Airline passenger causes uproar after revealing that a fellow Southwest traveler on a nearly EMPTY flight insisted on sitting DIRECTLY behind him – despite there being dozens of other empty seats

A plane passenger has been left stunned after a fellow traveler on a near-empty south-west flight chose to sit directly behind him – despite there being dozens of other empty seats.

Anthony Thomasa Washington-based chef, took to man chooses to sit in his chair. the spot right behind Anthony.

The chef's image reignited the ongoing debate over airline etiquette – just weeks after an airline passenger drew outrage for putting her feet on someone else's seat and another traveler admitted to wearing her seat belt around her ankles.

Anthony noted that 'of all the seats on the flight' the anonymous traveler had made a very strange decision about his place on the plane, with his choice causing a wave of backlash from other social media users.

Anthony Thomas has sparked outrage after revealing a fellow traveler decided to sit right behind his seat despite the plane being almost empty

He captioned the photo, which showed the total of four passengers – including himself – on the plane: “Imagine having the luxury of boarding a flight with only two passengers on it. Look where he decided to sit, of all the seats on the flight.”

In the photo, Anthony sat in an empty row by the window. Two other passengers spread out in the back of the plane. However, one fellow traveler sat directly behind Anthony.

“I would have been so passive-aggressive if I switched seats,” one person added.

Another person said: 'It doesn't matter my friend. Lean completely back. That's his fault.'

People on the internet were stunned to see the mystery man decide to sit next to him and took to X, formerly known as Twitter, to express their anger.

One person said: 'It's like the people who park right next to you and there are loads of available spaces.'

Someone else added: 'I think these people are extremely dependent.'

Another user wrote: 'I'd move to the seat next to him lol.'

People on the internet were stunned when they saw the mystery man decided to sit next to him and took to X, formerly known as Twitter, to express their anger

“Oh dear, I would be so freaked out that I would have to move,” one user added.

“I would have gotten up and gone to some seats behind him,” one person said.

This isn't the first time flyers have made waves over airplane etiquette.

Just two weeks ago, a frequent flyer caused a stir after showing off a 'dangerous' travel hack that saw her wearing her seatbelt around her ankles in an attempt to be 'more comfortable' during her flight.

In the past, many passengers wondered whether you should change seats while traveling.

Just a month ago, a frequent flyer sent out a PSA to fellow travelers about changing seats after experiencing a nightmare involving having to move five times when he reluctantly gave up his seat to another passenger.

The Unknown Man Took to Reddit to Share His Seat Swap Story That 'Permanently Changed' [his] I'm thinking of being nice and switching places with someone someday.”

He reignited the heated conversation about travel etiquette after a frequent flyer was applauded for refusing to change seats so a woman could sit by the window.

He shared his experiences in a thread dedicated to 'Delta Airlines– adding that the disastrous incident occurred eight years ago while he was on a flight from New York City to Utah.

Another frequent flyer previously revealed she refused to swap her window seat with an 'entitled' passenger who wanted to sit next to his wife.

The unnamed woman took to Reddit to share how she refused to move to a middle seat on an 11-hour flight from New York to Cairo, Egypt, so that the man sitting next to her could sit next to his wife.

The anonymous woman shared her story on the social media platform as a way to rant about the man under a thread captioned: 'TitledPeople', prompting others on the internet to condemn the man for asking someone else to switch to a lower quality seat so he could be happy.

The denial comes months after a man sparked a furious debate when he refused to give up his first class seat for his boss, despite using his own credit card points to do so.

In the past,'s Jaci Stephen even gave her opinion, confessing that she “absolutely refuses” to switch seats, no matter how angry the passenger who wants to switch may get.

airlinedaily mailDozensEgyptemptyfellowflightinsistedNew YorkPassengerRedditrevealingseatssittingSouthwesttravel_newsTravelertriptweetUproarUtah
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