To win Iowa, Trump is turning to allies like Marjorie Taylor Greene

Less than a week before Iowans decide whether to push Donald J. Trump toward another presidential nomination, his schedule looks like this: Head to Washington on Tuesday for an appeals court hearing. Come to Iowa on Wednesday for a Fox News town hall event – ​​then expectedly return to the court on Thursday, this time in New York.

He is not scheduled to hold another rally in Iowa until Saturday, two days before the caucuses.

As Trump moves back and forth between the presidential track and the courtroom, his campaign has deployed a web of high-profile conservative allies to fill the gaps and plead his case across the state, a strategy the former president may be more likely to reverse . until this year because his legal problems keep him busy.

In recent months, Trump’s campaign has organized smaller rallies with Republican celebrities who, among the president’s right-wing base, have achieved something of a political celebrity.

To kick off its efforts in January, the campaign hosted events last week with Gov. Kristi Noem of South Dakota, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and Eric Trump, one of Mr. Trump’s sons. This week, Ben Carson, Trump’s former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, is scheduled for two appearances in eastern Iowa.

Before a winter storm hit Iowa and disrupted travel, the campaign also planned to host events on Monday and Tuesday with Roseanne Barr, the actress and outspoken Trump supporter; Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders of Arkansas, Mr. Trump’s former press secretary; and Mike Huckabee, the former Arkansas governor who won the 2008 Iowa caucuses.

Mr. Trump’s use of campaign surrogates is a notable example of an old campaign tactic. Political candidates have long relied on prominent allies to help them, given the logistical challenges of making pitches to voters in states that hold early voting and closely scheduled contests.

“It’s a way to generate interest from caucusgoers and give them an opportunity to hear from other people,” said Jimmy Centers, a Republican strategist in Iowa who is not involved in the race. “And in some cases it can be a draw to get people out.”

On Monday, while Gov. Ron DeSantis was in Florida attending his day job, his wife Casey and Rep. Chip Roy of Texas, a far-right lawmaker, toured southeastern Iowa at events hosted by Never Back Down, the super-right lawmaker. PAC supports DeSantis campaign.

Other candidates brought well-known figures supporting them to attend their events. Nikki Haley, the former governor of South Carolina, appeared this weekend with Governor Chris Sununu of New Hampshire. Biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy is expected to campaign later this week with right-wing commentator Candace Owens and YouTube star and boxer Jake Paul.

But as a former president who enjoys broad support, Trump can draw on a much deeper group of conservative stars. Mr. Centers said Mr. Trump’s list of surrogates typically consisted of people who were “more top of mind” for likely Republican caucusgoers.

Many of Mr. Trump’s surrogates are eager to join his supporters or demonstrate their loyalty to Mr. Trump. In some cases, they may be positioning themselves for potential positions in a future Trump cabinet. (Ms. Noem has said she would consider becoming Trump’s running mate.)

And surrogates like Ms. Noem, Ms. Greene and Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida, who held an event in Cedar Rapids last month, are themselves big draws for the crowd.

Brian Duckett, 59, who attended Mr. Gaetz’s event, said he was moved by the push from the campaign and the Florida congressman to have Mr. Trump’s supporters take a more active role in the caucuses.

“I’ve never done that before, and I want to do it this time,” Mr. Duckett said.

Last Wednesday, Ms. Noem drew hundreds of people to a 30-minute speech in Sioux City, just across the border from her home state. The same day, Mr. DeSantis himself held events in the neighborhood that were attended by only dozens of people.

Mr. Trump’s surrogates can often help him appeal to specific segments of voters by addressing their concerns more directly than Mr. Trump in a different way. The campaign hopes this can help boost turnout and give Trump a decisive victory in the caucuses.

Ms. Noem drew on being a wife, mother and grandmother as she shared personal stories to encourage the public to advocate for Mr. Trump. And she cited her state’s proximity to Iowa to portray herself as someone who understood residents’ concerns about grocery and gasoline prices.

“It’s dramatic for a state like Iowa,” Ms. Noem said of gas prices. “It’s dramatic for a state like my state of South Dakota, where it’s a long way to drive anywhere.”

Ms. Greene, an ultra-conservative congresswoman who rose to power as a Trump hothorse, was well positioned to appeal to their party’s far-right flank.

Speaking in Keokuk, a city at the southeastern tip of Iowa, Ms. Greene proudly called herself a “MAGA extremist” on Thursday before railing against establishment Republicans and saying she had been “pretty let down.” by them during Trump’s first term.

“We too,” a man shouted in response.

“A regular thing,” she agreed.

That same day, Eric Trump worked before a crowd of more than 150 people in Ankeny, in the Des Moines suburb. He rattled off his father’s achievements. Then he too enjoyed his own special advantages.

“Should we call Donald Trump and see if he answers the phone?” the younger Mr. Trump asked the audience. Moments later, the former president’s voice filled the room as his son held his phone to the microphone.

“I just want to say, I’m looking forward to seeing you on Friday, we love you all, and I hope my son does great,” the elder Trump said.

Max Anderson, 23, said at the event in Ankeny that Trump’s steady stream of surrogates gave the former president’s pitch more credibility. He added that he felt the call fit Mr. Trump’s character well.

“It shows that he is caring and loves his people – especially his children,” Anderson said.

Leah McBride Mensching contributed reporting from Sioux City, Sioux Center and Council Bluffs, Iowa.

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