I turned down a town hall that wasn't 'appropriate' – trolls say I'm ungrateful

A WOMAN has revealed she turned down a council house because it wasn't 'suitable' for her family.

The mother explained that she was offered the two-bedroom house but went ahead and 'rejected' it because she felt it was 'unsuitable'.


A mother has revealed she turned down a council house because it wasn't 'suitable' for her familyCredit: tiktok/@sister.kidd


The woman explained that the home was intended for someone with additional mobility needs and that the stairlift could have potentially caused an accident with her two childrenCredit: tiktok/@sister.kidd


Not only that, but the mold and carpet beetles didn't appeal to her eitherCredit: tiktok/@sister.kidd

On social media, the mother, who lives in Sheffield, shared a close-up of the house she rejected.

Not only was it extremely run down, with poorly done plaster and no carpet, but the mother also claimed: “This is a mobility-friendly home and I did not and still do not need these amenities.

“I was told that the stairlift can be disconnected but cannot be removed due to the amount of money it has cost the council to put it there. Another danger I couldn't live with.

“I was told that a bath could not be installed because the council had spent X amount of money on installing a wet room. They told me to buy a wading pool to wash my kids in.

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“I know you can't refuse a home because of a wet room, but I did that because it made no sense.”

In addition, the mother explained that the windows, fireplace and carpet made the property unsuitable for her children.

She continued: “The windows are very low and I see that as a safety risk as my three-year-old could reach up to them, open them and climb out if he wanted to.

“I was told that the gas fireplace couldn't be removed and I'm sure you've guessed by now, that wouldn't sit well with me as I had two very young children who I know would get things and even their fingers in stiches. over there.

“The property was also infested with carpet beetles. Should I say more about that?”

As if that wasn't bad enough, there was also mold and damp in the house, the mother concluded: “Finally mold and damp in the living room. I only had to deal with years of mold and damp in my flat, which the municipality never did anything about.

My town hall was falling apart so I revamped it on a budget – people are so impressed with the transformation

“This started to lead to both my children being prescribed asthma inhalers.

“My priority was taken away, but I appealed and fought for my right to a safe and suitable place.

“I won my appeal, got my priority back and was resettled shortly afterwards.

“What do you think about it? Would you have accepted or rejected this property?”

If I were in a better financial situation, I would of course pay for the problems myself, but I am not going to make my and my children's lives more difficult

TikTok user

The mother then explained what happened when she was refused the property, as she revealed: “I went to housing headquarters, spoke to the priority manager and he even agreed with me.

“He then realized this was their mistake when they offered me this property during a new bidding cycle when I was in position one for suitable properties, but my own choice was taken away.

“I did bid on this house, but literally deducted my bid for two minutes because I realized it needed mobility.

“The system overcame that when the previous winners viewed this property and declined (for their own reasons – unknown to me of course), so I next one To offer this and an automatic bid was made, that's how I won this property.

“I actually liked the bathroom tiles, it was different for a social home and I like black, but the functionality made no sense at all!”

The mother also added: “Imagine also two toddlers, one learning to walk at that moment and the other crazy active! It would have been incident after incident.

“I am now housed in a building that I am extremely happy with.”

The TikTok clip, which was posted under the username @sister.kiddhas clearly left many with their mouths open as it has quickly amassed 123,000 views.

But social media users were left completely divided by the video – while some thought the mum was 'ungrateful' and 'difficult', many felt she had made the right decision to refuse the house.

One person said: “So ungrateful. This is what is wrong with today's society: expecting everything to be done for them instead of doing it yourself.”

At this, the mother clapped back and wrote: 'Call me ungrateful all you want. I know what I need for me and my family, but this wasn't it.”

The functionality made no sense at all

TikTok user

Another added: “I would have paid for the problems myself. Some people don't know how lucky they are.”

In response, the mother-of-two explained: “If I was in a better financial situation, I would of course pay for the problems myself, but I'm not going to make life more difficult for me and my children.”

A third commented: “It's just really hard, you could have transformed this house to your wishes, why the need for perfection?”

But at the same time, someone else wrote: “This is wild! Why don't they offer it to someone with those needs!? You did the right thing by turning it down!”

Another chimed in: “I don't blame you for turning down.”

A third wrote: “There's no point in them offering that to you when someone in a wheelchair totally needs it. I think you did the right thing.”

While another claimed: “That property is uninhabitable, well done for refusing.”

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She was told the gas fireplace could not be removed, which concerned her as she had two young childrenCredit: tiktok/@sister.kidd


She explained that there was also mold and damp in the houseCredit: tiktok/@sister.kidd


The windows were very low, which worried this mother of twoCredit: tiktok/@sister.kidd


There was also no bath, and the woman claimed she was told to “buy a wading pool to bathe my children in”Credit: tiktok/@sister.kidd

39appropriate39Advice on parentingChildren parenting and family lifeHallHouse pricesHousesI39mSection: Fantastic: Real Lifesocial mediaTikTokTownTransformations in the hometrollsturnedungratefulwasn39t
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