U.S.-Israeli citizen Itay Chen was killed in an Oct. 7 attack, parents say

Itay Chen, a 19-year-old American and Israeli citizen who was believed to have been taken hostage on Oct. 7, was actually killed that day, his parents said Tuesday.

The couple, Ruby and Hagit Chen, said the Israeli military told them it had intelligence showing their son, a soldier, had been killed while defending civilians on the Gaza border during the Hamas-led invasion.

“Our hearts are broken,” the Chens said in a statement. “We loved him so much, and we would have done anything to bring him home alive.”

In an interview with The Times earlier this year, Itay’s father, Ruby Chen, described the young man as the “life of the party” and the “connector” of their family. Itay, a middle child, Mr. Chen said, was multi-talented and fun-loving, a Boy Scout who played basketball and, like many young people, loved his PlayStation.

Itay grew up in Israel, in the city of Netanya, just north of Tel Aviv, but his father said the family would regularly visit his own hometown of New York.

“I want to take him back to Coney Island,” he said. “I want to take him back to Madison Square Garden.”

Until the announcement of his death, Itay Chen was counted as the youngest American hostage still in Hamas captivity.

In their statement, Itay Chen’s parents thanked the Biden administration and members of Congress for their support. They added that they expected Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Biden would do “everything in their power” to bring home the remains of Itay and the other hostages.

Ruby Chen used to be was part of a group of American families who regularly met with American officials to push the White House to negotiate the release of their loved ones. Five other Americans are probably still hostages in Gaza, and their families have said time is running out for them. At least 30 of the total remaining 136 hostages in Gaza are believed to be dead. according to to Israeli intelligence.

The United States, Qatar and Egypt had hoped to reach an agreement between Israel and Hamas on a ceasefire that would also allow the release of some hostages by the start of Ramadan, but there was no deal by the time the Islamic holy month began. Both sides have blamed each other for the lack of any progress in finalizing an agreement: Israel has rejected Hamas’ demands for a comprehensive ceasefire, proverb that without another release of hostages there will be no lull in the fighting.

Some relatives of Israeli hostages have done so demanded that Israeli officials are taking more action to prioritize the release of their loved ones, including the growing protests storming of Israeli parliament meetings, blocking highwaysconduct days of marches And collect outside Mr Netanyahu’s home. Other families have done so said that the Israeli army must continue to wage war against Hamas, even if it means keeping their relatives in captivity.

In a rackBiden said he joined the Chens in mourning their son and reaffirmed his pledge to never stop working to bring the hostages home.

“In December, Itay’s father and brother accompanied me to the White House to share the pain and uncertainty they faced as they prayed for the safe return of their loved one,” Mr. Biden said.

“No one should have to experience what they went through for even one day. At the end of our meeting, they gave me a menorah – a solemn reminder that light will always drive out darkness, and that evil will not win.”

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