herbs to keep them away.


TikTok user From Soil to Stove gave viewers some gardening tips for 2024Credit: TikTok/fromsoiltostove


They are said to keep bugs and insects at bayCredit: TikTok/fromsoiltostove

She also urged viewers to add a ‘living mulch’ to their garden plans.

It reduces workload and adds nutrients to the soil.

From soil to stove (@fromsoiltostove) has a passion for growing vegetables in raised beds in the backyard.

She feeds her young family with fresh produce from her garden.

In this aftershe encouraged existing and future gardeners to consider a change in their growing habits.

“If you buy seeds for a vegetable garden this year, don’t forget to include these three,” she said.

“These are three essential seeds for your vegetable garden.”

They are unusual choices, but they worked well for her.

“I have a few ideas for seeds that you wouldn’t necessarily think of buying for your backyard vegetable garden that work wonders,” she added.


Anyone with a creepy crawly phobia will like this one.

“Plant these sporadically in the garden or even in large bags,” she said.

“Not only will it attract beneficial insects, but it will also deter some pesky insects and keep them away from your plants,” she added.

Flowering herbs include:

  • Thyme
  • Dill
  • Fennel
  • Coriander
  • Basil
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This plant is especially ideal if you love tomatoes, as our gardener admitted.

“I love tomatoes and peas keep bugs away from them,” she said.

Plant cowpeas at the edge of your garden, a few feet away from your tomato plants, she advised.

“There is a chemical compound in peas that is similar to that of tomatoes,” she said.

“So the bugs and insects that like tomatoes are also attracted to the chickpeas and will usually congregate on those things, away from our beautiful tomato plants.”


A living mulch is very effective at keeping weeds down, but it also looks very nice.

“Living mulches are low-growing flowering plants that you place around your vegetables,” she said.

“Not only do they help retain moisture, but they also help control weeds, such as perennial weeds and other weeds that grow in and around your vegetables.

“It reduces garden work and retains moisture in the soil,” she added.

Living mulch plants:

  • Dear Alyssum
  • Small gemstone marigolds
  • Creeping Thyme

The commenters were grateful for the gardening tips.

“I needed this. I lost 100% of my Brussels harvest to slugs,” said one fan.

“I planted one marigold for every vegetable plant I put in the ground last year and had almost no pest problems,” said another.

“Cowpeas are also a great way to add nitrogen to your soil,” said a fellow gardener.

“Taking notes. I’m going to try all these things this year,” another added.


One of her tips protected tomato plants from pestsCredit: TikTok/fromsoiltostove


Her tips also added color to her vegetable gardenCredit: TikTok/fromsoiltostove

Food and drinkgardengardeningnastypestsplantspreventPuttipstricks and life hacksweeds
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