There IS time for a pre-party adjustment!

The festive season is about to reach its peak and as a 49-year-old working mother, I’m already feeling exhausted. But this year I won’t watch it, because I’m having myself a happy little Tweakmas.

As the founder of The Editor’s List, a concierge service that connects some of the world’s most glamorous women with top cosmetic surgeons and doctors, I knew exactly who to call.

I started in November because the procedures are all delayed by about four days, in case you bruise. Start now and you will see the results of your Christmas party and enjoy the cumulative results for next year’s festivities too.

Never book the day of a party, as alcohol thins the blood, which can delay healing. And manage your expectations: these are “tweaks” that refresh your features rather than drastically changing them.

These are the most in-demand practitioners known for their light touch, but are moving quickly for the remaining appointments before Christmas.

Olivia Falcon, 49, started her procedures in November because they all have about four days of downtime, in case you bruise


AgeJET Plasma Eye is a regenerative skin treatment that refreshes the sensitive upper and lower eyelids. It stimulates the production of collagen and elastin; firming bags under the eyes, reducing dark circles and smoothing crow’s feet and fine lines.

AgeJET uses medical grade nitrogen gas for more precise plasma delivery. It does not cause any damage to the skin surface and is suitable for all skin tones.

I had both eyes treated and it wasn’t painful, more of a warm shaking feeling. It took less than ten minutes. I was a bit pink afterwards, felt like I had a mild sunburn for a few hours and my skin was slightly dry and flaky for about four days.

A week later, my bags under my eyes are less prominent, as if I had slept well for a month. Three treatments are recommended, four to six weeks apart, and the effects last up to 9-12 months.

Cost: From £250

Who to see: Dr. Tino Solomon,; Dr. Nima Mamoodi,; Victoria Voysey,

After the AgeJET treatment, Olivia noticed that her bags were much less prominent


Exosomes are small, sac-like structures derived from stem cells that contain a rich mix of growth factors, proteins and other bioactive molecules.

They occur naturally in the body, but are now made for topical use, stimulating the skin by encouraging cells to act younger. The most radiant results I experienced came from Exotech Therapy with Dr David Jack (

A plant-based exosome serum derived from rose stem cells (which mimic human exosomes) is spread over the face and then driven into the skin with a micro-needling device that quickly shoots hundreds of super-fine needles into the skin, allowing the exosomes to penetrate.

It is repeated several times so the skin may feel sensitive, but it is quick and does not hurt. I was red for a few hours, but the next day I had a megawatt glow that lasted a week.

If the process is repeated about a month later, the exosomes have a cumulative effect and can help brighten dark circles and soften patchy pigmentation. Dr. Jack recommends three treatments, four to six weeks apart.

Cost: From £580.

Who to see: Dr. Jacket (as above); Dr. Surbhi Virami for Ice Glass Skin,; Dr. Aikaterini Charakida for Le Supreme XO Treatment,

Olivia’s procedures included Exotech therapy, which gave her a megawatt glow that lasted for a week


Sculptra is an injectable product that restores youthful volume and fullness to sagging skin and stimulates the production of new collagen to smooth fine lines and wrinkles. It is made from poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), the same substance used in dissolvable sutures,

Sculptra is injected into the desired area via a long hollow needle. It is more uncomfortable than painful; there is a slight stinging sensation and then a feeling of pressure as the product is pushed into the skin tissues.

I had some tenderness and a few minor bruises that were easily hidden with makeup and disappeared after three days. I immediately saw an improvement; my crepe neck looked firmer.

Over four weeks, things subtly improved as new collagen networks grow. A number of additional treatments spaced one month apart are recommended. The effects last more than two years.

Cost: From €550

Who to see: Dr. Matthew Jarvie-Thomas,; Dr. Munir Somji,; Dr. Yusra Al-Mukhtar,

Olivia saw immediate improvement after the Sculptra treatment; her crepe neck looked firmer


Teresa Tarmey’s new Rejuvenation Mega Boost is an advanced treatment for the chest that can also be performed on the face or neck.

It starts with a gently tingling lactic acid peel that brightens the skin as it loosens the bonds that hold dead cells on the skin’s surface.

Next, Intense Pulse Light (IPL) feels like a hot elastic band poking against my chest and works to soften the pigmentation. If your capillaries are busted, Teresa (whose clients include Sienna Miller and Victoria Beckham) will zap them with Alma Dye Laser.

She then uses a gentle radiofrequency device with tiny pins that deliver energy through the skin’s surface, creating microscopic wounds that initiate a natural healing process.

I felt slightly burned and was red for three days. A week later the redness has disappeared and my décolleté looks smoother and creamier. The effects last about nine months.

Cost: £600

Who to see: Teresa Tarmey,; Illuminate Skin Clinic for breast and décolleté rejuvenation treatment,

  • Olivia is the founder of @theeditorslist
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